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• ♫ •
So baby take my hand
Hit thе floor let's dance
All the othеr jokers here lets foil their plans
They won't be taking you home
'Cause they don't understand
Well you can have any guy you want
But baby you only want a gentleman
• ♫ •

Birthdays tended to be one of the few things that Mondays could not diminish. Though the first weekday of the week always had a great stigma for being the worst day of the week, Reggie had been looking forward to the day of his birth. It was only a couple weeks away from the day that Luke, the last of their trio to leave home, left his parents, but even that couldn't hinder his favorite day of the year.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Luke and Alex screamed in his ear, surprising Reggie. They'd both been away most of the night—Luke watching his parents, then spending the rest of it with Mari; Alex spending the entirety of it with Willie—so Reggie hadn't seen them when the clock struck midnight. "You're... what forty-two now?"

"Forty-four." Reggie corrected him. He was the only one who had turned eighteen when they passed, which was only a week or so before Alex's birthday in July. That didn't change the fact that Reggie hadn't seen his parents in far too long. Not that any time past never would be considered long enough for him. Yet, at the same time, he'd just visited them at his grandparents' home.

"Well, we'd take you to get ice cream, but it's not like we can eat it, so..." Reggie didn't mind. He just liked that his friends had thought about his birthday at all. It meant a lot to him. "Instead we're going to go to a concert this evening. We're not telling you where or who, but just be ready at seven thirty." Reggie nodded, heading to Lynn's to share his excitement. He couldn't even begin to imagine who they were going to go see. Not that it really mattered in the grand scheme of things.

Lynn, who'd been preparing for this day since she found out when his birthday was, had managed to make the old, rundown house she lived in look homey. More homey than ever before. She was a girl on a mission and no one could stop her. Luke and Alex had tried, but they also didn't know what her plans were, aside from occupying most of his day. After hearing that, they did make sure Reggie would be free for the evening, and proceeded to tell her their plan.

"Reggie! Happy birthday!" Lynn wrapped her arms around him, more excited than ever to see him. With a good reason. She had big news.

"Thanks, Lynn." Reggie mumbled into her shirt, his smile wide with glee.

"My birthday gift is a little... different." Lynn rocked on the balls of her feet, almost like she was doing calf raises. It couldn't hurt to do them, but she also didn't lose any muscle definition just because she didn't do them. No ghost could, in reality, hurt themselves, so, by that definition, they also couldn't lose any strength.

"And what would that be?" Reggie wondered, pulling himself back far enough to see her beautiful face. He just wanted everything to be perfect. It never seemed to be the way it went, but somehow, he had a feeling it would.

"Okay, so you're here a lot and I'm here even more and we can poof anywhere in the world in an instant and—" Lynn started to ramble, before cutting herself off. She wasn't off to the greatest start. "I want to invite you to move in with me. Put your clothes in my bedroom, spend nights together. You know, without thinking about going back to Julie's." Lynn had no idea how he was going to react. Absolutely none. She did know for a fact that he hadn't lived with a woman in years, not since he left his parents.

"Wait, you want me to move in here?" Reggie asked, looking around at the place. He didn't realize it, but it'd become like a second home. A real home. He'd call it his first home if he could. And she was giving him the chance to.

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