Doorstep (2)

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When we pulled up to the school building I got out and walked with Ray. I awkwardly waved bye to Gerard as he walked away. Oh my lord. I then said bye to Mikey and continued walking ahead with Ray. That's when Frankie ran up behind me. Frank (Frankie) Iero jr. I've known Frank forever. He's a smartass but he's funny as hell, and if you get the chance to talk to him you'll find that out quick. He's also pretty close with Gerard. "Frank you scared the shit out of me." I said trying to catch my breath from him scaring it out of me. "Loser, total loser." Frank threw his arms around me and Ray's shoulders. "Wanna have a threesome?" He smirked. "Shut the fuck up." Ray smacked him. "Hey, just saying! It's up for grabs. No one can resist Frank." He said and walked in front of us. Oh my lord, Frank you know girls don't like you, just be quiet. "With your name being Frank.." I started. "Oh don't talk about my name again you know I hate yo-" Amber came over and cut him off. "Hey guys!" She smiled. "Hey Amber." Frank waved. "Anyway, gotta run, but have fun kiddos." He winked and ran over to Gerard who was on the other side of the hallway. "Anyway Ellie, wanna hang out with me after school?" Amber asked me and put her stuff in her locker. "Can't, I'm on house arrest. Gotta study with Mikey and Gerard." I said and laughed. "Really? Sandra has you locked in again?" She smiled. "When does she not?" I smiled too.

I walked out of class and walked into the lunch room with Frankie, our class before this was math and that's the only class we had together. We sat at a table with Mikey, Amber, Ray, Gerard, and a few other friends that we only really hung out with at lunch. "Hey Gee Way." Frank sat next to Gee and kissed his cheek, making that "Mwah!" Noise when he kissed him. "I don't know what kind of bromance you guys have.. but my gaydar is majorly going off right now." Amber said and took a bite of her sandwich. "Don't hate us cause you ain't us sista. What we got going on is something that you'll never understand." Frank said, then started laughing at his own comment, causing all of us to laugh too. "Making me sound more and more gay everyday." Gerard said. "They don't have to know." Frank winked at Gerard. Gaining a much earned eye-roll from Gerard. Sometimes I think they really are gay, for gods sake. I talked to all of them, well besides Gerard, for the rest of the lunch period. We mostly talked about video games, and music. Normal stuff. We usually talked about school drama, but there wasn't much today. Besides Miley Harris. But she's always drama. Miley Harris, schools biggest asshole. Well little miss preppy. Who the fuck still cares about that shit at 17 years old anyway. School went by quick, and before I knew it I was leaving my last period class. I usually walk home, but I figured I would just ride with Mikey and Gerard since I was going back to their house anyway. I got in the car and said hey to Mikey, then just nodded at Gerard. This is gonna be hell. Their house isn't far, maybe a 5 minute drive. But we got there faster than 5 minutes with Gerard's driving. He drives like a crazy person. "Hey mom." Gerard called as we walked through the door. "Hey honey." She smiled. She was making diner already. "Hi Mikey, oh and hi Eleanor." I hate when people say Eleanor, why can't they just call me Ellie. She smiled and waved at me. "Hi Mrs. Way." I smiled. "Oh just call me Donna honey." She said to me. "Ok." I said and smiled again. "By the way mom, she prefers to go by Ellie. Eleanor is just.. you know? To long." Gerard said and walked into the basement, Mikey and I following after him. "Oh got it! Sorry Ellie!" She called. "It's okay!" I smiled. "Dinner will be ready soon, you kids just relax and have fun." She called from upstairs. "Got it mom." Gerard called back. "You can sit on the couch if you want." He said and looked at me. I really want to say no just cause I don't want to listen to him. "Ok thanks." I said and sat next to Mikey. "Wanna play Mario kart?" Mikey said to me and handed me a controller. "Sure." I smiled. We played Mario Kart for a while and Gerard kinda just sat there and read his comics. "Do you wanna play, I can sit out for a while." I said and handed the controller to Gerard. "It's fine." He said to me and slightly smiled. "You sure?" I asked him again. "Gerard is scared that I'll beat him again." Mikey teased. "No I'm not." Gerard laughed. "You totally are." Mikey said to him. "Give me the controller El's." He said and smiled. He just gave me a new nickname, are we even close enough for that? "Here." I laughed, and handed him the controller. Him and Mikey went through a few intense rounds of Mario Kart before Donna called us upstairs for dinner. "Kids! Dinners ready!" She called. We all ran upstairs, me and Mikey were laughing our asses off because Gerard got his ass beat. "Jeez why are you guys laughing so much?" Donna chuckled and sat our plates down. "Because I beat Gee's ass in Mario kart! And he is a sore loser!" Mikey punched Gerard's side. "I am not!" Gerard said and laughed. "You are a little bit." I laughed too. "Oh shut up El's."
He smiled. "El's? She's already moving up nicknames and she's only been here for an hour." Donna smiled. "Easier." Gerard shrugged.

After we finished dinner my mom texted and said to come home. "I gotta get home." I said to Donna and the boys. "Ok honey." Donna smiled. "I'll give you a ride home if you want one." Mikey said to me. "It's fine I don't live far, I'll walk. Thanks though." I smiled and walked out the door. "Wait up!" Gerard walked outside after me. "I'll walk you home. It's dark and we don't live in a safe town, ya'know?" He said to me. "Oh thanks, but I'm fine really." I said and smiled. "No I don't want you walking alone, I'm serious it isn't safe just let me walk you Ellie." He said to me. "Gerard I'm fine." I said to him. "Ellie. Stop being so goddamn stubborn. I know you are Mrs. do it all on my own, but let me do this one thing." He said to me. "Fine." I shook my head and we started walking. We talked for a little while, but most of the walk was sorta silent. "See ya El's." Gerard smiled and waved at me when I got to my doorstep. "Bye Gee." I smiled too. "Upgrading nicknames." He teased. "Shut up or I'll change it back." I smiled. "Mhm." He shrugged. "Will you be fine walking home?" I asked him. "I'll be good." He said to me. "It's dangerous." I laughed. "For you. Not for me. Your a girl." He said to me. "Your an idiot." I smiled. "Bye." He laughed.

Why am I getting along with Gerard? What is happening..?

Blood Within Myself//Gerard Way Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora