The Day We Met

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𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂
By random chance you landed on me
And, from the moment I saw you
I knew I would fall eventually
From the day I met you
The day you met me
I wish everything was different
But at least you're free
𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂

"Reggie, I am about to do something so insane I don't know if it will work," Luke said. He took a shaky breath, allowing for Reggie to ask what Luke was even talking about.

Reggie had no idea what he was talking about. He didn't even know that Willie was gone. "What are you going to do?"

"Do you know that Willie's gone?" Luke asked, and watched as Reggie realized why Alex was so unhappy. "Even if you don't, I'm sure you haven't seen him smile. And I want to bring Willie back. I just don't know what will happen when I try. And, with the gig done, I have to give it my best shot."

"I want to help." Reggie stood up from his spot on the couch. "Alex deserves that much from the both of us."

"Well, then we'll probably want to leave this studio because if we damage anything, Julie might kill us a second time." Luke and Reggie both agreed in that regard and disappeared to a field not too far away from the city. But, if things went wrong, it wouldn't result in the deaths of any lifers.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" Reggie looked out to the open space, and hoped to hear that there was, in fact, a plan. Luke did have one, just not a very sure one.

"I am going to pull all the power I can and you are going to do the same until we have enough to bring Willie back." Even Luke could see the holes in his plan, but he didn't know what else to do. The books didn't lay anything out, but rather talked about the feelings that the author felt when he used his powers.

It didn't help Luke in the slightest. Not one bit. So, he was going in blind, and hoping the light would show in the sea of darkness. But the darkness would be the only thing he would see if it didn't work.

"Okay." Reggie's voice shook with uncertainty. He understood most of the process of drawing power, but it didn't make him less nervous to do it. "Then, let's do this."

Luke grabbed Reggie's hand and the beginning of the plan started to unfold.

As Luke and Reggie drew on every happy memory and emotion to draw power, Willie stared at the darkness that consumed every inch of his vision. Was this heaven? Or, maybe, hell? He didn't know what to think, but it reminded him of a few moments when he transitioned from living to becoming a ghost. But, that couldn't be what was happening this time.

I will always love you, Willie, echoed in his mind, but never at regular intervals and never while he was thinking about Alex. One thought that had crossed Willie's mind was that Alex was saying those things in the real world and they presented themselves as echoes of thoughts in his mind. Maybe it wasn't and his thoughts were merely louder in this in-between space, but he had to hope.

I hope we can save him. That, on the other hand, was not Alex's voice. It was Luke's. For Alex. They were trying to get him back. Alex had some pretty great best friends.

And, here Willie was, alone and unsure of his afterlife. Alex had managed to free him, even if that meant going to this unknown place. Although Willie couldn't tell them to stop trying, he didn't even know if their attempt to bring him back would work. Because, if he really thought about it, ghosts were supposed to come back on their schedule.

But, really, what was the right schedule for a ghost that had gone?

"Alex, I love you," Willie layed down—though he could've been laying on the ceiling for all he knew—and stared into the black space that surrounded him. "I couldn't stop loving you if I tried. I just wish I could be there next to you instead of knowing your tears are consuming you." A tear slipped down Willie's cheek, no matter how hard he tried to stop.

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