Sleepover (3)

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The next day I woke up to my mom calling me downstairs. "What?" I said and walked downstairs. "Donna said you and the boys had fun." She smiled. "Yeah?" I said to her. "Gerard walked you home last night, he's such a doll." My mom said to me, her thick Jersey accent showing through. "Yeah he did." I shrugged and sat at the table. "Well that's nice, what did you guys talk about?" My mom smiled. "Who?" I looked at her. "You and Gerard silly." She said to me and handed me breakfast, then sat across from me. My moms hair is fucking huge today jesus. "Oh just you know, video games and stuff." I said. "So you guys are friends?" She asked me. "No not really. Mikey is really cool though. I like him." I said and started eating. "That's good honey, but why aren't you and Gerard getting close?" She asked me another question. Don't tell her anything. "I don't know, he's okay, just doesn't like the same things as me." I continued eating. "So? You guys can still hang out." My mom smiled. "Maybe she doesn't want to fuck him like Amber does mom." My brother said and put his plate in the sink. He's such an asshole. "Ethan, can you not use such profanity in this household please." My mom looked at him. "My god. I'm not 10 anymore mom I'm 18." My brother rolled his eyes. "18 years is old enough to leave if you are gonna be disrespectful." I looked at my brother. "And 17 years is way too old to still have your virginity." He smiled. Cocky ass smile. "You don't still have your virginity? Mom that means you were right and he did fuck Cathy Simions at summer camp 2 years ago." I looked at my mom. "Ok we don't need to discuss our sex life here. Your sister doesn't have to have sex, she's a good girl." My mom looked at my brother. "Yeah I'm sure that's what they'll call her in bed." He started laughing at his own comment, and well.. I did too. "Young man, we need to have a discussion about your behavior later." My mom glared at my brother. "No need, I'm an adult." He laughed again. "Well then pay rent." My mom started arguing with him. This happens way to much, god. I just got up and walked away. I'm so used to them arguing. It was always just me, my mom, and my brother, so my brother walked all over my mom. I walked upstairs and got a call from Mikey. "Hey Ellie!" Mikey said as I picked up. "Hey Mikey, what's up?" I asked him. "Wanna come hang out for a little bit?" Mikey asked me. "Yeah sure, let me go talk to my mom." I smiled. "I'll call you back." I said to him and ran downstairs. "Mom can I go hang out with Mikey?" I said to her. "Whore, jumping between brothers." Ethan said and elbowed me. "Shut up." I laughed. "You can go ahead darling. Just be home at 9 okay?" She said to me. "Got it." I said and walked out the door.

"Hey honey! I didn't know the boys were gonna have you over." Donna smiled and opened the door further. "Yeah Mikey asked me to come over." I smiled. "Well they are downstairs." She smiled and pointed to the basement. "Hey guys." I said as I walked downstairs. "Hey El's." Gerard smiled. "Hey Gee." I smiled too. "Hey Mikey." I waved at Mikey. "Hey Ellie." He smiled too. I sat down and we started talking about music. Gerard then started telling me about his stupid comics. Oh lord. "I have no clue what that is Gee." I laughed. "Oh well, it's you know.." he started and was telling me about the comic more. Then Donna called for us to come up and eat dinner. Jesus time has passed that much. "You like Alfredo right Ellie?" Donna asked me and sat the plate down. "Yeah I do." I smiled. "Ok good." She smiled too. We talked for the rest of dinner. Then my mom texted and said I have to come home. "Just stay a little longer." Mikey said to me. "I really gotta get home, but if you can convince your mom to let me stay the night I can walk back here soon." I smiled. "Ok ok, I will! I will! I'll get her to say yes don't worry." Mikey said excitedly. "Ok got it, I'll talk to my mom okay?" I smiled. "Good." He smiled.

Gerard walked out the door after me. "I'll walk you home." He said to me smiling. "Sexist." I teased. "Oh my lord." He laughed. "So Mikey wants you to stay over?" Gee asked me. "Yeah, I will if my mom says yes." I shrugged. "Good." He smiled.

They dropped me off and I knew my mom wouldn't say yes, so I did the best thing, tell Amber to tell her mom to lie for me. Ambers mom always covers for me, she's more of a friend than a mom. So therefore I had her mom lie with my mom and tell her that I was staying at Ambers house that night. I then tried calling Mikey and Gerard but they didn't answer. I then checked Frank's live journal, only to find that Frank is at their house. So I texted Frank. And he responded with, "Donna and Mikey are arguing."

"Mom can Ellie come back and stay the night? Please! I wanna have a sleepover." I said excitedly to my mom. "Mikey I don't know.. she's a girl." My mom looked at me and said. "Oh really mom?! So Gerard can have friends over but I can't?!" I looked at her. "Michael Gerard hangs out with boys, she's a female. And you guys are teenagers." My mom looked at me. "That's so sexist mom! You are sexist!" I said to her. "Boys and girls do inappropriate things whenever they are together at night." She looked at me. "Are you serious? I'm not the boy to worry about mom! Gerard and Frank are gay! You aren't worried about Frank's gay ass!" I said to her. "Gerard and Frank are basically dating! You aren't understanding this!" I said to her. "Frank is a good boy, and your brother is not gay, and even if he is who cares." My mom said and shook her head. "Mom! Boys do inappropriate things with boys too!" I said to her. "Michael you guys are teenagers, and you guys have hormones. You don't know what could happen." My mom said to me. "Oh but you let Amber stay the night! And Amber and Gee do inappropriate things with the doors closed!" I screamed. "Mikey." My brother looked at me and did a "cut it out" face. "Oh uh.." I continued. "What are you talking about?!" My mom looked at Gerard. "It's just slang mom, it means Frank, you let Frank stay and he's gay. And I'm not homophobic, I'm just saying." I said. "Ma can Ray stay the night too." Gerard said. "Yes that's fine." My mom said to him. "Oh so he gets to have 2 friends over and I can't have one?!" I said to her. "Ok you know what, fine, but leave the doors open." My mom said. "Ok we will! She can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. Because she doesn't want to stay with Gee." I ran upstairs and called her. "Hey Mikey I gotta sneak out to get there, can one of you come get me?" She asked me. "Yeah Gee will be there." I smiled.

Gerard walked over and we walked back to the house. I had so much fun hanging out with all of them. It was Frank, Ray, Mikey, Gee, and Me. And it was so fun.

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