Mrs. Taylor (19)

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"Ellie!!" Alicia called to me from the other room of our cramped studio apartment in California. I graduated college and decided to move to Cali for more opportunities in the fashion industry. I've styled plenty of amazing bands, and even made some great friends out of it. Alicia moved down here with me. We decided to live together. I haven't seen any old friends from New Jersey in years. The last coffee shop date was the last time I seen them. Frank, Mikey, Gerard, Ray, etc. are still in New Jersey or New York. Mikey working at a record label still, and Gerard.. I believe working as an intern for Cartoon Network, still in New York City, but still living at home. At least from what Mikey tells me. Frank is doing some work at his dads business, but also has a band, Ray.. well I think he wants to produce movies but he's not getting anywhere yet. Mikey said Gerard wants to form a band. Says he watched the attacks on the 11th, guess it really shook him. Ray plays for the band, and Frank has been getting them gigs. Mikey learned base. I guess the band is doing amazing."Yeah A?!" I responded to Alicia calling for me. "Your phone is ringing, I think it's probably for you." She said and handed the phone to me. Jesus I wanted one day off. "Hello this is Eleanor Taylor speaking." I said as I picked up, even if it could be my friends, I always have to use my business answer. "Hello, Ellie right? Can I call you Ellie?" The person on the phone asked me. "Yes of course, that's fine." I responded. Weird, no one calls me Ellie unless advised. "Ok good, I'm calling to ask if you would be willing to make a trip here to New York. I seen some of your work on fellow artists such as "Fall out boy" and I was wondering if you would be able to come help style a band I'm working with for a launch shoot. It's important for them to get out there ya know?" The man said to me on the phone. "Uh, let me check my schedule. What day, or days, would you need me?" I asked the man on the phone and took out my calendar. "As soon as possible. I was thinking maybe.. Thursday? I can pay to fly you out here no problem. I can also pay for your rental car if needed." He said to me. "Thursday should work.. How long will I be there for?" I said. "Only like a day." He responded. "That will work." I smiled and wrote it in my calendar. "So you are leaving next Thursday?" Alicia came into the room. "Yeah, I style Pete again tomorrow and then I guess I leave." I shrugged. "Can I come?" She asked, "I wanna see Mikey." She smiled. "Yeah you can come girly." I laughed and closed my planner. "I miss Mikey so so so much." She said and sat on the couch. "Me too girly." I said and sat next to her. That's when my doorbell rang. "Pete?" I said as I opened the door, "and Patrick..? Hey guys." I looked at the boys that walked through my door. Fall out boy. Pete Wentz, and Patrick Stump. 2 of my current closest friends, but also boys that I style. "We need you to style us tonight, tomorrow the interview got switched to earlier." Pete said frantically. "Where's the rest of the band?" I asked them. "Not here, it's just me and Pete doing the interview." Patrick shrugged. "Oh ok that works. Step into my office." I laughed. "Hey Alicia." Pete waved at Alicia. "Hey Pete, wyd?" Alicia responded and sat at my desk. "Getting styled." Patrick smiled. "That's fun. I gotta go, I'll see you guys later." Alicia said and stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked her. "Store, where did you think I was going? My boyfriend is in New Jersey." She laughed. "Boyfriend?" Patrick looked at her. "Oh, bye guys!" She quickly ran out, she was giggling. "Wait stop! You are dating Mikey?" I said and followed her, "yeah you are dating Mikey! Whose Mikey?.." Pete looked at me. "I guess you'll never know." Alicia said and walked out. "God that girl." I shook my head and grabbed the stuff I needed to style the boys.

I woke up early, 7 am flight, and then I had to be there and style this "band" at 12. Long ass day, but the pay is good. Once me and Alicia got off the plane we went to my house. I flew into New Jersey so I could visit my mom and Donna. "Hi mom." I smiled and hugged my mom. "Sweetheart! How are you? And Alicia, how are you sweetie?" My mom hugged Alicia. "Hi Mrs. Taylor." Alicia hugged my mom. "Please call me Sandy." My mom smiled. "Ok." Alicia smiled too. "Hey hey hey!" My brother came around the corner. "Ethan? What the hell? Why are you here?" I said and hugged my brother. "Mom said you were coming home. I wanted to see you." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "I gotta go get ready. I have to be at an appointment in an hour. I'll be home after and we can hang out. Alicia come with me I need help picking my outfit." I said and grabbed Alicia's hand and walked upstairs. She helped me pick an outfit and then I quickly walked to my rental car. "Ok, so remember Alicia, you are my assistant." I said to her as we pulled into the parking lot of the studio we were going to. "Got it." she smiled and patted my shoulder. We then walked inside and we were greeted with a tall, brunette man, probably in his late 20s, early 30s?? "Hi Ellie, right?" He looked at me. "Yes, and this is my assistant Alicia." I smiled. "Hi, nice to meet you both." He said and shook our hand. "Nice to meet you too." I smiled. "The boys are this way. Is there anyway you can come with to the shoot too? I can pay you extra, I just don't want anything to go wrong. I have high hopes in this band. They are so new wave it's insane. You'll love the boys too, they are so sweet, and easy to work with." He said as we walked into a small inclosed room. "I'm sure we will love them. I've only ever had nice clients." I smiled. "Here they are, My Chemical Romance." He smiled and pointed into a small studio room. Holy fucking shit! My Chemical Romance?! That's Frank, and holy shit that's Ray, and Mikey?! And.. Gerard? "Oh?! I'm sure we will get along great." I looked at Alicia. She was giggling. "Uh.." she looked at me. "Go ahead inside." He pointed towards the door. "Boys this is your stylist, and her assistant. Eleanor, and Alicia." He said and pointed at us. "Ellie, holy shit!" Frank said and ran over hugging me and lifting me up as he did. "Hi Frankie." I smiled. "Hey girly." He kissed my cheek. "I missed you." He said to me. "This isn't gonna be a good fit man." Gerard walked over to the man I met earlier. "Why? Seems like you already know each other." He shrugged. "She's my ex girlfriend. I'm engaged now, I don't want to see her." He said. "Sorry. We don't have time for someone else." The guy said and walked out. "There won't be issues." I assured the man and walked towards Gerard. "Now will there be issues Mr. Way?" I looked at him. "No Mrs. Taylor." He looked down at me and gave me a cocky smile. "Don't call me Mrs. Taylor, it's my weakness Gerard." I whispered and winked. Pissing him off is my strong suit. "Ellie!!" Mikey hugged me. "Hi Mikey." I smiled. "My love." Mikey walked over to Alicia. "Boyfriend." Alicia threw her arms around Mikey. "Finally." He kissed her. "Ew, losers." Ray said and walked by, then hugged me. "Hi Ray." I smiled. "Hey El's how are you?" He asked me. "I'm okay, how are you lovely?" I said to him. "I'm good." He smiled. "Flirting with everyone now huh, whore era?" Gerard walked over towards me. "I'm just here to style you guys. No relations." I shrugged. "Besides with me. I'm cool." Frank pointed at himself. "Yeah only with Frankie. He's cool." I smiled. "Wheres Jamia?" I asked Frank. "Oh.. about that. We broke up. Surprise !!" He said and raised his arms. "Oh I'm sorry Frankie.." I said and looked down. "It's okay, we are still besties. I'm okay." He smiled and hugged my side. "Quit flinging yourself all over my friends." Gerard rolled his eyes. "Why are you worried about it? You have a fiancé." I looked at him. "I'm not worried per-say, just think it's disrespectful." He shrugged. "I've always been like this, why does it piss you off now? It's nkt like I'm fucking them Gerard. Get over it." I said to him and sighed. "I'm just here to help you guys okay? Be grateful." I said and walked over to Ray. "Ok Ray let me see, I gotta take your waist measurements." I said and took Ray's measurements. Gerard was rolling his eyes the whole time. "Ok got it, let me go write down your measurements and then I'll get you Frankie." I said and walked over to the desk and wrote down Ray's measurements in my notebook. "Hey Frankie, I gotta get your waist measurements." I said and tapped on Frank's shoulder. He was talking to Mikey and Alicia. "Go ahead, I don't bite." He turned around and held his arms out. I then took his waist measurements, then took Mikey's measurements, and onto Gerard next. "Hold your arms out please." I said to him. "I don't want you to take my measurements. How about your assistant does it." He said to me. "Sorry but my assistant is busy." I shrugged and lifted his arms up. "I'm paying you, don't disrespect me." He pointed at me. "Mhm, and I don't have to be here, I could've said "no I'm not taking that job I have a tight schedule." But I took the job right? So don't disrespect me Mr.Way, let's make this easy on both of us please." I said to him and smiled. He then put his arms out. "What made you such a dickhead?" I said to him. "People outgrow each other Ellie. And now that we are adults our parents can't force us to hang out." He said to me. "Well for one, adults don't live in their moms basements, and two, you weren't very tired of me when you were fucking with me Gerard." I winked and then took his waist measurements.

I went the rest of the day styling them, and listening to Gerard bitch about how I was his stylist. Then listened to him brag about his fiancé. The girl I met before. Eliza?? That's his fiancé. And Mikey and Alicia are happy. And Ray has a girlfriend. So that leaves me and Frank single and lonely. At least we can relate to each other in some way.

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