34 | Strike Two

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Time ticked by slowly as the white walls of the hospital drove me crazy

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Time ticked by slowly as the white walls of the hospital drove me crazy.

I just wanted to know if she was okay.

I didn't know if they were following her restrictions I didn't know if they were treating her properly or anything, and it was driving me mad.

Mom had went to the school to pick the triplets and Athena up and I could feel my anger rising at the thought of them being brought around her.

I still had no idea what even happened but I knew it happened I school, where they have the reigns to do whatever they want and it hurts that I can't protect her.

It had been 2 painful hours just sitting here looking at blank walls and feeling my anxiety rise in my chest.

I had been pacing up and down these halls for an hour before my dad made me sit down.

What was taking so long?

Just as I was going to blow a fuse I saw the doctor walking towards us and I hurriedly made my way to him.

Mom wasn't back yet with the rest of them but I'll fill her in when she actually gets here.

"So she's stable enough right now, it seems as though your daughter went into serious anaphylactic shock."

So am allergic reaction? Maybe they weren't the cause after all.

"What did she eat?" Dad asked curiously.

I saw the doctor shift a little on his feet and I cocked my head to the side as I examined his body language.

"Um, well. She didn't eat anything... it seems as though something was dumped on her. Now I can't tell you for-sure what she's allergic too since there were a mix of things stuck to her. Whatever mixture was poured on her caused some serious damage to her skin so I'm assuming a few chemicals were added to it. She does have a few chemical burns which we were able to treat, they'll scar but she'll be okay." He says sympathetically.

There was something else he hasn't told us yet and I don't know if I could handle it.

I thought that finally for once in her life she wouldn't have been in the hospital because of her siblings but here I was, proven wrong.

"There's something else, what is it that you're hesitant to tell us?" I ask him seriously.

This is my baby sister were talking about I need him to hurry up so I can go see her.

"... I'm concerned for her eyes." He shifts in place for a second before he continues. "As you know whatever was mixed together and dumped on her contained something she is very allergic too and chemicals which burned her skin, the allergic reaction would've already caused her eyes to swell but with the amount of chemicals that surrounded her face when she was brought in has me worried." He finishes.

I could feel my heart stop in my chest as the realization slowly started to sink in.

"So what exactly are you saying?" Dad says.

"We can't be sure until she wakes up but I can tell you that her eyesight will be damage and there is a chance for her to become blind in the future. We won't know how bad it is until she wakes up but I just want you to be prepared if she wakes up and she can't see." Dad and I couldn't believe our ears.

How much is she going to suffer because of them?

My head was clouded with thoughts as I thought over everything my beautiful baby sister is dealing with.

She doesn't deserve this at all and yet the universe seems to always be out to get her.

"Her room is 319 first floor. Press the red button on the side of her bed or come find me if you need anything. I'm sorry this happened to her."

He walked away from us quickly and my hands are shaking in anger.

My baby sister could be dead, she is seriously injured and I will make sure the people who did this has consequences.

I will not let them run away free after what they did to her.

I don't care what it is I have to do.

Walking towards her door as soon as I seen it I wasted no time in opening the door to be with her.

The wires and bandages that surround her kills me and I just want her to be happy but I seriously don't think she can being here with them.

I had only been by her side for 10 minutes when the door to her room was suddenly opened.

I'm walked the 3 Musketeers and Athena.

I could feel the anger rise in my chest at the sight and I forced myself to calm down like I always do.

"What the hell happened." I didn't even give them a chance to sit down I needed to know if they had any parts before I allow them to get comfortable in her room.

There was a stale silence in the air and my patience was thin.

"I am not going to ask again what happened!" I couldn't help but raise my voice at them when I didn't get an answer.

"Look I know she's your favorite and everything but can you not always blame us when something happens to her." Ares says to me.

I take a deep breath in and turn towards him. "I know you think what you are doing is okay, but it's not. You've hurt her since she's been here and you have no real reason for it, so yes, when something happens to her my eyes automatically falls on you guys. You're the only siblings that sinks so low to the point where you put her In the hospital. So I'm not going to ask you again and if I find out you're lying to me it will not be pretty. What happened to Aphrodite!" I sneered.

I didn't care that I was their older brother at the moment.

I just cared about getting the facts and making sure she was okay.

I don't think they'll tell me the truth but it doesn't hurt to ask.

"Look we had nothing to do with it so just go back to doting on her and forgetting about us." Hades says sarcastically.

I felt my eye twitch is annoyance.

They're lying to me and I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Y'all ya girl is stressing out.

We're being evicted, my finals are on the 19th I was sick for a whole week then I got my period and was sick again and didn't eat for 3 days. I also missed the bus to school today so yeah.

Also algebra 2 is like the only thing holding me back from graduating this year ngl so I'm trying to cram in all the work I should've did earlier this school year.

I'm just going through it right now so sorry for how short the chapter is. I just didn't want y'all to keep waiting.

I don't know if the schedule gone be the same or not as I got a lot going on but ill try my best to stick to it promise.

All I've been wanting is some freaking Taco Bell and it's making me sad because I can't have it. I also know it would make this whole week a lot less stressful but ya girl is broke and can't afford 20 dollars for some Taco Bell.

Like sucks right now 😭


Have a good day tell me what you think if you're enjoying it and talk to me in the comments.

I love you guys thanks for the support❤️

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