04| The Breakdown

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7 hours ago*

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7 hours ago*

I was in my home office. Ever since the twins disappeared I made sure to be at home as much as possible. My family and I got closer after their disappearance. I didn't want any of my children to go without knowing how much I loved them.

I was involved in some sketchy stuff I will admit. More than sketchy considering I am literally the don to the Italian Mafia, but my family will always come first to me.

I lean back in my seat and out the window that overlooks our backyard. I miss my little girls so much everything just seems so dull compared to when they were here with us.

The hope of them still being alive slowly starts to dwindle down as the years go by, and I can't help but wonder if I should just give up. It's heartbreaking everytime I think I have a lead only to find out it lead to nowhere. My heart breaks everytime.

My wife is no different. She blames herself. She is constantly in the twins play room hugging their teddy bears sobbing. She doesn't think I know, and as much as I want to go in there and stop her tears I know it's something she needs to do. She's never given up hope that they were alive. She still believes to this day that we will find them; I'm holding onto that hope with her.

I was knocked out my thoughts when a hand was placed onto my shoulder. Caught off guard I go to reach for my gun under my desk only to stop as her scent of apple cinnamon and kids detergent wifts under my nose. I relax in my seat and lean into her arms that had wrapped around me.

I turn around and tug her onto my lap. "What's caught your mind my love?" She softly runs her hands through my hair and presses a kiss to my temple. "You already know." I tell her.

"Well I have a feeling that we're going to find them really soon." "Really?" "Yup something tells me they're going to be coming home to us pretty soon." "We can only hope my love." I press a kiss to her cheek and just run a hand up and down her back, just enjoying the moment with my beautiful wife when a call from my office phone comes through.

Leaning forward I take the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello am I talking to Donatello Kingdom?"

"Depends on who's asking."

"Yes, well this is Principal Warner calling from Waterbrook Private Academy, I believe we have found the twins." Tears immediately fills my eyes and I lean my head back to not let them fall.

Taking a deep breath I find the courage to speak again. "If this is some sick joke I will make sure you suffer."

"This is no joke Mr. Kingdom. I believe we have found your children. One of your kids attends the school I run. They're obligated to be finger printed since it's a private school and her fingerprints matched that of the ones you uploaded to the database when they were children. Her name is Athena King. I can send you what she looks like now if you think you'll be able to tell if that's her or not." Not being able to handle it I drop the phone I was holding, softly pick my wife up from my lap and stand.

I start pacing the carpet not even realizing when my wife picked up the phone and started talking to the person on the other line.

I'm interuppted from my pacing and anxious thoughts when I hear loud gasp and a choked sob come from my wife.

She's looking at my personal phone on my desk and her other hand is covering her mouth.

Stopping my meltdown for a moment so I can check on her I am stopped in my tracks when I see what she is looking at. Our little Athena. She was so grown up now. It's really her. Thats really our little girl. They're alive, they're actually alive. With that me and my wife breakdown at the thought of finally seeing our twins again after so long.

1 hour later*

Getting ourselves together we call the man back and he explains everything to us and where he is located, also why he had to call us in the first place. Evelyn wanted to stay home and get the twins rooms together. She wanted everything to be perfect when they would finally return home.

Leaving her to do that I call the boys downstairs to let them know.

When all the boys file in they look at me with worry laced in their eyes. I know they could tell I had been crying but dismissing that and decidinig to just rip the bandaid off I tell them straight up.

"They found them. They found the twins." Even saying that sentence brings tears to my eyes . I never thought I would ever be able to say I found my little girls that were taken from me. It feels so surreal.

The entire room went silent as they processed what I had told them. I made sure to celebrate their birthdays every year and to make sure the boys never forgot about them. Evelyn and I even told the newest additons to the family about their older sisters. We wanted to have them here with us spiritually and in everyones memories and hearts since they couldn't be here with us physically.

"This is Little Athena." I take out my phone and have them pass the phone around. I see different emotions pass through their faces as they see their little sister all grown up.

"Yup that's most definitely Athena look at her eyes." I hear Lorenzo say.

"Do you have a picture of Aphrodite?" They all look up at me as Ares asked me that question.

"No, but I am leaving right now, no packing to go pick them up right this second and we'll get to see her then. Anyone who wants to go is more than welcome but we need to leave now." Apollo, Zues, Lorenzo, and Raphael stand up.

With that we leave.

Here I come. I will never let them go again.

That's a promise I'll die to keep.

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