Girly boy (12)

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My mom. My mom is in my fucking room. Fuck. "I knew it!" My mom called as I crawled through my window. "Gerard Arthur Way, I'm calling your mom!" My mom called out the window. "Ok!" Gerard called back. "Donna knows." I whispered. At least Donna cares about me. "She what?!" My mom looked at me. "I said she knows." I responded. "Oh really? Let's find out?" My mom picked up her phone and called Donna. "Hello?" Donna said on the other end. "My kid is claiming you know she was at your house tonight." My mom said to her, looking right at me. "Yeah I knew, I also knew that you weren't letting her. But it's summer, and you need to let her go places. Plus she is going to my house with my kids, so why does it matter." Donna said to her. "Donna she's grounded." My mom said and sighed. "Well it's just my house. She needs social interaction it's good for her brain." Donna said to my mom. Thank god for Donna. "I know it's just your house, but I don't trust her. She's dating your boy." My mom shook her head. "She is?" Donna said. We haven't told Donna yet. "Gerard!!" I heard Donna call for Gee. "Yeah?" He said. "You and Ellie are dating?" Donna said, you can tell she's happy. "Yeah." Gerard responded. "Oh yay!! Let's have her over for dinner tomorrow." She said to him. "Donna she's not allowed out of the house!" My mom said, clearly mad. "Let loose Sandra. We were teenagers before too." Donna said to my mom.
"Yeah but-" Donna cut my mom off. "Let her out of the house. It's summer Sandy. Please." Donna said to my mom. "Fine." My mom said. Holy shit! Holy shit! Donna convinced my mom to let me out. They hung up the phone and my mom looked at me. "You are allowed out, but no sleepovers, and be home by 9 for the next 2 weeks." My mom said to me. "Ok fine." I smiled. "No going anywhere tonight!" My mom said and pointed at me. "Got it." I smiled.

A few hours went by and my mom walked out, I figured she was asleep because I didn't hear her anymore. Frank came up to my window. "Hey Frankie." I opened my window. "Still on house arrest?" Frank asked me and came through. "Nope, Donna helped me get out. I have a curfew though for the next 2 weeks. 9pm." I shrugged. "Well that's better than nothing! All of us miss you, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come hang out at my house with the guys and Jamia tomorrow." He sat on my bed. "Yeah I would love too, what time?" I asked him. "Any time, you know you can just come over at any time. Just like.. walk in I don't care." He shrugged. "My ma loves you anyway." He smiled. "Thanks Frank." I laughed. ""How's things with you and Gee.. from your perspective? Gerard won't shut up about you." He laughed. "It's great, he's so amazing Frankie." I smiled. "You guys are so cute." He said to me. "I learned how to do eyeliner today." He laid back on my bed. "Congrats Frank." I laughed and started brushing my hair. Ever since everything happened between me and Frank we have been really close. Maybe it's just cause we relate to each other, or maybe it's cause we both share a mutual interest in Gerard. (Gay jokes about Frankie, my favorite things). "It's so cool, you just draw with it and then you can smear it around to make it look all wacky. Like Billie Joe Armstrong does." He said happily. "That's so awesome Frankie, proud of you." I smiled at him. "Jamia said she was proud of me too, she taught me how." He said and sat up. "I can't wait to meet her." I looked at him. I really am excited she seems so cute. "She is so amazing. She has pretty eyes. And a pretty face. She's pretty." He said to me and sat up. "You guys would get along she likes the color pink just like you do." He said to me. "Thats amazing Frank." I smiled and then took my jewelry off. "Are you going to sleep? I can leave." He said and stood up. "No I'm just relaxing." I laughed. "Oh got it!" He sat back down. Frank talks a lot, in a good way. He rambles. "Have you kissed Gerard yet?" Frank asked me. "Yes." I laughed. "Holy shit is he good?!" Frank looked at me. "It was so good." I smiled. "Wooo! You go girl! Get you some!" Frank said loudly. "Yeahhh!" I said and fist bumped him. I used to act like this with Amber, but Frank's better anyway. He's like my.. girl?? My girly boy. Who needs Amber Healy when you have yourself a Frank Iero. Frank then walked over to my CD player and put in a Brittany Spears CD. "We have to party cause you got a boyfriend for the first time in your god given life." Frank grabbed my hand and spun me around.

We danced around for a bit and then he headed home and I went to sleep. Frank being my best friend is so crazy. We were never friends when we were younger, I mean I always hated him. Somewhat hated. I thought he was an asshole. He always had a dumb haircut and always made fun of me. We only hung around each other cause I hung around Gerard and Mikey. Ray was there too. Obviously. I used to get into arguments with Frank over "Just Dance". Frank thought he was the shit at it in middle school. He's to embarrassed now to admit that he played just dance. But I hated him because he would always challenge me to battles. Gerard never did, he would play with me and let me win.

"Frank I dare you to face Ellie in a just dance battle." Gerard said to his friend. "I'll beat her ass." Frankie responded to the boy. He knew he wasn't as good as her, but it's worth a shot. She beat him anyway.

I called Gerard to tell him that I didn't have house arrest anymore and that I would see him tomorrow. I missed his touch already. I love him.

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