I cleaned his cuts (10)

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I've been trapped in this goddamn house for what feels like forever. I laid in my bed scrolling on my space. Pictures of everyone having fun during their summer, including Amber. If only Ambers mom knew the shit she does. That's when I heard a tap on my window. I stood up, thinking it was a bird or something, but it wasn't it was Gerard. "What are you doing my moms will take my summer privileges away if she knows your here." I laughed and held my window open. "I missed you." He smiled. "I miss you." I smiled too. Me and Gerard's relationship was growing just over text and phone calls. "Then come with me." He said to me. "If my mom catches me sneaking out she will beat me." I laughed. "Then don't let her catch you." He grabbed my hips. "Gee.." I laughed. "Please." He looked at me. "Fine." I laughed. "Let me put a jacket on." I said and went to grab a Jacket. "No just have mine it's hot." He smiled and kept his hands on my hips keeping me in place in front of the window. "Fine." I smiled and swung my legs over the window. "Carful." He laughed. He then picked me up and sat me on the ground. "I missed you so much." He smiled. "I missed you too Gee." I smiled too. "Good." He kissed my head and threw his arm around me. "Where are we gonna go?" I said to him and slipped his hoodie on. "Let's just walk." Gerard shrugged. "Ok." I smiled. His hoodie has his scent, the scent that's the most comforting.
"I wasn't gonna come see you." Gerard looked at me as we walked. "I'm glad you did." I looked up at him. "I'm glad I did too. I missed your touch." He smiled. "Oh yeah?" I smiled too. "Yeah." He pulled me closer to his body. "I'm glad you snuck out, I was worried that you were gonna turn pussy on me." He smirked. "Asshole." I laughed. He's beautiful. The moon lighting looks so beautiful against his pale skin. His eyes look strangely dark, his hair resting nicely against his skin. "Gerard." I stopped. "You okay?" He turned. I kissed him. I felt his smile into the kiss. We pulled away from the kiss and he looked directly at me. "That was beautiful." He smiled. "Gerard I'm in love with you." I said to him. "Ellie?" Gerard looked down at me. God he doesn't feel the same. God he hates me. God he doesn't feel that way about me. "I'm in love with you too." He kissed me again. It felt unreal. Absolutely unreal. I kissed the boy that I've been in love with since I was a little girl. He kissed me, and he loves me. "I love you." He looked at me. "I love you." I smiled. "Wanna walk more?" He held my hand. "Let's go." I said and walked ahead of him. "God slow down honey." He laughed. "Walk faster!" I laughed. Gerard then ran up to me and lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down." I laughed. "Not until you'll be my girlfriend." I looked at him. "Be my girlfriend and I'll put you down?" He smiled. "Then put me down." I said to him. He sat me down. "You're my girlfriend?" He smiled at me. "I'm your girlfriend." I smiled. "Holy shit! You're my girlfriend." He smiled. "I am!" I kissed his cheek. "I guess my mom was right." He laughed. "When is she not?" I smiled and looked at him as we walked more. "Frankie texted me and asked if we could come pick him up from a party." Gerard said as he looked at his phone. "Then let's go get him." I laughed. "Ok, just making sure." He laughed.

We were walking up towards the party and I seen.. Amber with a guy. Oh my lord, I already know she's gonna say something. "Just ignore her." Gerard put his arm around me. "That's the whore right?" The guy that she was with said to her, clearly loud enough for us to hear. "The bitch right?" He continued. "The slut? She's with another guy?" He said. Amber was giggling. "Ok that's it." Gerard walked over to the guy, straight foreword punching him. "Gerard." I said and looked at him. "Don't fucking say shit!" Gerard said and knocked the guy again. "What the fuck?!" The guy said and grabbed Gerard. "Listen here motherfucker! Don't you ever fucking touch me again." The guy slapped Gerard. "Slap me like a fucking pussy, just punch me! Pussy! Pussy bitch! Pussy bitch who feels the need to talk about girls?! Guys who talk shit about girls are fucking pussies." Gerard was in the guys face screaming at him. "Get your fucking boyfriend!" Amber said screaming at me. "Get yours." I shrugged. "My boyfriend wasn't doing anything but saying the truth." Amber said to me. "I'm tired of your shit." I said and turned. "It's your fault!" She said to me. I ignored her. Until she grabbed my hair and tried to turn me around. I did turn around, but I bitch smacked her. Holy shit, holy shit, I just slapped my best friend. "Don't fucking hit me." She fake cried. I just ignored it. Gerard grabbed me and started walking. His lip was cut open, and his nose was bleeding. "Your bleeding." I said to him and looked at him. "The other guy is bleeding worse." Gerard was clearly angry. "Ok.." I said and looked down. "Sorry." He looked at me. "For what?" I asked him. "For causing issues." He said to me. "No it was fucking awesome." I smiled at him. "Let's just get you home so we can clean you up." I said to him. "You can't come to my house." He said to me. "Just come to my house, I'll sneak you in, I'll clean it up and everything. It's fine." I said to him. "I'll be fine." He said to me. "No Gee, I know if I don't clean the cuts you never will." I laughed. "Fine." He laughed too. That's when Frank stumbled his drunk ass outside. "Woahhh, hey hey hey, hey guys, hey Ellie Wellie." He smiled and threw his arms around me and Gerard. "Gerard why are you all cut up and shit man?" Frank looked at him. "Cause I beat someones ass." Gerard shrugged. "Bad bitch! Up top!" Frank held his hand out for a high five. Gerard went to give him a high five. "Ohhh to slow!" Frank put his hand down and laughed. I was laughing now. "Ellie did you watch it?" Frank asked me. "Yes Frank." I smiled. "Did you record it for me?" He asked me. "No I didn't Frankie." I laughed. "Heyy, why not? Now Gerard has to fight someone else for me." Frank said to me. We then stopped at Frank's house, he didn't live far. "See ya guys, I gotta go back to my house. My house is right here bye guys." Frank said and stumbled inside.

Me and Gerard then walked to my house and we snuck in through my bedroom window. I then went into the bathroom and got peroxide and a wash cloth, Gerard followed me into the bathroom. "No, no do not touch me with that it'll burn." Gerard said as I came near him. I sat up on the bathroom counter, Gee stood in between my legs. "Gerard stand still." I laughed. "Sorry it burns." He said and gritted his teeth. "It's okay honey." I continued to clean up the blood. "Thank you." He looked at me. "Mhm." I smiled and kissed his forehead.

I cleaned up his cuts and then snuck him back out my window, making sure to tell him that he had to continue to clean the cuts.

It was an interesting night to say the least.

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