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• ♫ •
Even on our worst nights
Baby I'd still choose you, you
We can make up tonight
The way that lovers do, do
'Cause I still love you
Even when we fight and you still love me
Even when I don't know why
So baby come say sorry with your body
I'll say sorry too
• ♫ •

Lynn, who had lived with the ghost police always riding her about one infraction or another, had been thinking long and hard about a huge change to the Los Angeles afterlife scene. She wanted to rebuild the force, but change the rules to punish those putting ghosts or lifers in harm's way and reward those who had stepped up to save lifers from joining the afterlife too early. After many days of writing and reworking the rules, she wanted to propose it to Reggie and his bandmates. They hadn't had a day off in forever, but it also didn't help that the first time she'd wanted to do it, they didn't have their voices.

"Lynn, you said you have something to show me?" Reggie asked. He'd just gotten back from rehearsal. Julie had homework and wanted to spend time with Nick.

None of them—Nick, Luke, Alex, or Reggie—told her about everything that went down. How Caleb possessed Nick for over a year. That Nick knew about the fact that the phantoms are actual phantoms. She didn't need to know. That wasn't necessary.

"Here." She handed him a stack of papers. Reggie had no idea what to expect from the conversation or what she gave him.

Los Angeles Ghost Enforcement Proposal

Reggie's mouth opened up upon reading the title. He couldn't figure out why she wanted to instate the one thing that seemed to have ruined her afterlife. Why did it even cross her mind? Was she serious? It wasn't April first, but it could still be a practical joke.

With over ten thousand ghosts in the city of Los Angeles, it is imperative that there is some kind of checks and balances system in place. Ghosts have to ensure that they do not endanger the lives of the lifer residents, however the current system in place does not allow that many to live within this city. This proposal is to adopt a new system for the city of Los Angeles to allow for harmony, and for more freedoms than the current system has.

"Is this for real?" Reggie kept reading, but stopped when she responded. The proposal was actually interesting to read, and he was proud of her for putting in as much work as she had.

"Yeah. After watching that lifer kid struggle with being possessed, I knew I couldn't just let that kind of thing go on. Not when I could do something about it. For the last month-ish, I've been drawing up this proposal. I want to get all the ghosts within Los Angeles to listen to it and vote on whether we should adopt it or not." Now, Reggie could see how passionate she was about it. That much was obvious with the spark in her eyes. The only time he'd seen her get so excited about something was when they were talking about classical music or she was dancing. She cared more about that proposal than anything else.

"Alright. Then let's go through with this. Together." Reggie sat on the creaky, old couch in the living room that had collected two decades' worth of dust, setting the proposal down in front of them. If she wanted to do this, she'd have his full support. It was what you did for someone you loved.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me." Lynn wrapped her arm around him, before they both went to work to perfect the entire proposal.

Four hours in, long after the sun had set, they were only on page nine. Of twenty-two. The first three pages held the introduction, the overall goal, and a generalized list of the rules, punishments, and other important information. How to get ghosts to become a part of the force was a good half a page, detailing every single thing that she wanted to include. The other six pages were the rules, though there was only one or two to a page.

Reggie wasn't trying to be difficult, really, but there were plenty of wording suggestions he'd made. They'd barely made a dent in the rules she proposed, but those had so many sub-points, ifs, ands, and buts, that it took a while to make a real dent in the things she'd written. However, aside from the conclusion, they'd edited the rest of the actual proposal. The conclusion, Reggie and Lynn decided, would be saved for after they'd reviewed everything else.

"I need a break. And there's a good club open right now that Kendall and I like." Lynn announced. The second sentence instilled a fair bit of fear in Reggie. His history with ghost clubs was limited to HGC, which was an experience he didn't want to repeat. "It's nothing like the Hollywood Ghost Club. I actually met Willie at a different one. Plus, to do anything like that in Pasadena would get you tossed in super-max in no time."

"Right. I forgot about that. Sure, but I'd like to get most of this done by the time I need to practice tomorrow, so we can't be there for too long." Lynn nodded, but knew that he'd like it more than he thought he would. Real ghost clubs were awesome for many reasons. You got to meet other ghosts, dance, dress up for the night, and no lifers could yell at them for playing too loud. The entire establishment was ghosts only.

"Of course. Have an open mind about it, though; they're fun." She kept thinking about how she wanted to kiss him, but knew that was strictly off-limits. Her first kiss couldn't come during her afterlife. Which meant she would never get one. And she was okay with that. At least, that's what she told herself.

Staring at Reggie's lips, however, did not help her resolve. His lips weren't necessarily dark in color, but the bottom lip puckered out more, almost as if it were trying to invite her to kiss them. She cursed mentally, wishing she didn't do that. She was supposed to have self-restraint. It wasn't hard when she was alive, why was it so hard now?

"You good, Lynn?" He noticed that she'd stopped talking and started staring directly at him. Was there something wrong with him? Did he have something in his teeth? Or dirt on his face?

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just fine. I just need to change and doll up my hair." Lynn changed into a cute dress that she'd saved specifically for the first time she went to the club with him on her arm. And she was proud of it. "Give me a few minutes to do my hair."

"Alright. I'm going to go change, but I expect you to teach me how to do that one of these days." Reggie headed up the stairs while Lynn walked to the only bathroom with a mirror in it. It had been cleaned, but only because she'd managed to get a hold of glass cleaner and paper towels and cleaned it each and every year.

"Of course I'll teach you. As long as you teach me how to play the guitar." He became giddy at the idea of teaching her how to play guitar, no matter how little experience she has playing any kind of instrument. He changed quickly, before he did anything else, which included looking at the beautiful girl he wanted to call his. He knew he would get distracted by her very quickly and wouldn't get changed or go to the club.

"Lynn, you know you're perfect, right?" Reggie asked, wrapping his arms around her. "You are perfect in every way."

"I'm not perfect, but I think I'm pretty close to it." A smile quickly spread across her face as she turned around. "You're not either, but you're pretty close, too."

"I hope so." Reggie pulled her in for a hug, wishing he could stay like that forever. Forever with her was exactly what he wanted. More than the band, more than his still living family, more than even his music. His afterlife was complete with her in it.

"Well, come on. We have a club to go to." A moment and a teleportation later, he stood in front of the club, hearing music pump out of it vigorously.

Even on our worst nights/Baby I'd still choose you, you

"I'd choose you," Reggie whispered. Her heart soared. She grabbed his hand and he knew this afterlife couldn't get any better.

Author's Note: Reggie and Lynn are life goals. Like seriously. They're adorable. Only two parts left of their story! Vote and let me know what you think in the comments. All the best, MistyRider921.
P.S. I'm posting the last chapter and epilogue on Monday!!

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