Not Your Average Game

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"Mom! I'm home!"

Penny gently closes the door behind her, not wanting to know what would happen if it slammed. She carefully steps around a few shoes messily scattered around the foyer and sets her backpack down on the ground- no, the stool- no, whatever, she'll just put it in her room.

She then looks down at a very much asleep black cat that sits curled up on the stool. He's quite the cranky old man, but Penny managed to not wake him up this time. As Penny takes her shoes off and puts her umbrella in the umbrella bin, she gives Tyler a gentle scritch behind the ears before scampering off. 


She quietly adjusts the hair ties keeping her twin pigtails in place and wipes her hands off on her shirt. The deeper lavender color was even darker, all thanks to the rain being a little too heavy for her poor, old, unfortunate umbrella. She makes her way into the living room and sighs. There's her mom, fast asleep with a random fantasy romance novel she had likely picked up from the library on her face.

Maybe she shouldn't interrupt her mom's reverie, but her best friend Cyan is coming over in an hour, so, sacrifices have to be made.

Penny lifts the books from her mom's face and reads a bit. Ew, no wonder she fell asleep. She then sets it gently on the pinkie toe-murdering coffee table. That devil could probably claim a life if it tried hard enough.

"Mooooom. Wake up, I'm back from school."

She nudges her mom, who immediately stirs and feels around for the book.

"Wh... huh... oh, hey."

She chuckles and rocks to a sitting position as Penny sits beside her, setting her backpack on the ground. Penny leans into a hug from her mom and smiles.

"So, Cyan's coming over."


"A-And... um... baking."

Penny flushes a little as her mom chuckles at that

"The two essentials of life. Well, gimme a bit, I gotta get freshened up. That was a pretty good nap. Oh, and your dad's getting home a little earlier today."

"Oh, he is?"

Penny smiles ear to ear. This usually doesn't happen, so she already knows this afternoon is actually going to be bearable.

"You bet, kiddo."

Her mom picks the book up and slides a bookmark into the page she was at. Penny is often compared to her: after all, she has her mom's brown eyes, softer features, and darker brown hair. Although, she doesn't mind it, since her mom's pretty cool.

Penny reaches into her backpack and pulls out a hot pink plastic-y folder as her mom makes her way upstairs to her room. She might as well get some schoolwork done.

And so, after going on a brief wild goose chase for that one pen she really likes, she starts to complete some pretty grueling Algebra homework. Though, she likes math. She likes it so much to the point where she took the class early last semester. That was fun, since she liked harder material, but, well, she didn't have as many classes with her one friend, Cyan.

Wait, what time was it?

Penny looks at the clock next to the TV and notices that it's almost four. She then hears her mom start coming down the stairs. 

"It'll be 30 more minutes, then," she thinks to herself. 

She completes the last question on the homework and circles the answer in the purple ink made by the pen. She then puts the paper back into her folder as careful as she can so as to not crumple anything. 

Penny's Lucky DayWhere stories live. Discover now