Give and Take

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Penny, the next day, is back in the tournament center. After she parts with her parents and heads to the back hallways to prepare, she checks the schedule. There are eight rounds today, and she's going sixth. She doesn't have that much time to prepare, but, she'll do what she can.

As Penny sits down, she scans the group of 15 other participants and locates Cyan. She immediately gets back up and hurries over to her friend.


"Oh, hey there, Penny!"

Cyan smiles at Penny but keeps her focus on the computer she's messing with. It seems she's checking her next opponent, which Penny also wants to do.

"How's everything going?"

"Oh, I'm doing great. You?"

"Decent. I'm, um, gonna check who my next opponent is."

"Ooh, I gotta see this."

Cyan gets out of Penny's way, smiling eagerly as the Darkus brawler logs in and pulls up the mini database.

Penny then tabs over to the bio section as a somewhat excited smile spreads across her face.

Damien is a Pyrus brawler who loves a good bit of fun. Don't let his calm and laid-back energy distract you: inside, his flame glows brighter than most. Be careful not to take him and his partner, Warius, too lightly! They both are sure to pack a punch.

"Hey, I'm brawling Damien."

"Oh, cool! What about his partner?"

Penny clicks over to the next tab.

First of all, Damien would like to thank his friend, Penny, for gifting him his partner. Warius is clad in impenetrable armor and wields a powerful spiked mace that can break through just about anything. Be careful not to underestimate him, because he's raring and ready for a brawl!

Penny raises an eyebrow at that. 'Friend,' huh? That feels odd, but, she's not about to just ignore it.

"So, turns out that Bakugan you found is a Warius."

"You gave it to Damien?"

"It felt like the nice thing to do."

Penny shrugs at Cyan as she looks a bit worried, furrowing her brow a bit.

"So, you forgive him, then...?"

"Apparently, the Doom Cards messed with Damien's and Tanner's heads, according to what I heard from Damien."

"Huh. Ok then. I still feel like you should be a little cautious, but alright."

Penny, eager to move on, looks over at the hallway headed to the arena before rearranging her deck for today.

She's gonna try something more strategic: her Gate Cards are Tricky Jump, Trio Battle, and Stand Off, and she's bringing Darkus Swap, Cloak of Shades, and Alpha Blaster for her abilities. Lastly are her Bakugan: Darkus Robotallion, Darkus Serpenoid, and, of course, Leonidas.

She feels ready. Well, as ready as she can be for a Pyrus brawler.

As she gets ready to go, she spots that same odd brawler clad in black and red from yesterday walk by. She hesitantly waves at him.

"...hey. Did you already go?"

He chuckles at her, smirking a bit as he doesn't even look up from his cards as he reshuffles them. At least, it looks like a smirk, since half of his face is obscured by the mask.

"Perhaps. I heard you were next. Don't waste your time here, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to chat later."

Penny blinks before shrugging and going to walk out. He could have just said "yes" or "no" but oh well.

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