24| Panic

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When we had finally came back home everything felt weird

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When we had finally came back home everything felt weird.

Everything seemed normal but there was an air surrounding the atmosphere that I didn't like.

Just looking at Hades there was an air of guilt surrounding his aura which immediately made me even more suspicious.

Hades is usually stoic and calm. Nothing ever really bothered him unless something was bothering his siblings.

Taking a look around the room at all of them watching movies I noticed one person wasn't here.

"Where's Aphrodite?" My voice boomed throughout the room and I noticed Athena jump a bit at the sudden noise.

I notice everyone tense a bit before they relaxed.

It was quiet for a few seconds before someone gathered the courage to speak up.

"... She's in her room." Zeus says.

Looking around at each of them I give a slight nod before heading towards the stairs and making my way up them towards Aphrodites room.

Why are they acting so weird.

Seeing her door up ahead I walk quickly before stopping in front of her door and giving a small knock.

A few seconds passed before I knocked again hoping to hear her raspy voice let me in.

Again there was silence.

Is she sleep?

I hesitate with leaving. Something feels off.

Just peak inside. I need to see if she's okay.

Placing my hand on the doorknob I hesitate for a couple seconds before I crack the door open.

I lean forward and peak my head inside.

Scanning the room I try and find her only to see her room empty.

Her blankets were bunched up on the floor as well as a pillow.

Where is she?

Deciding to follow my instincts I open her door fully and step through.

The air smelled of puke and immediately I headed towards her bathroom.

The light wasn't on when I got there but as soon as I turned it on I saw her.

She was shivering in her place next to the toilet and sweating bullets.

I immediately rush to her side and hesitate to touch her.

She doesn't like to be touched.

She needs help

But she doesn't like to be touched. I don't want to step over her boundaries.

Apologize later she needs help now.

Springing into action I held her cheek in my hand and slowly pulled her head up from the toilet.

She had puked all over the side of it.

I shake off the worry and lightly shake her.

"Hey Aphie. Can you wake up for me?" I tap her on her cheek 3 times trying to minimize physical touch.

"Hmm" She mumbled weakly her eyes slowly blinking open before they shut again.

"Hey Aphie, I need to you stay awake for me okay? I need to know how long you've been like this." I can feel my eyebrows crease with worry.

Did she get caught in the rain last night?

"I not know." She whispered. Her head rolling to the side and onto my shoulder.

I can feel my heart break inside of my chest just looking at her.

Her skin was pale, bags bulging out from underneath her eyes, she's shivering and sweating at the same time, and she can barely speak from being so weak.

I need to take her to the hospital.

"Hey Aphie I need your full attention right now. I need to pick you up to get you downstairs. Is that okay?" I plead with her softly.

She opens her mouth to say something only for her to fall back asleep.

"Hey wake up Aphie just nod yes or no." I said.

She peeks her eyes open at me and nods her head yes as best as she can.

"Alright little Aphie I'm going to take you to our private doctors okay? I know you don't like being touched so I'll make sure they wear gloves at all times and they keep it to a minimum. Thank you for trusting me with you." I tell her sincerely.

I know she can hear me when a silent tear streams down her face.

Feeling like I've gotten everything out of the way I slowly but carefully pick her up in my arms.

She feels so light, lighter than what she should be and it's another cause of concern for me.

I walk down the stairs in a quick pace walking by my family without a word and heading towards my car.

I place her in the back seat laying down and heading back into the house to grab a throw blanket off the couch.

I can hear my family's frantic questions but they're the last things on my mind.

Looking around the room I watch eyes fill with guilt and before I could let the anger get the best of me I leave the house in a rush.

I quickly get into my car and I'm off the property in a haste. As I drive to our private hospital I couldn't help but let my thoughts start to race.

The triplets, Ares, and Athena all look incredibly guilty.

Did they have something to do with this?

No they couldn't have they love the twins just as much as our parents do, and Athena's her twin she wouldn't do that would she?

Don't ignore the signs.

But they wouldn't do that to their own sister... I'm thinking too much into it... right?

You've never questioned your gut before don't start now. It has never lead you wrong.

Frustrated with the thoughts I try to dismiss them to the back of my head.

I can worry about that later Aphrodite needs me right now.

I just hope I'm wrong about this one.

Pulling onto the property I put the car into park and quickly get Aphrodite out the car.

Heading into the place I'm immediately escorted to a room where I place her on the bed.

Seeing them about to grab her I stop them in their tracks.

"Okay little Aphie we're here. People are going to need to touch you but I'll be right there okay? I'll watch over you. I have them wearing gloves and they'll keep them on." I tell her softly while stroking back her hair.

She hums a little and I take that as an understanding.

Turning around to face the doctor and few nurses I fill them in about Aphie.

"Keep your touch to a minimum, always have gloves on, and don't try to force anything. I won't be happy and I will gladly kill anyone who makes me her the slightest bit uncomfortable. Do what you need to do but don't make and rushed movements."

The nod to me and start to get to work.

Now I need to find out how this happened.

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