With Frankie (9)

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I woke up the next morning to the noise of Mikey shuffling through his closet. "Oh sorry for waking you, morning." He said and turned to look at me. "It's fine." I shrugged and sat up. "Oh and by the way you missed a call from Amber. I wanted to answer and tell her to fuck off but, I don't have the balls. Plus I don't know if you want her to fuck off like I want her to fuck off." He said and went back to looking through his closet. Mikey talks a lot when you get to know him, it's nice. "Should've answered." I laughed. "Yeah but she would've said that we were fucking around too." Mikey laughed. "Eh I don't care." I stood up, "plus no one would believe her, they would be stupid too." I walked over to my bag and grabbed my clothes out. "I'm gonna go get dressed." I told Mikey and walked out. I went to get dressed and then Mikey texted me and told me that he was downstairs. I then walked downstairs. "Hey Gee." I said and walked behind Gerard, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hey girly." He turned around and looked at me. Something about that look. "How'd you sleep?" He smiled. "I slept okay." I shrugged and sat at their kitchen table. "You should've slept in my room, you wouldn't have been bothered by Mikey all night." Gerard looked over at Mikey. "Mikey doesn't bother me." I tapped Mikey's shoulder. "See Gerard, she likes talking to me." Mikey looked at Gee. "Mhm." He smiled. "Don't like her to much." Gerard said and walked over to grab a drink. "Gerard she's older than me, and you can keep her my lord." Mikey said and rolled his eyes, then walked to the living room and turned the tv on. "Good to know she's not a cougar." Gerard sat a drink down for me. "Thanks." I smiled. "What did you talk to Frankie about last night?" Gerard looked at me. "Situation." I responded. "Makes sense." He looked at me. I can tell something is bothering him. "What about the situation?" Gerard looked at his fingers that were on the table. "Just about stuff, like things he said." I watched him twiddle his fingers, his expression dropping as he tapped his fingers together. "Oh, ok." He remained looking down. His expression remains worried. "Gerard he told me that he loved me." I looked down still. "And you love him?" Gerard finally looked up. If I loved him I wouldn't be sitting at this table with you. I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. "No, god, no." I looked at Gerard. "I just wanted him to know that I feel something.. with you. I don't know what yet, but something." I looked directly at him. I do know what it is, I feel love for him. Is that it ? Is that what it is? "Really?" He eased up. "Yes." I smiled softly. "I don't know what it is, but there's something there Gee." I placed my hand on his. "Sometimes love is confusing sugar." He whispered and winked at me. I knew he couldn't stay away from being cocky for long. "Cocky ass." I laughed. "Cock?" Ray said and walked in the door. "So you just walk in now?" Gerard looked at Ray. "You just ignored the fact that I said cock." Ray sat next to Gerard. "Why did you just walk in?" Gerard said to Ray. "I can walk in when I want I'm here so much." Ray shrugged. "No you cannot." Gerard said to him. "I'll leave." Ray stood up. "No don't leave just.." Gerard said. "That sounded gay Gerard I'm not Frankie don't be gay to me." Ray rolled his eyes and walked to the living room. "Me and Frank aren't gay." Gerard rolled his eyes and stood up, also walking into the living room.

That's when my mom called. "Honey come home please" my mom said to me. "Mom I'm hanging out with Mikey, Ray, and Gee, why do I need to come home right now?" I said to her. "There's someone here to see you and I need to speak with you." She was clearly mad. Shit, what does she know? "About what?" I said nervously. "Come home Eleanor." She said to me. "Ok." We hung up the phone and I walked into the living room. "I gotta get home, my moms mad." I said. "What's she mad about?" Ray looked at me, confused. "Yeah what's who mad at who for?" Frank walked in, smiling at me. "Quit just walking into my home guys!" Gerard said, Mikey just laughed. "My moms mad at me for something. Not sure what though." I shrugged. "She said I have company." I laughed. "I drove by and Amber was in your driveway, might wanna run home and defend yourself.. and defend me." Frank laughed. "Shit! Shit shit!" I said. "Yeah, shit, if you don't run and defend yourself I will never be able to pick you up for parties again." Frank stood up to grab a soda from the fridge. "I gotta go guys." I said and put my jacket on to walk out the door. "Don't forget to defend me little one!" Frank called to me. I then ran back in the house. "Someone walk me home I'm scared." I said and stood there. "I gotta be home anyway, I just came to say hi, the rents' would beat my ass for being here. I'm on house arrest." Frank stood up. "Not a good idea." I laughed. "You're actually probably right." He said and stood up. "I'll walk you." Gerard laughed. "Let's all just walk her bro." Ray stood up.  They all walked me home, and my mom was waiting at the door. "Get in the house." She pointed to the door. "Thanks for walking her home boys, I don't think you'll be seeing her for a while." My mom said and looked towards Frank.

When I got inside Amber was on my couch and my mom walked in behind me. "So you had sex?" My mom glared at me. "Yes I did." I said to her and looked down, tears forming now. Does she know that I feel terrible? "With that boy you are always with?! And several other guys?!" My mom crossed her arms. "What?!" I looked up. "Explain." She said to me. "I didn't, what?!" I looked at her. "You didn't?" She looked at me, then looked at Amber, who was trying not to laugh. "Amber?" My mom looked at her. "I swear I keep hearing she is." Amber looked at her. "I didn't." Tears we're now falling from my eyes. "Amber said you are. And you stayed at Gerard and Mikey's last night." My mom looked at me. "I already called Donna, and she's so so so convinced that you leave the door open when you sleep in Mikey's room." My mom looked at me. "I do! Ask Mikey!" I said and raised my voice slightly. "Don't you yell at me!" My mom pointed at me. Amber then started giggling. "I did not, I did one time, with Frank! There! With Frankie! But never once with any other guy in my life." I was full on crying now. My mom seemed to realize what was happening with Amber now, because Amber couldn't even stop her giggling. "What is happening?" My mom looked at me. That's when my mom told Amber to leave. "Did you sleep with any other guys?" My mom looked at me as Amber left. "No I swear." I cried. "Ok, fine, I believe you, but you are still staying home the whole summer for what happened with Frank." My mom said to me. "The whole summer?! That's bizarre!" I said to her. "Go to your room." My mom pointed to the stairs.

I called Donna from there and asked her to talk to my mom. Which she did. I heard Donna arguing with my mom on the phone. "You are staying home for 2 weeks, and then you are allowed out." My mom came in and sighed. "K." I shrugged. "Ok." She walked out.


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