Come back home (23)

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"Rise and shine honey, it is 9 am and we gotta get things done!!" I heard a male voice come in my room and say while opening my blinds. Who the hell is here..? Pete?? Tricky? "Huh..?" I said and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "She's awake! She lives!" That's when I recognized the voice. Michael Way! Mikey! It's Mikey! "Mikes!!" I said and reached for him to come over and hug me. "Ellie girl!!" He sat next to me and hugged me. Alicia was standing at my doorway and came in and sat with us. "How have things been since the last time I seen you 2 weeks ago?" Mikey laughed slightly. "Slow, boring. I've been styling Pete and Tricky still. Sometimes I get new people. But rarely." I shrugged. "Pete Wentz? Patrick stump?" Mikey looked at me. "Mhm, we talk all the time. I actually thought you were one of them waking me up." I laughed. "That's so awesome!" Mikey smiled. "Soo Frank told me to talk to you about something. I'm sure you can guess what." Mikey said. "Gerard..?" I sighed. "Yeah." Mikey looked right at me. "I'll leave the room for this. I've already had my shot to try. I'll go hang with the boys and Jamia downstairs." Alicia smiled. "Jamia is here?!" I said excitedly. "Yes but you can see her after you talk." Alicia said and walked out. "I want you to talk to my brother Ellie." Mikey said to me. "Mikey. You aren't getting my point here. I love your brother but I am terrified of him letting me down." I said to him. "But my brother is nice Ellie. He's stupid, that was stupid of him, but my brother is nice Ellie and he loves you." Mikey said to me. "Ok I'll talk to him. Let me get ready and I'll come downstairs." I said to him. "Promise?" He looked at me as he stood up. "Promise." I responded. Ok, I just have to get ready, and go down to Gerard. No big deal. We already kinda talked, it'll go fine. I walked downstairs after getting ready. "Morning sleepy head." Frank said and pulled me into a hug. "Hi Frankie." I smiled. "Jamia!!" I hugged Jamia. She's taller than Frank, it drives him insane. They are adorable. "Hi Ellie." She smiled and hugged me, kissing my cheek. "I gotta go see Gerard, I'll be back." I pulled away and went over to Gerard, waving at Ray while I walked in that direction. "Ellie? Hey Ellie." Gerard smiled and stood up, hugging me. He still does that "Ellie! Hey Ellie." Thing that he did when we were kids. "Hi Gee, can we talk?" I whispered, still in his arms. "Yeah of course sugar." He smiled. "Outside? Lead the way." He said. "Got it." I said and walked in front of him. We walked outside, and stood on my porch. "So..?" Gerard looked down at me.

"Gerard.." I whispered, tears were already falling. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" He lifted my face. "I miss you. I miss you so fucking much. I hate California. I fucking hate this bullshit. I hate everything about my life now. I just wanna come home, and be with you again." Words spilled out of my mouth quicker than my brain could think. "Slow down sugar, I hear you. I miss you too." He held my shoulders, slowly rubbing them as I cried. "I miss you so much. I miss you being home too. I'm moving to California soon. The band is doing great. I'll come out here, and then we can see each other everyday." He lifted my head up again. "But what about your mom? And Mikey, what about Mikey? What about Ray, and Frank?" I looked at him. "Well Mikey is coming with me, and Ray is moving too. Frank is staying behind with Jamia. But he's visiting all the time. And my mom will be fine, she's got my dad." Gerard said to me. "But how do I know that we will work out this time, I mean-" Gerard cut me off. "You gotta trust me Ellie. Just trust me. I got us." He said us like it was just us. Like we were never apart. Gerard has always used that stupid saying "I got us." He always looked after other people more than himself. Maybe it's an older brother thing, my brother was like that, or maybe it was just a Gerard thing. I'm not sure. "Just trust me again Ellie, I won't mess this up this time okay? I want you." He looked down at me, his eyes genuine. "Ok, I trust you." I said, blushing slightly at his "I want you" statement. "Oh I got you blushing now?" He looked at me with his sly smirk. That damn smirk, I missed it. "Shut up." I laughed slightly. "You should come home with me when I go home. At least for a little bit." He threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked inside. "My schedule is free for a week. I'll come home." I smiled. "Good. You can stay at your moms house and I can sneak in at night." He teased. "Guys Ellie is coming back home with us when we go home." Gerard said and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Leaving me alone." Alicia  sighed. "I'm just joking girly, I'm happy for you." She winked. "Yes!! Ellie is coming back. Holy shit you know what we should do. We should take moms van again, go to the mall or some shit like we all used to do. Go get comics." Mikey looked at all of us. "That sounds great Mikey." I smiled. "And then Ellie should have a sleepover with me instead, like she used to when she was dating Gee. I mean of course she's not dating Gee but.." I cut Mikey off. "We are working on it." I smiled and looked at Gerard. "We are talking." He smiled too.

I didn't proofread this LMAOO, I'm sorry if it makes no sense

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