All Kinds of Love

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'Cause I wanna go to those places
That we said while we're pacing our rooms while on the phone
And I wanna know how our faces
Will look when we're wrinkled and old
Whoa, oh, whoa, oh
We're still chasing our own dreams, baby
Whoa, oh, whoa, oh
Whilе loving unconditionally
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Julie couldn't believe Thanksgiving was so close. She had to get on a plane in a couple hours. But, until then, she'd keep updating her grade to see what her professor had given her for her song. There was a separate grade for her writing assignment, and she promised that they would have grades in before the break. That meant the grades would come in before midnight, but she wanted to see them before she got on a plane to go home.

"Checking your grades?" Julie nodded, updating them again. "I have the app, so I just get notified when I get a grade for anything. It's pretty nice, actually." Julie had heard about the app Jessica was referencing, but still hadn't gotten it. It wasn't because she didn't want to get it, but rather because every time she thought about it, she forgot within ten seconds and proceeded to not get it. This time, Julie decided to download it while she didn't have the chance to forget. And, by the time she logged in, she noticed that her grade had shifted from a B-plus to an A-minus. (The B-plus was because one of her assignments was submitted late thanks to a crappy partner.)

Julie didn't want to say her grade, but when she clicked on the class, it showed a gleaming, green, 100%. She almost cried with joy because she wasn't completely sure how it had managed to earn a perfect score. Pretty much every professor said that they would give no higher than a ninety-five (a 93% was the minimum to earn an A) on any musical performances. It wasn't because they didn't deserve higher, but there was always the assumption that they could do better. It was a given, actually. They could do better.

There were comments left, though, with what the professor thought.

Julie, your song made a personal struggle about lying to a friend feel universal. I know what it's like, and you managed to do what very few people know how to do in the musical world, which is make your song relatable. I'm hoping I can meet with you next week. I'd like to discuss an opportunity with you. Email me if you're interested.

Her mouth dropped open when she read the last couple sentences. Sure, she had a record deal waiting for her when she finished Berklee (provided she gave them a couple singles a year to record and release), but getting an opportunity from a professor was something she needed to explore.

Julie quickly composed herself and emailed her professor, just before her mom showed up in her room. Of all the things that could happen right then, seeing her mother was not one of the things she wanted. Plus, Julie couldn't talk to her mom in front of Jessica. She walked out of the room, with her mom tailing her, and pulled out her phone.

"Hey, mom. What's up?" She asked, sneaking into one of the practice rooms.

"I just wanted to say that your song was fantastic. The one for Carrie." Julie didn't realize her mom had heard it. "The professor was a classmate of mine, actually. I didn't say hi or anything, but it was nice to see her again."

"You went here? Why didn't you ever say anything?" Julie asked, looking at her mom.

"It was a long time ago. I left a lot of that life behind when I married your dad." Julie couldn't believe her mom gave up her dream just to raise her and Carlos. "But I'm grateful I did. I saw how much it tore Trevor's life apart when he would go off and do tours for months at a time. I got to see you grow up and show you everything that's beautiful about music. It's all I could've asked for."

Julie didn't know that Rose was planning to let the ghost world go soon. That Rose was tying up all the loose ends she had created when she died so suddenly. Julie didn't know what to say, but she wished she could hug her mother. One last time. She desperately wanted that at that moment.

"Mom, I have to go to the airport. I'll talk to you later." Julie walked out of the practice room when she saw Carrie's text. They hadn't really spoken to each other aside from Carrie's confirmation that she'd be taking Julie to the airport and when Julie asked how she was doing the week prior. That was it. She grabbed her suitcase from her room, then headed outside, where Carrie was patiently waiting for her.

"Are you excited for Thanksgiving?" Carrie asked, her voice more delicate than Julie had ever heard it.

"Yeah," Julie answered. She hated this feeling. The tension between them could be cut with a sword, yet doubled with each second. A full five minutes passed before either one of them said another word.

"I'm sorry." Carrie blurted out as she waited at a stoplight.

"For what?" Julie couldn't believe what she was saying. "I'm the one who should be apologizing."

"For assuming that you were lying to me for the sake of it. Your story is only, maybe, half-believable, yet I made you out to be a villain." And Carrie felt horrible because of it.

"Carrie, it's okay. I deserved it. Honestly, I didn't blame you for cutting me out of your life." Julie knew that would happen if the truth ever got out.

"I wasn't trying to cut you out forever. I just needed time, you know? Do Flynn and Mari know?" Carrie pressed her foot on the gas as soon as the light turned green.

"Flynn figured out I was lying pretty quickly. Mari... she can see them, too. None of us have ever figured out exactly why." Julie couldn't even look at Carrie because she was so ashamed.

"I thought you were lying, too, I just didn't have proof," Carrie pointed out, which made Julie smile just a little bit, "And I'm now jealous of Mari. Those guys are hot. I might still have been straight if I could see those guys on a daily basis."

"And here I thought your crush on me was just because you liked girls." They fell into a familiar banter that left both of them with stitches in their side by the time Carrie pulled up to the airport.

"I expect a whole box of cookies just for me when you get back." Carrie yelled through the window, and Julie gave a thumbs up to confirm.

They both got their best friend back. It felt like a miracle. Like an angel guided them to the truth and, without that, they would've been stuck in an endless loop of awkwardness and silence. Their relationship wasn't back to where it was before Julie let the secret slip, but it was getting there. It'd get there, even if it took another few months.

She drove back to MassArt with a huge smile on her face that wouldn't disappear, no matter what she did. When she got to her dorm, her roommates noticed how different she seemed, even though it'd only been an hour since she left.

"So, it looks like you had a productive drive. Where'd you go?" Elle leaned against the counter expectantly.

"I just went to help a friend. That's all." Yet, it had managed to break through the barrier that had kept them both silent and upset for over a week.

"Uh huh. Well, I've got a few ideas, so you might want to elaborate before I assume the worst." Carrie could imagine what she was talking about. And her cheeks went about eight shades redder.

"I just drove my friend to the airport. That's all." Elle frowned.

"My imagination was far more interesting." Carrie figured as much. That's why she explained. "You're not going home, right?"

"Nope. My dad's coming here for a couple days. I have some projects to catch up on, plus a couple more personal ones I want to do with our extra long weekend." Plus, she needed to get her father out of the house. Since he announced to the world that he'd stolen a lot of songs from his friends, he'd left the house three times. Only three times.

"Well, that should be fun. Too bad we can't meet him." It didn't even occur to her that her roommates would know exactly who he was. There were plenty of tabloids that circulated his picture daily.

"I'm sure he'd love to meet all of you." Carrie agreed, grabbing a piece of bread and popping it into the toaster. "Maybe another time."

Author's Note: They're friends again! I'm happy for both of them. Vote and comment. All the best, MistyRider921.

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