20 | The Cafeteria

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I can't believe she's in the same class as me

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I can't believe she's in the same class as me.

She's dumb.

She hasn't been to school in years.

There's no way she was able to be in the same class as me.

Well she is a criminal, maybe she did something.

That makes sense! What if she threatened the principal or faked transcripts.

I could see her doing something like that. She's done worst so I wouldn't be surprised if she did something like that.

I couldn't stop glaring at her.

She seemed so relaxed and at ease and it made me angry.

I wish she wasn't here. I wish I was able to leave her behind. Just like she did to me.

Those words played like a repeat in my head.

Like I wasn't good enough for a family.

They were the only ones that wanted a sick child and she convinced them to give me up.

She thrived living without me while I suffered without her.

Then she had the nerve to dismiss all that like it didn't happen.

She thought I would just forgive her because she moved me into a house with her.

But I couldn't and I won't. I will never forgive her for leaving me on my own.

Yeah I had the kids and Ms. But I wanted her. I wanted my twin sister and she didn't give me a second thought.

I was on my deathbed everyday wishing for her by my side but she was too busy loving her best life to even care about me.

Now I hate her.

I hate her for leaving me, I hate her for taking that family away from me, I hate her for never being there for me, and I hate that she claims to love me after everything she did to me.

I will hate her forever and there's nothing that will change that.

I could feel my eyes burning with tears so with a quick swipe with my hand the tears disappeared and I gave her one last glare to the back of her head.

"Whoa. What did she do to you?" I heard from a voice beside me.

"What do you mean?" I ask her confused. I didn't even notice her sitting there.

"I mean you've been glaring at the back of her head for like 5 minutes straight. What did she do? Her eyes were green and bright. Laced with curiosity.

I can feel my eyebrow lift as I look at her.

She's nosy. I kind of like it.

"Just know she isn't someone you should get close to. She's a manipulative, selfish, person who will do anything to have it all for herself." Just talking about her makes my blood boil.

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