The Second Star to the Right

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𝄆 ♫♪ 𝄇
The second star to the right
Shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true
The second star to the right
Shines with a light that's rare
And if it's never land you need
It's light will lead you there
𝄆 ♫♪ 𝄇

"Alex, you shouldn't be near me. Really. If Caleb figures I'm with you, I'll be gone. Forever." Willie tried to take a step back, but Alex only took a step forward. "Please. You're better off without me."

"That's not true. Like you said, Caleb controls your soul. Maybe I'm okay with him controlling mine if it means I get to be with you." Alex reached for Willie's hand, but Willie pulled it back.

"No. I can't let you do that. I don't even want this," Willie pleaded. Long before they'd ever met—decades before—he'd gotten dragged into Caleb's club and it was a safe haven from the ghost police. Back then, the ghost police did exist, but within five years it had collapsed and Willie didn't mind being at the club.

Like he'd said: it lasted for an eternity. Who would want to give that up?

"Willie, I'm scared," Alex admitted. "We still haven't figured out our unfinished business and there's only a day left. What if we don't figure it out?"

"You'll figure it out. I'm sure of it. What things did you guys want to do before you died? There has to be something." Alex wracked his brain as they walked through downtown Los Angeles. He couldn't come up with something that felt "big". Sure, they all wanted to make up with their parents and say one last goodbye, but that wasn't unfinished business.

Alex looked up, allowing the hordes of tourists to pass through him as he saw what he thought could be actual unfinished business. It was in a big, shiny sign that made it perfectly obvious what it was. How they hadn't thought of that was beyond him. Then again, it took a twenty-foot sign for him to realize it himself.

"We have to play the Orpheum." Alex didn't hesitate for a second when he said that.

"You have to play there? That's... impossible." Willie knew how hard it was to get a gig there. Not to mention, it was extremely short notice, they were a brand new band, and three of its members were ghosts. "There's no way you guys could convince the owners of the Orpheum to let you play there in the next day and a half."

"There is a performance Friday." Alex pointed to the marquee, which read "Panic! At the Disco" on top and "Downslide" on the second line. "Panic! At the Disco and Downslide are playing."

"Panic! At the Disco is good. Hold on. I have a crazy idea." Willie whispered the idea into Alex's ear and it seemed to be a good idea. "Do you think it could work?"

"I think we'll have to discuss it with the band." Alex knew that they couldn't pull it off alone.

"But, for right now, while we still have some time left together, I want a few more moments with you." Willie stared straight into Alex's eyes and the rest of the world melted away. "Hey, why don't we head to the Hollywood sign? You know, it's now illegal to climb the sign."

"It's been illegal to climb the sign for years." Alex was slightly confused.

"It has? I guess that's why it said 'DANGER' when I climbed over the fence," Willie joked. It made both of them smile in a time that smiles weren't always the first response. Most likely, by the time the clock struck midnight the next day, one of the two of them would be gone. "I'm kidding. I absolutely knew that you weren't supposed to climb it. That's what makes it fun. Come on."

"Oh, alright. You only have one afterlife." Alex rolled his eyes, but followed Willie anyways. He knew he'd have a good time with Willie no matter what they did—pranking policemen, screaming in museums, climbing the Hollywood sign—it always put a smile on his face.

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