Eventful night (13)

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I woke up the next morning to Donna in my room. "Hey honey, I'm sorry I didn't know you were still sleeping." Donna said and stood at my door. "It's okay." I stretched slightly and sat up. "I hope it's okay that I'm here too." Mikey smiled and walked in past Donna. "Mikes!" I said and sat up. Mikey walked over and hugged me lifting me up slightly more. If I marry Gee in the future Mikey will be my brother in law. Which I would absolutely love. Mikey is the sweetest, and I always feel comfortable with him around me. He's like a comforting energy that you cling to. "I was thinking you could come over and hang out until dinner time when you guys head over to Frank's house." Donna smiled. "That'll work, let me get dressed." I smiled and stood up. "Ok honey, we will be downstairs." Donna smiled and walked out with Mikey. I quickly threw on one of Gerard's tee's that I had at my house and shorts. It was to hot for jeans. And I didn't really feel like getting ready. I ran downstairs and said bye to my mom, then walked outside with Mikey while my mom talked to Donna she was probably trying to convince my mom to let me stay the night at their house or something. "Your mom said you can stay with Gerard tonight." Donna said as she got in the car. Called it. We would probably all stay at Frankie's house anyway. "Ok good." I smiled. We then drove to their house. I walked through the door and called for Gerard. "Gee?" I said as I walked in. That's when I heard a "yeah?" From the basement. I opened the door. "Surprise." I smiled. "Oh hey baby! I didn't know you were gonna be here." Gerard got up from his couch and walked to the basement steps, hugging me when I got down. "Thank me for that. I wanted her over." Mikey said and sat on Gerard's couch. "I can stay tonight." I smiled. "Sleep with me please?" Gerard looked at me. "She always sleeps in my room. No." Mikey looked at Gerard. "Well she's my girlfriend let her sleep in my room." Gerard said and grabbed my hand. "And she's my friend, let her sleep in my room." Mikey looked at him. "Guys we probably won't even stay here tonight we are going to Frank's house." I laughed. "Oh.. true." Gerard said and shrugged. "Kids come upstairs really quick." Donna called from upstairs. "Yeah?" Mikey said as we all walked in the room. "I made lunch if you guys are hungry." Donna smiled and sat plates down on the table. "Thank you mom." Gerard smiled and sat down. "Which thing for you honey?" Donna asked me and pointed to some of the food that she made. "I'm not hungry right now. Thank you though." I smiled. "Are you sure love?" She looked at me. "Yeah I'm sure, thank you Donna." I said and looked over at Gerard. "You aren't hungry?" Gerard looked at me, clearly confused. "No lovely." I smiled and kissed his cheek, then got up to help Donna with the chores. "No no spend time with Gerard." Donna said and waved her hands at me to stop. "Come on mom let me help." I laughed. "Mom?" She smiled at me. "Mhm." I shrugged and continued putting dishes away. "Go sit with your boyfriend and brother." She pushed me to the table. "Come on Donna let me help I get to see Gee all the time." I said to her. "Wow, so you don't want to see me." Gerard sighed. "She actually wants to see me." Mikey stood up and hugged me. "Of course." I smiled and hugged Mikey back. "Fuck off, get off of my girlfriend." Gerard stood up and grabbed me. "She was mine first. She was my friend." Mikey rolled his eyes.

A few hours later we drove over to Frank's house. "Hey hey hey girl." Frank said and hugged me as I walked through the door. "Hey Frankie." I smiled. "Gerard!!" Frank hugged Gerard. "Frankie!" Gerard hugged him. "Gay asses." Ray laughed. "Hey Ray." I hugged Ray. "It's been forever since I seen you I miss you." Ray hugged me back. "I missed you." I laughed. "How's things with Gee?" Ray asked me, keeping his arm around me. He was sipping on a beer. Frank always had beer at his house, and his mom didn't really care if he drank, his dad did, but we never listened to his dad. "Things with Gee are really good." I smiled. "So good they never leave each other's side." Mikey came over. "Let's do karaoke!" Frank called from the other side of the room, his girlfriend was next to him. He's so drunk. Frank needs to slow down. "Hey Jamia, right?" I walked up to her. Gerard was still singing with Frank. "Hey! You are Gerard's girlfriend right? Ellie? He talks about you a lot." She smiled. "Yeah, Frank talks about you a lot too." I smiled and hugged her. "You are so pretty." Jamia said to me. "No stop! You are so pretty!" I smiled. "Thank you." She smiled and looked down at her feet. She is super beautiful, and Frank is so so so in love with her. It's adorable. "Ellie! El's! Sugar! Come here!" Gerard said to me. He's up on the coffee table, very wasted. Me and Mikey are the only fully sober ones. I'm sober cause I have to go home later, and Mikey just doesn't really drink. Jamia is semi drunk but not really. Ray was actually drinking for once. Frank was.. well, Frank. "Hi Gerard." I laughed and walked up to him. He was so much higher than me cause he was up on the table. "Hi sugar." He smiled and ran his finger on my jawline. He makes me so.. ugh. "Hi honey." I smiled. Blushing, I'm so blushing, he has a microphone, and he's singing to me, and his eyes are looking down at me, and his hands are soft. "You are so beautiful." Gerard looked down at me. Butterflies, total butterflies. "Thank you Gee." I kissed his forehead. "You are beautiful too honey." I cupped his face with my hands. "Ive never been called beautiful." He smiled. "Well you are." I smiled at the drunken boy. I know he wouldn't remember this all tomorrow. But in this moment I felt more in love with him than I ever have in all my years of living, and I've known him for all of them. He was wasted, and didn't know what was going on, but I still loved him. "I only want you k?" Gerard got off the table and wrapped his arms around me. "I only want you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck, his touch, makes me feel safe. If I didn't have Gerard, I would not feel safe. I feel like I learned more about myself when I got with him. I started to realize that I never felt like I was stable before I got with Gee. "You guys are the cutest." Frank said and kissed my cheek, then kissed Gerard's. "Come on Frankie let's get to bed." Jamia laughed and grabbed him. "Goodnight favorite girl!" Frank said to me. I just looked down. That's awkward.. his girlfriend is there, he didn't mean I'm his favorite, that's just the alcohol talk. "You are my favorite girl Eleanor, I love you, and Gerard, I miss your lips handsome, come find me after school." Frank called to Gerard now. "I will." Gerard winked.

I took Gee and Mikey home and helped Gee get into bed. I slept next to him

Blood Within Myself//Gerard Way Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя