46 | The Truth Unfolds Pt.2

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(^^^The song I listened to on repeat while writing this chapter 🌚❤️)

(^^^The song I listened to on repeat while writing this chapter 🌚❤️)

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For a second I stayed crouched on the ground.

My hands met the floor as my tears slipped onto the kitchen floor.

This was going to be so hard, but it needs to happen.

I need her to be okay now. I need her to get better. I need her to share that sadness with me.

It was time.

She can't keep running from this.

With that thought I stood to my feet and with my body filled with determination I walk quickly towards her room.

Not sparing a single glance to the people standing around the kitchen.

As I make my way up the stairs my heart beat speeds up in my chest.

Im a mere few seconds I'm going to know every bad thing that has ever happened to her.

That thought circulated inside of my the entirety of walking up the stairs and not once did my determination falter.

That's when I knew I was ready, that I could handle it.

I had finally reached her room and with little hesitation I bring my fist up to knock on the door.

It was silent.

So silent I could almost hear crickets.

With a light sigh I open her door and step through.

The first thing I see is her curled up on her bed.

Head buried in her knees.

"You can't hide from this anymore Aphrodite. Not anymore. You are in pain. You're hiding and I can't let you carry this pain with you any longer. I love you and that's why I need you to let me in. I need you to trust me to stay. I need you to trust that I won't run, and I won't be disappointed, I won't be disgusted, and I won't be ashamed. I will be here and I'll help you. Let me in. Trust me." Her head snapped up to mine and that look in her eye told me everything I needed to know.

She wanted to tell me, but something was stopping her from doing so.

I see her hands shake and I feel sadness cloud over my heart.

"I want to believe you... so bad. But I don't want to see the expressions that are gonna cross over your face. I don't want you to show how much it'll affect you because I don't want to see it. I know it's bad. I don't want to burden you with this." She was already crying but I forced myself to stay in my spot because I knew right now she needed to let the tears out and she needed to do this alone.

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