Another Day In Hell (11)

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I woke up the next morning and crawled my way out of bed. Another day in hell. At least I had gotten to go see Gerard and Frankie lasts night. Being stuck in the house is terrible. I got a call from my brother. "Hey Nora, having fun? How's summer been so far?" My brother said to me. "Terrible, I'm grounded and I'm stuck in the house for 2 weeks." I sighed. "Are you being for reals?" My brother said to me. "Yep." I responded. "That's totally shit! Why?" He asked me. "Ambers snitch ass told mom what happened with me and Frankie, now she's all pissed off." I laughed. "Sounds like mom, want me to talk to her?" He asked me. "Nah it's fine, oh and hey guess what." I smiled. "What's up?" He said to me, clearly confused. "I got a boyfriend!" I smiled as I said this. "Frankie?!" He quickly responded. "No dumb ass, Gerard." I started looking through my closet for an outfit. "Oh thank god, I didn't want you dating Frankie. He's to much." My brother let out a relived sigh. "Me and Frankie are just friends Ethan." I laughed. "I hope so, I wouldn't want you, Frank, and Gerard to have some crazy threesome or anything." My brother laughed. "Oh my lord." I rolled my eyes. "I gotta go kiddo, if you sneak out be safe. I'll call you soon. Love you." My brother said to me. "Ok, got it." I smiled then hung up. Hate to say it, but I miss having my brother around. I guess when you grow up with someone you don't realize how much you will miss them. He's so incredibly far away and I'll never be able to make it out to California to visit. And he will never come back to Jersey, he hates it here.

FLASHBACK (7th grade):
"You aren't getting it Ellie, I'm leaving the minute I turn 18." Eleanor's older brother Ethan turned to her. Ethan has bigger dreams than Eleanor. He always had. Living in a small town, I guess you want to leave. Being stuck there is never good, you will never do anything if you stay. "And leave me here?" Ellie looked at the older boy, knowing she would be stuck here without him. "I'm not leaving you Nora." He looked down at his little sister. Realizing he would be leaving the only thing he ever had, I guess he had an understanding of where she was coming from. That's one more person walking out of her life, he felt bad for it. But they were still young, and he was deciding that he didn't want to stay now. He sticks to his words. "Whatever, I don't care anyway." Eleanor got up and walked out. "Why would you?" He shrugged.

Why did I feel upset? I guess I didn't know but he was my brother so it makes sense. I went downstairs and my mom was sitting on the couch. "Hi honey." She smiled at me. "Hey." I smiled too. I don't really want to speak to her. "I called that boy Frank's mom, she didn't seem very concerned about your behaviors with him." My mom said to me. "Why should she be?" I looked at her. "Because it's inappropriate." She looked at me. "I'm a teenager, everything is inappropriate. Plus Mrs. Iero has bigger issues with him to worry about." I laughed. "Seems like she's got her hands full." My mom laughed too. "Can I tell you something and promise you don't get mad?" I sat next to her. "Promise." She responded. "I'm dating Gerard." I said to her. She's gonna whoop my ass. "Really?! That's so amazing." My mom smiled. Guess I should've known, she's been hounding me about it for years. "Mhm." I smiled. "Does Donna know?" She asked me. "How am I supposed to know? I'm on house arrest." I shrugged and stood up, walking to the kitchen. "You will be in house arrest longer if you bring it up again, you are lucky Donna loves you cause she convinced me." My mom pointed at me. I just laughed, then grabbed food and went back up to my room, honestly that's all I can do for the next 2 weeks. However, I feel like there's gonna be quite a bit of sneaking out.

I was laying there when I heard someone tap on my window. Probably Gee again. I got up and opened my window. Or not, Frank works too. "Hey girl hey." He said pretty loud. "Frankie be quiet Jesus." I said to him and helped him through my window. "It's the middle of the day my mom is gonna know you are here." I said to him. "Oh shit yeah probably." He shrugged. When he came through my window he crashed onto the floor, creating a very very loud crashing noise. "Eleanor?!" I heard my mom frantically coming up the stairs. "Frank! Shit, under the bed, go." I said to him. "Closet is a better idea." He responded. "No that's so obvious get under my bed." I locked my door and he slid under my bed. My mom tried to come into my room. "Eleanor baby are you okay?" She asked me. "Fine! I'm just.. getting dressed!" I said, quickly trying to come up with an excuse. I then let her in. "What was that noise?" She asked me. "The box, in my closet, of baby photos, it hit the floor and boom!" I said anxious. "Ok..? Need help cleaning them up?" She asked me. "Oh no it's fine, I got it!" I smiled. Hopefully she believes me oh lord. "Why is your window open?" She looked at me, clearly confused. "Oh just.. getting fresh air. Since I can't leave the house you know." I said and looked at her. "Close it, you are letting bugs in." She closed my window. Or boys in, but close enough. "Sorry." I said and sat on my bed. I felt Frank's hand grab my ankle, causing me to jump a bit. "Are you okay?" She looked puzzled. "Mhm! Just a bit cold." I smiled. "Turn the fan off then Eleanor, Jesus." She turned the fan off in my room. "Why does your window have no screen." She kept asking questions. "It never had one." I lied, I cut it out 2 summers ago so that I could sneak friends in when my mom said they couldn't come over. "Hm, we might have to get that fixed. Remind me later." She pointed at me and walked to my door. "Ok, just rest.. love you." She shook her head and shut the door. "Ha! Did you see your face when I grabbed your ankle! You fuckin jumped! I scared the shit out of you!" Frank laughed and laid on my bed. "Fuck you." I responded and sat next to him. "I hope this isn't weird or anything since you and Gee are dating." He looked at me. "Your one of my best friends I don't think it's weird at all." I shrugged. "You should meet my girlfriend whenever you aren't on house arrest, her name is Jamia, I think you guys would get along so well. She's sick." Frank said to me. "Totally I would love too, she followed me on my space, she's so pretty. I might just have to take her from you." I laughed. "Oh, total fag." He teased me and punched my side. "Frank if we wanna talk about that let's talk about you and Gee cause-" he cut me off. "Shut up." He said to me. Gerard then texted me. "Wanna sneak over to my house tonight? Mikey misses you, and so do I." He wrote. "Ooo, both Way brothers miss you?" Frank laughed. I texted Gee back and asked if his mom would know, to which he responded that she would know and she wouldn't snitch. Frank left a little while later and then I ate dinner and waited for Gee to come pick me up. When he did we went back to his house and I hung out with him and Mikey. "Ellie! It's been like forever and I missed you so much." Mikey hugged me. He's almost like a little brother to me now. Especially with me dating Gerard. "I missed you too Mikes." I smiled and hugged him back. "Gerard hasn't shut up about how you guys are dating since you started. He likes you." Mikey said, clearly just trying to piss Gerard off. "Mikey shut up." Gerard glared at him. "I think that's cute." I kissed Gerard's cheek.

We all hung out for a few hours and then I headed home. I walked with Gerard because once again, he didn't want me to walk alone. When I got home and I went to go through my window, there was...

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