The note (22)

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Frank's note read:
"Ellie, I am leaving you this note to take home with you, and I hope you open it once you get home, as I stated on the front. I have a lot to talk to you about Ellie. To start, everything has been so different since you left. And since Ray had left, but Ray came back, you didn't. It was one of the scariest experiences I've ever had. I worry about you, since you are so far away. I worried when you were only 20 minutes away, but then, I could speed to get to you if something happened and you needed me, but now, I can't. I can't be there to crawl through your windows anymore every time you need to cry, or need someone around just so you can sleep. Or when you want a hug. I would still be there though. If you ever need me Ellie, I live far away, but I would go the distance if you texted that you needed me. When I found out Ray was going to school with you, me and Mikey begged him to take care of you. Just to check in with you from time to time, and I think he did a good job at that. Not a day goes by where all of us don't worry about you and Alicia. When you grow up with someone, I guess you don't realize how hard it becomes when you don't have them right next to you anymore. I've always loved you El's. I'm in love with you. I always have been. Maybe at some points more than others. But this is me writing and telling you that km going to move on. I'm going to move past you, even if you are all I've ever known. I love you, so I'm letting you go, and I'm letting you be free.

This doesn't mean we have to stop being friends, cause I never want that to happen. I love you, and you are my best friend.

-your Frankie

I finished reading his note and tears immediately started falling. I picked up my phone and called Frank. "What's up girly, you okay?" Frank said as he picked up. "I read the note." I sniffled. "Mm, I see." He sighed. "I miss you Frankie." I said and looked down. "I miss you." Frank responded. "I wanna come home. I wanna come home Frank." I cried. "We all want you to come home." Frank said to me. "I'm moving on now Ellie. You should too. I'm working towards getting back with Jamia." He said to me. "I'm happy for you guys." I smiled. I love him and Jamia. "What about Gee?" Frank said to me. "I don't wanna get with Gee." I sighed and laid down on my bed. "Why not?" He asked me. "I don't know Frank, I'm not prepared to be hurt again." I sighed. "Well maybe you should prepare yourself. Ellie he loves you, and I know how it feels to love you. You are one special girl El's." He laughed. "Well I don't know how to talk to him." I sniffled. "Try, just try. Talk to Mikey, Mikey will figure it out for you." He said to me. "Frank I can try but I can't make any promises." I sighed. "Well if you would try for me, that would be great." Frank responded. "Frankie I miss you." I said and sniffled again. Starting to miss them when you live so far away is so hard, especially when I spent my whole life with those boys. "I miss you Ellie." He said in response. "I'm pretty sure if the band blows up the guys are moving to Cali, I'm not, but I'll visit." He said to me. "Yeah.." I said. "Don't worry about us forgetting about you El's. I never forgot, I know I rarely called but you know, when you styled us, that was cause of me. I said I wanted you to come down, I said I wanted it to be you. Cause I just missed you." He said to me. "Really?" I responded. "Yeah, I missed you." He said to me. "Call Mikey, have him talk to Gerard, and then we will figure out how to get you down here to talk to Gee okay? In person talk." Frank said to me. "I don't have the money to get back down there. I'll just call him." I responded. "Actually we are touring, we will be out there soon. Probably in like 2 weeks or so. I forgot completely. We will come see you and you guys can talk then." He excitedly said. "Ok Frank. Whatever you say." I sighed. That's when Alicia walked in.

"Hey girlfriend." She said and sat next to me on my bed. "Hey." I responded as I hung up the phone with Frank, saying bye and telling him I loved him. "What was that about?" She asked me. "Frank suggesting that I make up with Gerard." I said to her. "Maybe it's not a bad idea, I mean then we would be sisters technically if I marry Mikey." She smiled. I laughed in response. "That would be nice." I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Maybe you should try talking to Gerard again El's." Frank looked at the girl. Her cheeks flushed red from crying, her eyes puffy. Long term friend Gerard deciding do not be friends anymore made her upset. It was hard, not having her around anymore. Frank Iero, an awkward boy, with a weird haircut sat next to her, trying to tell her to just talk, thinking talking helps with everything. Frank used to be someone she didn't get along with, lately it's been weird, seems like he suddenly cared. Noticed the girls hurt by chance? "He doesn't care." Eleanor cried. "He should. You're a very special girl El's." The boy threw his arm around the girls shoulder. "Thanks." Eleanor shrugged. "He is a total loser if he can't see that." Frank smiled and hugged the girl a little tighter.

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