Growing Pains

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Penny hurries through the city proper with Marduk and Cyan by her side. Apparently, Dan and Marucho have something going on, and while they didn't tell her what it is, she's gotta check it out regardless.

Her, and, well, her small army.

"Cyan, where did he say to meet up again?"


Cyan checks her phone as Marduk peeks over her shoulder.

"...main street, I guess? Ooh, that's where Tanner and Damien beat Chan Lee and Komba earlier."

Penny nods calmly at that. That was particularly good news: after all, she had no idea if those two could win without her help. They proved her wrong, though, but the brawl definitely was close. Especially with the uncomfortably high amount of dead Bakugan.

"Wait, no, near main street? Ugh, why's he so unclear..."

Marduk gives a somewhat sassy chuckle at that.

"He's probably too busy eating glue or whatever to give good directions."

"Wow, unprovoked."

Marduk shrugs at Cyan, even as Penny gives a rather derisive snicker towards that.

"Well, they'll be around here somewhere."

Marduk huffs quietly before turning his focus towards Penny.

"So. Penny. About trying to cure these brawlers..."

"I know, I know, I'm trying my best."

Marduk quiets up a bit as he hears her rather annoyed tone. Good, finally, now she can think in peace.

"Just let Penny work her magic."

Cyan smiles at Marduk as he rolls his shoulders and casts an annoyed side-eye towards her.

"It's getting worse, yknow. These five brawlers have been sending countless Bakugan to the Doom Dimension, not just ours. We gotta stop them before it's too late."

"Too late, for what?"

"I dunno. Naga and Hal-G are clearly planning something, and it's probably linked to how many Bakugan keep getting killed-"

"I knew I heard a familiar name."

Penny freezes up and looks over. She then relaxes as she spots Joe walking over. He's in a different outfit, that being a rather simple white button-up shirt, khakis, and rather nondescript shoes. Penny eyes him with suspicion.

"...hi. How'd you find us?"

"I've been out of the hospital for a day or so. It's been weird adjusting to life at home, so I decided to take a walk. Um... Wavern detected Vladitor and Leonidas, so I decided to say hi."

Wavern can be heard chuckling quietly from Joe's shirt pocket.

"Why's she always hiding?"

"Her brother."


Penny focuses on Joe's shirt pocket before speaking up yet again.

"We're trying to find Dan and Marucho. Have you seen them around?"

Joe shakes his head and offers an apologetic smile.


"Well... do you know where this address is at?"

Cyan shows him her phone's screen. Joe stares at it, thinking for a few moments.

"...ah. This way."

Joe turns away and enters into an alleyway. It seems to be a shortcut of sorts, leading them to a small plaza outside of one of the more popular restaurants in the city. Penny spots Marucho and Dan lingering nearby, and immediately relaxes a bit.

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