44 | Flashback Pt.3

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(^^^The song I was listening to while writing this chapter🫶🏾)

(^^^The song I was listening to while writing this chapter🫶🏾)

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⚠️ Disturbing Scenes Ahead ⚠️

~Flashback Start~

I sat completely still.

My body hurt badly but I didn't dare move from my place.

My eyes trained onto the floor and my hands connected together in front of me.

I repeated the rules inside of my head trying to install it into my head so they didn't get beat until my body.

1. Don't look them in the eye. I am not their equal. Don't expect to be treated like one.

2. Do not sit on the furniture. You're not worthy of nice things until you earn them.

3. No eating without permission. You're fat enough already, we need you to lose that weight if we're going to start making money off of you.

4. You are never to speak a word of anything in this house. No one will ever believe you. You know firsthand about that.

5. You are to listen to whatever we say. Try to go against it and we'll be paying a visit to Athena.

6. Only speak when spoken too and only if we allow you too answer. Your voice has no power or meaning.

7. Stay here willingly with no fight, and Athena stays safe. It's very easy to make it look like her cancer won and she just couldn't fight anymore.

I repeated that last one inside of my head.

As long as I was compliant she wouldn't be harmed.

I have to be good. Then she'll be safe.

If I'm good then she's safe. I can't be bad.

The clicking of her heels echo across the floor and feel my body tense as the sound grew closer.

My throat felt like it was closing in on itself and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

I could feel my hands shaking in my grasps and I tried to sill myself to calm down.

You can't be bad.

You can't be bad.

You can't be bad.

I must be a good girl

I can't let her get hurt.

I have to be a good girl.

The clicks got closer and closed until I saw her heeled feet enter my line of sight and I felt my eyes water.

No! You can't cry. Don't get it on her shoes.

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