42 | Strike Three

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(^^^ What I listened to while writing this chapter ❤️)

(^^^ What I listened to while writing this chapter ❤️)

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I couldn't stop pacing against my floor. My mind in a constant battle and my body needed to move before my mind exploded.

Aphrodite had only been home for a day and the entire dynamic has changed again.

The once carefree household was now walking around on eggshells or speaking in whispers around her.

We're in our own home but it feels like we can't even be ourselves anymore since she came home.

It's all her fault.

No it isn't.

Since she came home from the hospital everyone was too scared to even speak.

It was like we were trapped and it wasn't fair.

She caused this.

No she didn't.

Why couldn't she just stay in there longer? It seemed like everything was fine when she wasn't here.

She just can't help but messing everything up.

Why are you lying to yourself?

She's probably faking it.

You hurt her.

Maybe she's just lying to gain sympathy points. I couldn't have hurt her that bad.

But you did. It's why you feel so guilty.

I don't feel guilty for anything! She hurt me it's only right I hurt her back!

You're hurting yourself in the process.

She hurt me. It's only fair I do the same.

You're taking it too far.

I'm doing what anyone would do right? I'm just unleashing all the hurt she threw on me. My actions are understandable. She hurt me. It's only fair.

You know it's not true if you have to constantly repeat it to yourself.

Ughhhh why didn't she love me? Why couldn't she care for me? Why didn't she stay with me?

Why haven't you asked her?

I have-

You haven't. You've yelled and you've screamed and you've threatened. You never listened.

Her answer is probably as stupid as her... right?

I mean there's no good reason for it. So why should I even bother asking her? There will never be a good enough reason for her actions. Never!

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