Prelude in C Major

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Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 846
Composed and Arranged by Johann Sebastian Bach
Released in 1722
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"Alex, I know this is terrifying to you—it is to me, too—but this might be the only way to save Luke. Trust me, please." Willie stared at the guys who had stolen his heart, not that he could dare to admit it. He didn't want to say that he couldn't bear to lose Alex, though Willie knew that was a possibility. Only roughly half of this plan was actually sound, which did not make Willie's nerves settle whatsoever.

"What if something goes wrong?" Alex's mind spun with infinite possibilities. None of them were positive.

"I'll be right there with you. And I'd do anything to make sure you were okay." Willie promised, and squeezed Alex's hand. "Come on. We've got someone to save." A deep breath and a nod later, they disappeared to the Hollywood Ghost Club. The one in Hollywood, to be specific. Willie wasn't too sure whether Caleb would be there, but it was as good of a guess as any.

In Hollywood, they had the home field advantage. At least, that's what Willie believed. Caleb wasn't originally from Los Angeles—he only moved there a few decades prior and crumbled the ghost police force within a few years thanks to his antics.

"Ah, William. You missed quite the party in Bali. Alex, you know you're always welcome to come as well." The two boys glared at him but didn't say a single word. "Oh come on. Why don't you join Luke and I in Shanghai? We're going to a showing of Mulan, Willie. I know how much you like the special effects I incorporate."

Willie didn't want to admit it aloud, but the special effects always impressed him and made him strive to learn them himself. He wasn't the most powerful ghost in the world (Caleb had that award all to himself), but Willie had been attempting to perfect some tricks to impress Alex. Ales, in his eyes, was perfect. Even with all his flaws and imperfections, nothing could hold a candle to Alex. Those tricks were supposed to show him that, if Willie could ever manage to get them perfected.

"Can I see Luke?" Willie asked. Alex let him take the reins. He didn't know the full plan, just what he had to do. He couldn't figure out how his role played a part in all of it, but accepted the responsibilities nonetheless.

"Follow me this way." Caleb started walking towards the back of the stage. Alex only remembered that area thanks to their ghostnapping and did not feel safe walking back there once again. His chest grew tight with anxiety at the thought of going backstage, but did it anyway. He was there to save Luke. His anxiety, his fears, had no place in the plan.

Back at Julie's studio, an oblivious Reggie and clueless Julie were left with a thousand questions as to Alex's disappearance. Although there was ghost magic that allowed her to see her bandmates, she couldn't see Lynn or Willie, one of which was there despite the shaky city lines and huge bounty for their capture.

Julie sighed before asking Reggie a question. She had hope that he knew more than she did. "Do you know where Alex is? I left for, maybe, an hour and now he's gone."

"I'm not sure. We don't all keep each other in the loop about everything we do. I mean, I assume he's with Willie since he hasn't shown up to look for him." Reggie tried to rationalize, but to no avail. They both wanted to know what had happened to the other half of the band. Despite teasing each other endlessly, the four of them worked magic together,

"Do you think we can find them?" Julie had hope, but it was quickly fading. She was almost sure she'd have to cancel another round of gigs. No matter how much she didn't want to.

"I might know where they are, but it's useless. You wouldn't even be able to get there." Reggie didn't want to deal with all these emotions all over again, yet he didn't know what else to do. Disappearing on Julie would only prove to worry her more.

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