Finally Free

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𝄆 ♫♪ 𝄇
I've got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long and now we're finally free
𝄆 ♫♪ 𝄇

Julie covered her face and groaned. Which of the boys did she have to thank for that mistake? It was humiliating, especially when they were just getting off the ground. Their first official gig and one of the idiot boys had such terrible handwriting they were called the "Fat Ones". If it weren't for the fact that the boys were already on stage and her feet (the traitors they were) were walking towards it as well, she would've run the other way.

"Hi, everyone. It's actually Julie and the Phantoms." She smiled sheepishly. Crickets would've been louder than the crowd, but she brushed it off. The music would wash away any nerves she had. So, with another deep breath, she relaxed her muscles and mentally prepared for her performance. "Anyways, I hope you enjoy our songs."

She readied her fingers on the piano, then started to play the first song. Everyone was happy with the first song, even if it was short. With a light and upbeat song, the club was intrigued to hear their second song. They had a ton of fun, then talked about their second song.

Julie didn't even notice her father watching from the back wall of the club. He was mad, but her songs were so good that he couldn't stop their performance now.

"This second song is for all of you who feel like you're hiding yourself. And I hope you all enjoy it." Unlike the second song, Julie was more than ready. She and Luke wrote it a couple weekends ago, and it held a special spot in her heart because it was the first full song they wrote together. She started by playing an intro on the piano, then the words that spilled from her lips captivated the entire crowd.

She got through the entire verse before the guys joined in and made the crowd roar with excitement. After the initial shock during the first song, everyone in the crowd knew how special this band was. It was a one-in-a-million talented band, and no one wanted to miss a beat. Not even to go to the bathroom or get food. The wait staff and cooks were all at the edge of the kitchen, listening to the melodies Julie and the Phantoms were creating.

Julie and Luke shared a mic and created an on-stage chemistry no one could deny. Not even Mari. It killed her to see the two of them look so connected on stage. It didn't even occur to her that she liked Luke in any way; she only knew that she felt jealous watching the two of them.

The song continued, and Luke sang a solo for the next verse, capturing the attention of the men and the hearts of the ladies. With his voice and stellar body, there weren't many that could say they didn't find him attractive, female or otherwise. Reggie and Alex were attractive, too, which only helped the hypnosis everyone seemed to be falling under. After another chorus and another moment of Julie staring into Luke's eyes, the crowd didn't want the song to end. This feeling was the feeling they would always be chasing.

After a bridge and a final chorus, Julie and the Phantoms released the crowd and it erupted in cheers. Luke knew that that kind of thrill, the one that came from playing for an audience, was the one he'd been chasing since the first time he played for his parents. Even when they disappeared from the crowd's eye, it did not make him, or Reggie or Alex, feel any less like they were standing right next to Julie, soaking it all in.

"If you guys enjoyed this performance, we're Julie and the Phantoms. Tell your friends." Julie said into her microphone, then headed off stage, where Flynn and Mari were waiting—though Mari had barely made it back before she got off stage—for her to start gushing about the performance.

"Julie, that was amazing!" Flynn wrapped her arms around her friend, happy to see the light back inside her after it had gone out for a year. "I got a good video of the performance, too."

"It was amazing. You guys did fantastic," Mari agreed, then the boys all chimed in with something before Reggie pointed out some fancy lady in a business suit walking towards them. She had curly blonde hair and a pantsuit ironed to perfection and a serious look on her face. When Carrie attempted to talk to her, the only words exchanged were cordial with a quick "excuse me" interjected at the end. Mari felt bad that she was rejected, and promised to herself that she would talk with Carrie once they were all wrapped up in whatever discussion they decided to have.

"Hello, I'm Andi Parker from Destiny Management—" The woman was quickly cut off by none other than Julie's father, who now saw it fit to bring her home.

"Julie, we're going home. Now." Ray was not happy. Rage didn't allow him to see that his daughter was being recruited to a record label, but rightfully so. She shouldn't have been there, and deserved some kind of punishment for leaving without permission. He wasn't sure how Victoria didn't notice Julie's absence—since she was the one who was supposed to be watching Julie and Carlos—but also knew that there was more than one way to get out of the house if one wanted to.

"But dad—" The guys were a little freaked by how angry Ray was, but they didn't know she was grounded. They didn't know a lot of things.

"Now, Julie." Her head fell and so did her smile. Julie should've known that breaking the rules wasn't going to end in her favor. She was dragged out by her father as Flynn and Mari watched. But, somehow, Mari knew exactly what to do with what had happened.

"Andi, I will have Julie call you when she's available to discuss things further. Thank you and we hope you liked the performance." Mari took the card from the business woman, and gave a stellar smile.

"Of course. It was a fantastic performance." Andi shook Mari's hand, then headed out of the club.

"Okay, you might just be Julie's new manager." Flynn looked at Mari, shocked. Carrie was also watching from afar, more shocked than Flynn. She didn't know the two of them were even on decent terms, let alone joking around with each other.

"I'll pass. I've just learned how to hide the bad things and put on a brave face. Learn that and you can deal with just about any press in the world." Flynn made a note of that, then asked if she wanted to go home. "Yeah, we should get going."

"Alright. Let's head out." The boys, who had been watching the whole thing, were confused. They didn't know that Mari had left her home—even Luke, who had seen her room—and that stunned them.

"You moved out?" Luke asked, following the two girls. "Why didn't you tell us?" He was hurt, so hurt that she didn't tell him about something that major. If this was how she relayed such big news to him, he didn't want to stick around much longer. His heart was in pain knowing that she decided to keep that a secret. Or, at least, just not tell him right away. "Hey, guys. We should get back to the studio." He couldn't help himself from watching as Mari strutted away with a black leather skirt flaring from her hips, but didn't allow it to cloud his judgement.

"Hold up— hey! What's going on?" Reggie asked, confused out of his mind. Alex didn't know either, but he sure did want to see what would unfold when they asked.

"Just as a forewarning, my parents might be home when we get back. Not sure. Their shifts are always wonky. They want to formally meet you and welcome you into their home. I ran the whole thing through them and they're happy to open their home to you." Flynn babbled on about all sorts of things as she drove back to her house, from how often they were usually there to the usual schedule of dinner and watching movies and going to Julie's house. "It looks like they're home."

"Oh." Mari's pulse raced as she realized she wasn't ready to meet Flynn's parents. She'd met them a couple times before, but didn't even remember their faces. Brave face. A brave face was the only thing she had left. "Why am I nervous?"

"Don't be. My parents are nice. They're happy to have you in their home." Flynn hoped to calm Mari. But, after she saw Luke's face fall once he figured out she'd left home, she wasn't sure she made the right decision. "Come on. It'll be fun."

Author's Note: This note is going to be short, just because this week is hectic and I have lots of things to do before my term ends next week. Make sure to vote and let me know what you think in the comments. All the best, MistyRider921.

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