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• ♫ •
'Cause baby you're a classic
You're driving me crazy
You're like magic
Casting spells on me
I'm bewitched by your kiss
I've never met anybody else likе this
'Cause they're all modеrn
But baby you're a vintage hit
• ♫ •

"Happy Death Day! I have huge plans." It'd been a couple weeks since Luke had been taken by Caleb. Though he'd been saved, she didn't know all the specifics. Alex and Willie didn't loop her or Reggie into the details of the plan. Or, for that matter, any of their plan. Lynn knew that it made all of them happier now that their band was back together, no thanks to the evil magician ghost.

"It's a Sunday. All the good clubs are closed." For the fifteen days she'd spent living with all of the guys in Julie and the Phantoms, this was one of the few times she actually had alone. Lynn always thought she was more of an extrovert, but she didn't know how much she valued her alone time until then.

"I never said it was a club. I have something even better planned." Kendall couldn't wait to reveal her plans, but she couldn't reveal them quite yet. A few things had yet to completely fall into place. "Come on, we have to get you changed into something much cuter."

"Kendall, I can't go back to Pasadena. You know that. They have a signature spotter on me and there's no way they're taking it off any time soon." Lynn freaked at the idea of going back to Pasadena. She'd just figured out how to live her afterlife without seeing her family. Though, she had to agree with Kendall: her outfit sucked for any kind of activity that involved leaving the music studio. An old, raggedy t-shirt was draped over her torso and baggy, grey sweatpants covered her toned, dancer legs.

A signature spotter, what Lynn was most worried about, was the contraption that could track down any ghost, had they gotten "arrested" before. Every time she was shoved into a cell, the database—something she was completely unfamiliar with inner workings of—logged her name, date of death, date of birth, and ghost signature. A ghost signature was as unique as a fingerprint, however far less malleable. She knew that if she got within city limits, she'd be in super-max before she could say "boo".

"That's why I brought it all here. At least, the good outfits. Come on, we don't have a lot of time." Kendall showed her an entire rack of clothing, all of which she recognized from her closet from her house in Pasadena.

"How fancy do you want it?" Lynn switched to a cocktail dress, which shimmered in the sunlight that streamed in through the windows. Kendall loved her sparkling blue dress, but it was way too formal for what she wanted.

"Not that fancy. Think... beach party." Kendall thought for a moment before coming up with the perfect analogy that wouldn't give away a single thing. And it didn't; Lynn was convinced they'd be going to one of the many beaches in Los Angeles and changed into a cute, wraparound dress to match her vision. "Now that is perfect."

"So, what are we doing at the beach?" Lynn knew that Kendall would never dare to go to the beach before sundown. The beach, however, was not somewhere Kendall planned to go at all that day.

"I never said we were going to the beach." Kendall's lips curved into a sly smile. "Come on, we've got a date with Paris." Lynn knew what that meant. It meant good things. They'd planned to visit Paris for years, and doing it on Lynn's death day would only make it more special. Kendall didn't know that Lynn went on her own and invited Reggie (though she wasn't sure he'd show up at all), but going with her best friend wasn't the same as going with a guy she liked. At least, as a friend.

"Really?" Lynn didn't need to tell her friend that she'd already been there and seen some of the sights. It wasn't something she needed to tell Kendall. Plus, as she already rationalized, it was different.

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