Could've Said

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• ♫ •
Would it please you to see
I'm not who I used to be?
If I could've said, could've done,
Could've made a different choice
Now I stand in front of crowds
And I let it all out
I could've said, could've done,
Could've made a better choice
If I could've said no
If I could take it all back
If I could rewrite my past
Would I do it all again?
• ♫ •

Screw the rules. Luke had to tell Julie what was about to happen. And she would flip if they knew and didn't tell her. So, he went to Los Feliz High School to inform her of the very thing that could expose the intricacies of their band. And they couldn't lose the best thing that had happened to them.

"Julie, Julie, Julie." Luke got her attention, but not without a glare and a silent wish from her that they could, for once in their afterlives, do as she asked. "Look, this is a little more important than school right now."

"Not in the middle of class," She hissed, resuming her focus on the board. Julie got lucky that her last name landed her in the back row of the class.

"How long do you have?" Luke shifted from foot to foot nervously. "I really need to tell you something."

"Fifteen minutes until lunch." She clenched her teeth, but clearly what he had to say was important. He never barged into her classes. Even the boys knew that was way out of line. Julie sighed, focusing back on the board. Her history class couldn't end fast enough for her liking. And, for the next few weeks, it only covered the civil war. She'd learned that topic one too many times.

Luke disappeared from the room and waited for her to come out once the bell rang. He didn't mind waiting, so long as it still meant he could talk with her. Alex and Reggie, who were still at Trevor Wilson's house, attempted to figure out what the plan really was.

Was he trying to do it as swiftly as possible? Did he plan to write a new song (not that many of his new ones were nearly as good as the ones they wrote)? Would his manager even let it happen? It wasn't as if he was nearly as famous as he used to be. Plus, he had a daughter to think about. As much as they wanted an apology (the more public, the better), they also knew what it meant for Bobby. His whole life would be different.

"Oh, come on. Where are those stupid CDs?" Trevor had been sifting through old CDs for a solid half hour when he found what he was looking for. "Here it is." Reggie noticed it first. It was their demo CD from 1995. From the day they died. They literally got the fancy demo CDs only a couple days before they were scheduled to play at the Orpheum, yet by the time they'd gotten through the sound check, they'd given out half of their stack.

"Hey, man. I need you to draft up the press release." They couldn't hear who was on the other end. "You'll find my key points in that special stack of old lyrics. You know?" Trevor tried to explain to his current manager what he was talking about, but it didn't seem to be going according to plan. "I know that. Just do it. I'll come to review it and we'll release it at the end of the week."

Reggie disappeared without telling Alex, but they'd both gotten the memo that this was becoming more and more personal by the second. It didn't take a mind reader to know that.

"Lynn?" Reggie went to the place she called home, but couldn't find her.

I'm in Heaven

The first thing Reggie thought was that she had crossed over. How could she not tell him? Obviously, if it was by accident, but it couldn't be with that note.

The cliff, you idiot

Oh, Reggie turned over the note. Whoops. He headed there next to see her on the bench she'd built with her own two hands. She seemed to be staring off into space, or she'd closed her eyes, because she didn't notice him appear behind her.

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