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𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂
I believe in us
And all we could be
I believe in happiness
And I love you and me
But, we're stretched across a universe
I'm preparing myself for the worst
But I know, even if I thought I'd lose you
I'd still believe
𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂

"So, Alex, do you have any new songs to share with us?" Reggie asked, pulling Alex from his thoughts. It'd been eighteen days since he last saw Willie—he'd counted since that fateful day—and each day, it hurt just the same. The only thing that had changed was his ability to hide it, which had drastically improved.

"I don't write songs." They both knew that. He dabbled, at best, and didn't dare to share anything with either of them.

"We heard you a month ago when you wrote that song for Willie." Luke jabbed Reggie in the side when he made that comment. "It was awesome. You're really good at— ow!"

"When I elbow you in the side, it means shut up." Luke ground out. "Reggie's right, though. Your singing and guitar playing are amazing. How come you've never played for us before?"

"I don't." Alex didn't dare look at the guitars, which only seemed more beautiful in the morning light. "They're private songs and the last time, before you guys heard me, that I played a guitar was in ninth grade. I barely learned all the chords."

"You're good. Seriously. I know that if Julie heard your song, she'd agree." Alex shrugged. "Do you?"

"Do I what?" Alex was beyond confused. Luke had completely changed the subject on him.

"Do you have another song?" Oh. He forgot that part of the conversation.

"No," Alex lied. He didn't want to share his current work in progress, which had been the only song he'd attempted to write in the last month. It wasn't done, or even close to that, but he'd managed to get a verse and a chorus done. The rest of what he'd attempted to write ended up in the trash or crossed out. He didn't often like what he wrote, so it didn't take much for him to think like that for yet another song. There was a reason he'd only written a grand total of three songs.

"Really?" Reggie looked at him, and he was lucky Reggie's puppy-dog look had never caused him to cave. Luke's had, once upon a time, but that was forever ago. Back when they had dated, no matter how fleeting that stint was.

"I swear. I haven't finished a single song since." Now that wasn't a lie. He hadn't finished the song. "Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm going to..." Alex couldn't think of a single thing to do. "Head out."

"Alright." Luke took a deep breath, before noticing an expression wash over Alex's face that indicated he had, in fact, written a song. "You wrote a song!"

"Uh, no." Alex cursed internally, knowing that he should've just poofed out before thinking that he'd gotten away with the lies.

"You did. I know you did. Come on, show us." Luke grabbed Alex's hand, and dragged him toward the music studio. "We won't judge."

Alex instantly knew that to be a lie. But, they had good intentions. "Fine. It's not done, in any capacity." Luke, without Alex noticing, motioned to Reggie to open the computer. Their entire plan had been to film Alex to send proof to Julie that they weren't kidding. He could write songs. And play the guitar.

The only thing they had to do now was film him playing and send it to her.

"I'm going to regret this," Alex muttered, picking up an acoustic guitar. Namely, the one that Luke didn't love more than his afterlife (or Mari, for that matter). "Are you guys ready?" He noticed their antics, but couldn't bring himself to care. Alex wanted this over and done with. Whatever they planned—which, for whatever reason, includes a computer—he didn't want to know.

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