Parents house ? (17)

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I woke up early in the morning. Ugh, 7 am. I don't even have classes today. "Morning sunshine." My roommate, Alicia said. Alicia is younger than me, but she's smart. She graduated early. "Hi A." I smiled. "You are up early." She laughed. "Ray's coming over, he texted me cause you weren't answering." Alicia shrugged. "I'm going back to sleep." I sighed and walked away. I fell asleep, and woke up to someone straddling over me and hitting me. "Wake up bitch! Come on!" It's Ray. It's fucking Ray. "Shut up." I said and sat up, then pushed him off of me. "Aggressive this morning aren't you?" He looked at me as he laid in my bed. Ever since I left Belleville, I've been super close with Ray. Ray Toro..? The one with the big glasses and afro? Yes. That kid, the one who tucks his shirts into his khakis. Yes that Ray Toro. He's my best friend. "Wake up! We gotta go see Michael." Ray said and hit me. "Raymond. Go away." I stood up. "I'll wait in the living room." He laughed.

I threw on clothes and grabbed a jacket, then ran out to the living area of our dorm. "You coming with Alicia?" I asked Alicia. I've been trying to get her to talk to Mikey FOREVER. I know they would like each other. "No I'm good, I got a date with Bryson tonight." She smiled. "You sure..? I mean maybe we can have you home in time." I smiled. "Ok fine." She sighed and grabbed her jacket off the coat rack. We then got in Ray's car and started driving down there. It wasn't a long drive, only like an hour max, but that's cause Ray drives slow. Old ass man driver. "Home sweet home." Ray opened his door. I then opened mine and opened the door for Alicia. "Thank you." She smiled. "Of course, anything for my girl." I laughed and winked. "Ooo." Ray teased. We then walked up to Donna's porch and knocked. "Hey you guys!!" Donna smiled and started hugging all of us. "Look at you, so pretty. As always." Donna kissed my cheek. "And you, you look beautiful Alicia." She kissed Alicia's cheek too. "Thank you Donna." Alicia smiled. "Hey, what about me mom?" Ray "pouted". "You are pretty too Ray." Donna patted his face and laughed. "Ellie!!" Mikey walked over to me and hugged me, lifting me off my feet. "Hi Mikey!" I smiled. "You look amazing, I missed you. How's college? Met anyone special?" He asked me. "No, just there with Ray and Alicia." I smiled. "Oh hi Alicia." He said shyly. Mikey likes Alicia. He has the BIGGEST crush on her. He finds her so pretty. I love it. It's adorable. "Ellie?" Gerard came around the corner. "Oh.. hey Gee." I waved. I didn't even know he was supposed to be home. What? He doesn't live here. "Forgot to tell you.. he lives at home. Surprise..?" Mikey threw his hands up. "Mhm." I shrugged. "Hey Ellie." Gerard sighed, he looked miserable. Dead almost? Like he hasn't done anything for weeks. Maybe college is just rough? "Let me do your hair, let me at least cut off whats dead." Donna came over to me. "Leave the poor thing alone." Donald laughed. I barely ever hear from Gerard's dad. "How are you kiddo?" He hugged me. "I'm okay." I smiled. "That's great!" He said in response. I let Donna cut my hair, and then asked Mikey if he wanted to go visit Frank. He said yes.

"Frankie? Is that really him?" I said as I walked into his dads business. "Eleanor? My girl? I didn't know you were coming!" He said and walked over, picking me up. "I missed you." I smiled. "I missed you! What have you been up to?" Frank smiled. "Nothing really, just work." I shrugged. "Proud of you. Hey kiddo." Frank waved at Mikey. "You're breakup with Gerard, it treated you well girl, you look good." He smiled. "Thanks Frankie." I laughed. "I'm not saying I support the break up, I don't support him I support you. I just you know." He laughed and rubbed his hair. "Wheres Ray?" He asked me. "Back at Mikey's." I said. "Shit..? You went there?" He sighed. "Yes I did. Yes I seen Gerard." I nervously laughed. "How was that? Was he a dickhead?" He ran his hands through his hair. "I wasn't there long enough to know. So I don't know." I laughed. "He's been rambling about you all week." He shrugged. "Is he not at school?" I asked him. "He is, he just drives back and forth. He lives at home. Probably will forever. He's a hermit man! He won't leave, he won't move. He stays in his room, goes to school, and goes back in his room. He isn't eating, probably isn't drinking anything other coffee." He shrugged. "Really?" I asked him. "Yes." He responded. "Maybe I should talk to him." I shrugged. "No don't. It'll make it worse. He will start drawing more depressive shit just leave it." Mikey chimed it. "What?" I asked him. "Yeah but.. if you guys don't keep talking after one talk. It'll make it worse so don't." Mikey sighed. "Ok I won't. I'm just worried." I said and shook my head. "I'll talk to him." Mikey said. "No use Mikey. You know that you aren't doing well either." He said. "Shut up Frankie." Mikey responded. "What Mikey?" I looked at him. "Look I'm doing fine, I just you know.. get out now?" He shrugged. "Like partying every night, getting drunk, and banging girls?" Frank looked at him. "Frank stop. It's not that big of a deal. I'm old enough now." Mikey sighed. "Mikey?" I looked at him. "You guys did it." He whispered. "And?" I looked at him. Mikey way? The Michael Way out here partying and having sex? Who is thisss? "Mikey lost more than just his virginity. At this point he's lost his sanity. Lord help this poor soul." Frank shook his head. I just laughed in response. Mikey did too.

I spent the rest of the day at Frankie's house with Ray, Alicia, Frank, and Mikey. Alicia and Mikey are hitting it off well. Thank god.

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