'Til the Edge of Infinity

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• ♫ •
Time to start over
It's a brand new day
Do you know what that means?
We get to start over
And it's our chance to take
Ahold of everything in our path
Now until the edge of infinity
'Til the edge of infinity
• ♫ •

A week and two days later, after a much needed holiday and fantastic Thanksgiving, Julie was more nervous than ever. Somehow, they couldn't talk—which boggled her mind to no end—but they could sing just like usual. Obviously, they couldn't explain what had happened. She would not have been pleased to hear that Nick was Caleb, which was the main reason why they stayed tight-lipped.

That would kill her. To know the guy she was seeing was someone else entirely would not end well.

"Alright, I know you guys can't talk, but let's just not screw this up?" She told them, but she had so many hesitations that it came out like a question. Their three heads nodded in near unison, as the group ahead of them played. Just like the five groups before them, she'd been in awe of their talent. Every group was more than talented and deserved the spot in Coachella. But, as she was informed, there was only one spot.

One chance to make it into the biggest concert on the west side of the United States.

Due to it being a closed audition, they couldn't have any guests. Any living ones, at least. Willie and Lynn were both showing their support by sitting at the back of the rented club, making mental notes about the bands that were playing. Reggie and Alex had asked them to, and they wanted to make their partners happy.

"Julie and the Phantoms, you are up next." Julie straightened her jacket—a white leather jacket with a dahlia painted on the back. There were also plenty of rhinestones on the back and across the sleeve, which made her sparkle like the star she was.

"Thanks." She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She was nervous, and so were the guys. Reggie had a hard time keeping his hands off of his bass, no matter how many times she'd explained that everyone else could hear it, too. Alex fidgeted like mad as well, but at least his drumsticks on the side of the couch could only be heard by the four of them.

With a deep breath and a gathering of her nerves, she led them onto the stage. Her black shirt felt like it was starting to squeeze her half to death and her equally dark jeans seemed to be showing off every imperfection of her body. If she could, she would've run and changed, but that wasn't an option. She was on the stage now.

They all felt the pressure, but played like they didn't have tomorrow. Because, if they screwed it up, they wouldn't have tomorrow. Obviously, they would, but it would crush them for a little while.

Reggie and Alex, at least, had the comfort of seeing their partner watch them, and it helped ease their nerves. Everyone knew they needed it. Julie started on the piano, playing out the introduction she'd worked so hard to perfect. For two weeks, she'd done nothing but practice that—and, of course, school work.

"I've got a star/shining bright for me"

Her face showed nothing but joy and excitement, unlike what she'd worn only minutes before. And the piano was executed perfectly, much to her surprise. She almost made a mistake when she realized she hadn't made one.

At the pre-chorus, the phantoms joined her with their three instruments, and she moved from her spot behind the piano. It was where they were all meant to be. And, despite the numerous warnings regarding how the technology worked (and several videos online which showed how it "worked"), the judges were still surprised to see it all happen in real life. By the chorus, they couldn't hide their smiles, no matter how hard they tried.

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