Virgin? (4)

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I woke up the next morning to all the boys shaking me. "Wake up! God I think she's dead guys." I heard Frank say, I was still half asleep. "She's not dead Frankie Jesus, come on Ellie get up." Ray said to me and gently shook my arm. "I say we pour a bucket of water on her." Gerard laughed. "I say we don't, she's asleep in my bed, which would mean, my sheets would get wet Gerard." Mikey said, clearly annoyed. "Go get the bucket Frank." Ray said. "I'm on it." I heard Frank run out of the room. "Ok ok I'm up Jesus." I said and sat up. "Frank, she's awake!" Ray called to Frank. "Damn it! Can I still pour water on her?" He said and walked in, smiling at me. "If you dump water on me I'll cut your balls off Frank." I said and stood up. "Do it." He said to me. Don't try me motherfucker I will. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes and stretched slightly. "Not a morning person huh?" Gerard said to me. "No." I responded and sat back down on the bed. "Well, my mom finally opened my pool again and we were thinking about swimming if you wanna come with." He smiled. "I didn't bring a bathing suit asshole." I said and laughed. "Just wear your bra and underwear or something jesus. It's like the same thing anyway isn't it?" He looked at me. "No. No it's not for your information. And my bra shows quite a bit and I'm not showing you guys my tits." I laughed again. "I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind anyway." He smirked, his stupid cocky ass. "Perverted." I said and fake gagged. "Well if you aren't gonna get in I might just you know, have to.." Gerard came behind me and lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Gerard what the hell put me down!" I said and started punching his back. He just speed walked to his backyard, which is down the stairs and straight out the door. So not far. Please don't throw me in the pool, please Gerard Arthur Way. "Oh hey Gee.. and Ellie..?" Ray looked at us before Gerard jumped into the pool. Me still attached to him. I came up from the water at the same time as him. "Oh you dickhead! You asshole!"
I said and started (lightly) hitting his head. "You asked for it." He started laughing. That kind of laugh where his nose scrunches up, and all his teeth are showing. Cute. I just lightly smacked him again and got out of the pool. That's when Donna came outside. "Oh, Ellie..? What happened?" Donna looked at me, clearly confused. Your son just threw me into the fucking pool Donna. "I dropped her in." Gerard smiled, that fucking cocky smile again. "In her clothes?" Donna laughed. "Yeah, she didn't bring a bathing suit." He shrugged. "Sweetie come inside you can borrow one from me." Donna smiled at me and led me inside. "Im sorry for dragging water through your house Donna." I said to her after she handed me a few bathing suits to try. "Oh no no, it's okay dear. I'm just glad you and the boys are friends again. It's always fun having you around." She smiled at me. "Are any of those suits okay?" She said to me after I changed. "Yeah this one is nice." I smiled. It was a pretty bathing suit. Really pretty. Actually. "Oh I haven't worn that in years. To old for it now. To old for any bikinis honestly. It fits you lovely sweetheart you just keep it okay?" She smiled. "Are you sure? I can give it back." I said to her. "Oh no no, you keep it." She smiled again. "Now go out there, have fun." She said and waved her hands in the direction of the door.

I went back outside and earned a "woooo!" From Frank. "Very nice, tits!" He joked with me. "Fuck off." I laughed again. "I'm just kidding. You look pretty though." Frank smiled. "Hey I hope you don't mind, I invited Amber over for a little bit." Ray said to me. "That's fine." I smiled. That's when Amber showed up. Amber was always pretty. But god in a bathing suit she's stunning. Now I feel like I look terrible compared to her. "Heyy!" She said and ran over to me. "Holy shit babe, you look stunning." She said to me and hugged me. "Thanks you too." I smiled. "Hey Gee." She smiled at Gerard. "Hey." He waved. She went over and started talking to him. Why do I feel so.. jealous? Like I don't want her talking to him. I mean I don't like Gerard. I just.. want only me to talk to him. "Hey, thinking about something?" Ray said as him and Mikey walked over. "No no." I said and took a sip of my coke. "You sure?" Mikey asked me, then glanced over at Gerard and Amber. "Do they have something more than I'm aware of going on?" I asked Mikey and Ray. "No not that I know of. Sometimes she comes over and her and Gee.. you know? But that's it. I don't think he actually really likes her. Poor girl." Mikey shook his head. He is acting like he likes her. "He doesn't, not that I'm aware of. Last thing he said was it was kinda just boredom. They never wanted to date or anything she just wants to fuck around." Ray shrugged. "Why though?" Mikey looked at me. "Just cause... you know? She's my best friend. I wanna know what's going on." I lied. I want to know what's going on because I.. who am I kidding? I don't know why I care so much? It's not my business. That's when Gee walked over, and Amber went to talk to Frank. I feel sick. "Hey guys." Gerard smiled at me and then sat next to me. "Hey." I responded and scooted closer to Ray. "You okay? You seem off." Gerard whispered to me. The guys both got up and got in the pool. "Just not feeling good I guess." I shrugged. "What's wrong? Do you need anything? I can get you anything that you need. Water?" He looked concerned. I need you to stop flirting with Amber in front of me. "No thanks Gee I'm good." I smiled. "Nausea?" He asked me and felt my forehead. Then did the mom thing where he kisses the forehead to see if you have a fever. Why the hell did that give me.. butterflies? Couldn't have been. Maybe it was just stomach twists or something. "You are a little warm. But probably cause you are sitting in the sun. Come on get in the pool it will cool you down." He said and stood up. Then held his hand out for me to grab. "I'm good Gee." I smiled. "Don't make me throw you in again. I will." He said to me. "Fine." I laughed and took his hand. Then got in the pool. "Look who finally decided to join the party." Amber said and threw her arm around my shoulder. Why do I feel disgusted. She's my friend I have never felt like this about her. I smiled and then Frank turned on music. "My playlist, I have the best music taste here." Frank said and jumped into the pool. After a little while I calmed down a little more. Donna came outside not long after and said she had to go to work and that she was working over night. She also informed me that my mom called my phone 6 times. Then called Donna and said I need to be home by 7. School tomorrow. "If Donna is gonna be gone does that mean I can use my fake ID and go buy us drinks?" Amber said and smiled. "That's not a good idea." Mikey whispered. "Why not Mikes? It would be fun. I mean we wouldn't get shit faced we would just have a few drinks you know?" Gerard smiled. "Cause last time you blacked out and mom came home early and almost beat your ass." Mikey laughed. "I wouldn't black out this time. I'm serious. Els can be my supervisor and she can make sure I do nothing dumb." Gerard said and pulled me into him by my waist. There's that goddamn feeling again. It cannot be butterflies. "Right Ellie?" He whispered to me. "I'm with Mikey. It's a bad idea." I said, Gerard was still holding my waist, and Amber was looking at me weird. Why the hell does she look like she wants to drain my blood..? "I'm fine with it." Ray shrugged. "Me too." Frank smiled. "Ok great! Me and Ellie can go get drinks." Amber smiled and grabbed my hand. "God." I rolled my eyes, Amber just laughed. She quickly pulled me away. "Gerard is great right?" Amber smiled at me as we got in her car. "Mhm." I smiled too. "So you guys had sex too?" She looked at me. "What? No! Ew!" I laughed. "Oh well I just assumed by the way he was all over you!" She teased. "Oh my god." I rolled my eyes. I could say the same thing for you. He was more on you than me. "He wasn't on me. I'm still a mega virgin okay?"
I laughed. "Well obvi. Don't worry, your first time will feel kinda.. bleh, but after that it's sick!" She smiled. "I'm not totally stoked about losing my virginity. I'm actually hella nervous." I laughed and adjusted my hair. "Well it's not scary." She shrugged. "And I've done this a million times." She then laughed.

We got the alcohol and then went back to the backyard where all the guys were. "Ok listen. Here's the rules. No one gets trashed because we all have to drive home." Amber said and held the drinks up. "Got it sugar." Gerard laughed. God don't call her that.

No one did get drunk that night, but we all had a few drinks for fun. I've never drank before, but I found out what it was like.

Blood Within Myself//Gerard Way Where stories live. Discover now