01| Where It All Went Wrong

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I was running around the house my head was filled with different scenarios about what could happen to my precious little girls

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I was running around the house my head was filled with different scenarios about what could happen to my precious little girls. I knew I had to do this. As much as I wanted to keep them here with me I knew the danger they would be in while they were still so young.

So as quietly as I could, I walked into the twins room with my wife Evelyn at my side as we packed our little girls Aphrodite and Athena a bag. As I was zipping up the last bag I heard my little princess awake. My little Aphy, she always had trouble sleeping since she was a light sleeper so it's not suprising that she woke up even with me being extremly quiet.

"Hi papa, what you doin." Her voice was filled with sleep as she slipped her way onto the floor and waddled her way into my arms. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her.

"My little Aphy, you and your sister need to go away for a little while. It's not safe right now. You know that papa will always want you safe so in order for me to do that I need you and Athena to go away for a little while." Aphrodite was smart for her age, so just giving her some halfassed answer wouldn't satisfy her at all.

"But we're always safe with you papa. I don't want to leave without you, will Eni come with me then?" A little pout crossed over her face as her eyes filled with tears and she hugged her stuffed cat to her chest. My heart just broke a little more in that moment.

I cleared my throat of tears and took a deep breath. "No my little princess, it's only you and Athena, but you'll come back to us soon okay? Papa will always try to protect you, and if I can't know that I always tried to." I didn't even bother keeping the tears at bay as I hugged my little angel tighter.

"You promise we'll come back papa?" The tears escaped her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. I couldn't handle it anymore and stood up with her in my arms as I rocked us side to side.

"Yes baby, I promise. No one can ever keep me from coming back to you both." "Pinky promise papa." "I pinky promise princess." I pressed a kiss to her head, wiped my tears and gathered the last of the bags and my other princess in my arms before heading down the stairs to the car that's outside with my wife waiting inside.

As I'm putting them in the car Lorenzo comes running out the house with tears running down his face. He was my oldest son but he was Aphrodites favorite and she was his.

He took her into his arms and just held her as I tried to hold back my tears.

"Don't worry Eni, papa said i'll be back soon, and he always keeps his promises, just like you!" I could see what I had said to her earlier cheered her up and i'm glad I didn't want her to be sad.

"I know sweetheart i'm just going to miss you, now who will I read stories with everynight, huh munchin." He tickles her slighlty as her giggles float through the air.

"Just save them for when I come back! It gives me a reason to stay up alllll night!" At the end she claps her hands a little bit.

"You're right princess. I'll see you soon okay." The tears slip out his eyes as he buckles her up in her carseat.

"Te Amo, little love." We both say.

"I love you too!" With that the car drives off leaving me with a broken heart and tears in my eyes.

"I love you too!" With that the car drives off leaving me with a broken heart and tears in my eyes

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We've been driving for 15 minutes now and I look back and see both my little girls sleeping. I hate that we have to leave them but atleast I can see them one last time before we have to find the person that's making them leave in the first place.

I look back towards them one more time and catch a car at the corner of my eye.

Thinking nothing of it I look back towards the front. 3 minutes later that car is still right behind us.

"Hey Russell, has that car been following us?" Slighlty nervous for the answer I see him swear under his breath and that lets me know everything I need to.

Tears leaking out of my eyes as I hurry and call Donny.

"Hey did you guys ma-"

"Someone knew our plan! We're being followed." As soon as I finish my sentence we were hit and everything went dark.

"Hurry up." "Grab the kids." "We need to go before she wakes up." Through foggy vision and my hearing going out I could only partly hear what they were saying.

My body was in so much pain, but I can't let them take my babies.

"No please, not my babies. Please don't take my babies." My voice was barely above a whisper but I needed to try and save my babies they needed me. I can't let them down.

Biting down on my tongue as I use my broken wrist to try and crawl forward and I try again.

"Please i'll do whatver you want please don't take my babies." I was sobbing at this point but I didn't care.

Seeing one of them walk towards me I plead with them. "Please I'll do whatever you want, do you want money? Please I'll do anything just please put my babies down." I couldn't be strong even if I wanted to, everything was hurting so bad.

"Aww you'll do anything? Well isn't that just too bad." And before I knew it he sent a strong kick towards my face and all I could hear was my little Aphy and Thea crying out for me.

"I'm so sorry I failed you." Was my last thought before everything turned dark and I was left alone on the side of the road, car wrecked, body guard unconcious, and my beautiful baby girls gone.

I can't believe I failed them.

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