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𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂
There's always a chance to let it go
But don't you want to see what I know?
I've got the devil in my eyes
And you can see that this exchange
Might be the wisest thing you can do
Oh, o-o-o-oh
You should take my advice
This exchange is the wisest thing you can do
𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂

"Alexander, you have to know that you can't escape me for long." Willie transformed into Caleb before his eyes and his heart sank. He should've known. Why did he think it was a good idea to go back to Julie's? A part of him was thankful that Luke and Reggie weren't at the studio at that moment.

"What do you want?" He spat, trying not to let his anxious thoughts consume him. "I will never join you at your club."

"Is that so? What a pity. Willie is stuck there forever. And I'd hate to keep you two away from each other forever. After all, the spark between the two of you hasn't died down from what I've seen." Alex's stomach recoiled at Caleb's words. Would Willie really neve be allowed to leave? Was that morning the last time he'd ever see him?

"Or, you can exchange your freedom for his." The proposal Caleb spelled out in an all-too-catchy song nearly convinced Alex if it weren't for a single sticky note in Willie's handwriting behind him.

You can do this. I know you can.

Somehow, Willie saved him, even if it meant that he wouldn't save himself from an (after) lifetime of imprisonment. Alex knew that he wouldn't want him to endanger himself to save him. There had to be another way to save him. It just would take a little longer. Hopefully, Willie could wait that long.

"No." Alex let out a soft sigh, as Caleb's wicked grin turned sour.

"You know where to find me if you ever change your mind." Caleb reached out but Alex pulled away before any contact could be made between the two.

"I won't." With that Caleb left, a final goodbye dying on the tip of his tongue. He was angry—furious, even—that Alex didn't care for Willie as he thought he would. They must not have been as close as he thought. A devilish idea popped into his head upon realizing that. Caleb could use that to his advantage. He could make Willie regret ever entertaining the idea of being free from his grasp. And it would be plenty of fun.

"I'm sorry to say, dear William, but Alex isn't going to save you. He said so himself. He would never step foot in this place again." Caleb watched as Willie flinched, knowing the words cut him far deeper than a knife. "Which means you will never be allowed out of here. Ever. Again."

Only silence came from Willie, creating a void that could never be undone. He'd never seen Caleb this angry, but he'd also never failed this many times to get one singular thing. Willie suspected that Caleb hadn't known this kind of failure in quite a while. Maybe back when he was practicing magic as a lifer or learning ghost magic, but that was a long time ago. Willie knew that the rejection had to sting more than when Willie heard about Alex's rejection.

He could at least understand why Alex would vow never to come back. Caleb had ruined their afterlives. And Willie, in the past couple years, had made it abundantly clear that walking in wouldn't guarantee walking out.

"Okay." Willie replied, sitting at the chair he'd been tied to for the past hour. That was the new arrangement: if he wasn't cleaning or working, he had to be locked in a room (one that he specifically couldn't poof out of).

Caleb walked out of the room rather gracefully, though Willie suspected that wasn't the whole story. He was furious only moments before.

Truthfully, Caleb was furious.

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