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• ♫ •
We've got a chance to make today last
But it's the only chance we have
I'm not gonna make the same mistake
I'm gonna rewrite history
'Cause everything's changed
And we're not the same
So when you see us, you'll know
We are legendary
• ♫ •

Julie took a shaky breath before knocking on the front door. The mansion towered above her short figure, as if it was trying to scare her away. She almost wanted to run in the other direction, but that didn't mean she should. There were a thousand things Julie needed to say to Carrie, but the moment the door opened a few seconds later. All the things she wanted to say disappeared from her mind and she was left with a gaping mouth and an awkward situation.

Carrie also felt the awkwardness seep into the situation as she stared at Julie. She hadn't even changed out of her pyjamas yet, but at least she had the comfort that it was Sunday. If it were any other day, she would be up and about and in her usual, fashionable clothing.

"Hi, Julie. What... what are you doing here?" Carrie didn't particularly want to be in the present situation and would do anything to change it so she could save herself from more embarrassment. At least, she had the comfort of knowing it was only Julie who saw her like this.

"I wanted to come see if you were okay. I know Mari has been texting with you, but I wanted to come in person." Carrie couldn't believe Julie actually wanted to do that. They'd hated each other forever (or, at least, it felt like it). Why did Julie care now? And what did it mean for them in the future? Were they even considered friends?

"Well, come in, please." Carrie showed her inside, proceeding to show her to her room.

"How are you doing?" Julie asked, sitting on Carrie's bed next to Carrie. The bed hadn't been made, mostly because Carrie couldn't find the energy to do it that morning.

"The best I can. It's kind of been crazy the last couple days. But, I'm happy that we don't have reporters swarming our house. I kind of expected it." Carrie kept her focus on her intertwined fingers, but Julie knew that wasn't the whole thing. "My dad just blew up his life. I can't believe he lied for so long. I guess it explains why my grandmother always called him Bobby instead of Trevor." Her father had an entire life before her that he pushed deep down. "And it explains why he went to therapy religiously."

"I want to know how you're doing." Julie knew that Carrie was hiding her emotions with her rambles. It was quite easy if no one paid any attention to what she said.

"Me? I'm angry. Betrayed. I want to smash up every one of his platinum albums." She blinked back tears of anger. How her father did this was beyond her. She could never do something like that to her best friends, no matter what happened between them. "I wish I knew who it was, but he refuses to tell anyone. Apparently, according to him and him alone, the people he stole it from are all dead, but I'm not sure I believe him. I mean, why tell everyone now? It's not like it matters anymore." Her life went from normal to insanely complicated in the span of a single hour. Kids at school couldn't understand the why, the how, or the who, and she, quite frankly, couldn't answer them either.

Carrie was as in the dark as they were.

"You know what we could do?" Julie asked. Her question piqued Carrie's interest. "We could watch a trashy rom com and eat way too much popcorn." Before they'd alienated and hated each other, that was what they'd do. Watch a movie and eat two bags of popcorn. It made them both miss what used to be.

"That sounds way better than what I've been doing all weekend." Carrie joked. The two of them, discussing what they could watch, headed to the living room to see a half-drunk Trevor on the couch, watching whatever football game was on. They could both see the guilt that had been eating him alive clear as day on his face.

"Maybe we can do this downstairs," Carrie whispered in Julie's ear, not even pretending like she wanted to talk to her own father. "He hasn't been in a good mood the last couple days."

"I can imagine I wouldn't be in much of a good mood either if I was him," Julie agreed, settling into the couch that sat in front of the huge projector screen. Lucky for them, there was a microwave and a cabinet full of snacks, so they didn't have to disturb the sulking musician.

Funny thing was, he wasn't sulking. He was hiding from his manager—his actual manager, not just the kiddo who was being trained—and the news. Somehow, they didn't know where he lived. That, or the police had threatened to hold them all for trespassing. Or, now that he thought about it, his manager threatened to call the police for trespassing. All of them were equally likely.

For the twentieth time that day, he saw his manager's name flash on the screen. Another groan escaped his lips. This time, however, he answered. "Hi, Rick."

"Why didn't you answer? I've been calling you all day." Trevor could feel the anger seeping from the guy on the other end. "You just committed career suicide."

"I know." He held a cool head, much to the annoyance of his manager.

"And you just let it happen? You let the kid release your biggest secret?" His manager's fury didn't even faze him.

"I told him to." A few beats of silence passed before Trevor's ears were nearly blown out.

"YOU DID WHAT?" On the other end, his manager nearly passed out.

"Look, you and I both know I'm at the end of my career. The song I just released is my last. I'm satisfied with how my legacy turned out. And my friends deserved the credit I've been stealing from them. Everything is exactly as it should be now." He hung up the phone. Whatever his manager had to say wasn't necessary. There wasn't anything anyone could say to convince him otherwise.

The girls, who had yet to turn on a movie (mostly because they hadn't picked one yet) heard what Trevor had said to his manager. They couldn't believe he threw away his entire career. Carrie, who'd looked up to her dad since she could remember, was proud that he did that for his friends, didn't care that it was a few years too late to say it to their face.

"Woah." Julie broke the silence, but Carrie didn't take long to find a decent movie once they were both snapped out of their trances.

"How does this sound?" She held up the DVD case for Julie to see, and she approved. "Perfect. You've got the popcorn, right?"

"Of course. Extra butter, right?" Julie had to confirm, since it'd been so long since they'd had a movie night. Yet, at the same time, she remembered every single time they'd decided to do this. Most of them were after something not so good happened in their lives, though not including the loss of a parent or sibling (the latter had yet to apply).

"Absolutely. I'm offended you thought otherwise," Carrie joked. For the first time in forever, they actually felt like they were friends again. And somehow, it felt all was right with the world, no matter whether it was or not.

While they had fun watching a terrible rom-com, Nick and Caleb were having their own battle. Except this one wasn't visible. Everything they were fighting about happened while both spirits were trapped in Nick's body. And he couldn't wait for Caleb to leave him alone. That was all Nick wanted for the last year, no matter how long it seemed to take to make that happen.

"What do you have to gain by possessing my body and attempting to fool a bunch of people who've known me my entire life?" Nick asked. He'd seen how it had gone over. It hadn't. His mother thought he was having some sort of mental break, and his father thought he'd finally started dating someone. If only he could say he was doing either of those things. Caleb had done such a horrible job impersonating him that he, then, required that Nick supply the lines he needed to say. And he'd been forced to feed Caleb lines to say to Julie every time he went over.

"You have no idea." Caleb's voice left shivers running down Nick's spine. "Those ghosts evaded me once, but they won't get away with it a second time."

That's when Nick realized the members of Julie's band weren't holograms. They were ghosts. And that's precisely why Caleb cared so much about seeing Julie so often.

Author's Note: Well, that was a packed chapter. We finally get to see how Trevor is really dealing with everything, Julie and Carrie start to mend their relationship, and Nick finds out about the ghosts. I want to say more, but I have lots of work to do. Vote and let me know what you think in the comments. All the best, MistyRider921.

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