Move Along (18)

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"Morning girly!" Alicia jumped onto my bed. "Ugh hi." I stretched and sat up. The only reason I was able to go see Mikey yesterday was cause I decided to go to a college in New Jersey, I was going to go to California, but it would be way to hard to get home to visit family. "Why are you so grouchy in the morning. It's a good day today. We are going to NYC for our tourist trip for school." She smiled. "Cause I don't want to just so happen to run into Gerard Arthur Way while I'm down there." I sighed. "Gerard is a hermit maybe he's home." Ray walked in. "Hi Ray." I smiled. "Oh but Raymond can put you in a good mood." Alicia sighed. "No, he sucks balls." I stood up to go grab clothes. "I do not! Don't you say that!" Ray looked at me. "Shush." I placed my finger on his lips. "I'm gonna get ready, Ray go out." I shoved him out. "But Alicia can stay?" He looked at me. "Yes, she's my girl." I smiled then shut the door. "Alicia this one or this one?" I showed her my outfits. "That one, but why are we dressing up so much?" She looked at me. "In case I meet a hot New York man." I said sliding my shirt on. We then walked out. "I can't believe you guys are leaving me today." Ray sighed. "You can just come. Miss classes today. Say you were sick." I laughed. "Frank is gonna be there, he said he is gonna meet so we can hang out." I shrugged. "Wow, replace me with Frankie. That's gay." Ray looked down. "But I'll come with I don't wanna be lonely. I don't have important classes today." He shrugged. "Good." Alicia smiled and teased her hair. "Hand me my eyeliner please." Alicia smiled and I handed her the eyeliner. She's so pretty. She always has pretty makeup. Something I wouldn't be able to pull off. "Let me do your makeup." Alicia smiled at me. "Okay." I sat down and she put eyeliner on me. "What about me..? Bullies." Ray pretended to pout. "Here." Alicia put eyeliner on Ray too.

We then left the house, Alicia drove and we listened to All American Rejects as we drove to NYC. It was about a 2 hours ish drive from our college. Not bad.
"Move along, move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along just to make it through." Singing "Move Along" is the staple of a break up. 10/10 break up song.

"Here we are." Alicia pulled into a parking lot where a bunch of other students were parked. It was basically just an educational tour, but you didn't have to stay with the group if you didn't feel like it. "So.. y'all have to stay there?" Ray looked at us. "No. Just say hi and leave. We are adults." Alicia shrugged. "Yeah, I feel like we should just wander, who cares about this education shit anyway, I'm here to be a stylist." I laughed. We started wandering around NYC, it's insanely busy, but it's worth it. It's a pretty city. "Guys Frankie said to meet at some coffee shop so we can get lunch." I said to them as we walked. "Where is it?" Alicia looked at me. "Not sure, probably like.. down the street." Ray shrugged. It really was down the street, and Frank was outside. "Yo! Yo! Yo! Guys! Guys!" Frank was jumping up and down. "Hey Frankie." I laughed. "Hey girly!" He smiled. "Hey Alicia." He gave Alicia a quick hug and then fist bumped Ray. We then walked into the coffee shop and sat down. "So I know I seen you yesterday, but what happened since then? Anything exciting?" Frank asked me, as Jamia walked over. "Yeah, anything interesting?" Jamia asked me and gave me a hug. "Hey Jamia!" I smiled and hugged her. "The best thing that happened is that we finally got Ellie over Gerard." Ray shook me by my shoulders. "Yes girlfriend! I'm proud of you!" Jamia sat across from me and held my hands on the table. I just smiled, Alicia then threw her arm around my shoulder and Frank placed his hand over Jamia's. Then Ray crouched down next to me and hugged my side. "I love you guys." I smiled. "Me and J love you Ellie girl." Frank smiled and patted my head. "You are okay." Ray laughed and kissed my cheek. "More than okay Raymond. She's pretty great." Alicia laid her head on my shoulder.

That's when I looked at the door and Gerard walked in... with? A girl? A girl. He's already moved on. I thought I was done. But maybe I'm not. Maybe I want him. "Shit." Frank whispered. "Look girl, look outside, look at that.. pigeon??" Alicia turned my head. "Guys it's fine." I sighed. "That's Eliza. It's his current girlfriend. I know it's fucked." Frank sighed and shook his head. "He's already fucking with someone else?" I asked. "Yeah, and she's a prissy bitch! I don't like her." Jamia said and laughed. "She is a prissy bitch." Frank whispered, causing me to laugh as tears were flooding in my eyes. "Don't cry girly." Frank rubbed my tears away with his thumb. "Yes don't cry, we are supposed to have fun today." Alicia smiled. "Hey guys." Gerard walked over with Eliza. "Hey Gee." Frank waved. "We were just leaving." Alicia stood up and grabbed my hand. "Wait?" Ray looked at him. "We can come back and grab you if you wanna stay Ray." I smiled. "Hey Eleanor." Gerard waved at me. "Hey." I said and looked at my feet. "This is Eliza. Eliza this is Frank's friend Ellie." Gerard said and introduced me to Eliza. "Hey." Eliza said, sounding incredibly snobby. "That's actually not just my friend, she's Gerard's ex girlfriend." Frank smiled. "Oh.." Eliza said and gave a fake smile. "But she is my friend. Best friend." Frank smiled. "Frank should we leave with them?" Jamia asked. "Yeah. See ya later Gee." Frank waved. "Oh, bye." Gerard waved. "I'll see you when I come back down." Gerard smiled. "Ok, I can see you again another time Eleanor." Gerard waved at me. "She probably won't see you again." Alicia walked away. "She's gonna see Mikey though. See ya Gee." She waved.

We stayed in NYC for the night, everything went fine. It was nice being around everyone (besides Gee and Mikey) again.

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