The Power of Infinity

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Penny and Marduk meet up with Dan, mainly because she had completely forgotten to include him in the role assignment yesterday, so she just took him along. Everyone's gone their separate ways: Cyan and Jill are having lunch with Julie and Runo, and Damien, Tanner, and Dylan are meeting with Marucho. Shun is seemingly nowhere, again, which isn't surprising.

The Darkus and Pyrus trio make their way to the hospital, where Joe is. After listening to Dan chat with the receptionist lady for a bit, Penny starts to pick up bits of the conversation.

"...he's been taking an interest in that Bakugan game..."

"...acting less sick, as of late. It's a miracle..."

"...due to be discharged in a few weeks, if all goes well..."

Penny gives an annoyed huff and looks over at Marduk, who shrugs confusedly in response.

She then glances over at Leonidas and Vladitor, who have been quietly hanging out together. She doesn't know what they're talking about, but they seem like they're doing fine.

She then looks down the hallway, and pauses. She can swear she sees a ray of light, as if some sun were shining through.

"...really? That's interesting. I wonder what could be causing that..."

"'s all such a miracle, honestly. So many patients have been getting better..."

The talking slowly dims and grows muffled. Penny sees the odd light intensify a little. She's confused, primarily because there are no windows in the hallway. How can light be shining through, then?

What's more confusing is that Marduk seems to notice it, too.

"...Penny, what's that?"


She starts to walk over towards the light. Marduk follows her without hesitation.

By now, the usual noise in the hospital is completely silent. It's as if it's been muted by an unseen force. Penny feels a little nervous, but quickly brushes that aside. She feels like she should follow the light.

"Penny, Marduk? Yoohoo."

Dan clears his throat as Penny looks over. The sound returns, as everything seems normal again. He gives both Penny and Marduk a confused eyebrow raise and continues on speaking.

"We're clear to visit. Ready?"

Marduk nods calmly as Vladitor and Leonidas float back over.


Dan goes to walk towards the odd light-filled hallway. Penny follows, curiously. She can see that Marduk is feeling it, too: that sense of curiosity and wonder. Dan seems to be immune, however.

"Ugh, crap, what room was it...?"

Dan sighs confusedly as he runs his hands through his hair, adjusting his goggles a bit.

"Shoulda had her write it down..."

Penny notices light shining down from a hallway to her left. It feels like an invisible presence is standing next to her, observing, watching, waiting.

"How interesting... Penny, Marduk. This way..."

A gentle, feminine voice rings out through her head, and through Marduk's. Penny walks up to the hallway and looks down it, spotting a ray of light coming from it that quickly fades. Marduk leans back over and taps Dan on the shoulder.

"This way, Dan."

"Huh? How'd you know that?"

Marduk gives a nonchalant shrug as he walks after Penny.

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