03| The First Meeting.

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Aphrodite was infuriating

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Aphrodite was infuriating. It hurt to treat her like this but I was so angry with her.

She is my twin and it hurts to think she kept me from being adopted, but it's exactly what she did.

I remember thinking how unworthy I must be for me to never get adopted like she did and when the same people that had adopted her wanted to adopt me to and she told them not to, hurt me so much.

It hurt never seeing her in my hospital room while I was going through rounds of chemo, and never having her at any of my ice skating competitions hurt a lot. Then seeing her now trying to act like she did none of that and everything was okay pissed me off more than I can admit. I was suffering everyday in that hospital while she was living in a literal mansion living her life to the fullest. It just wasn't fair.

So yeah I am mean to her but she deserves every part of it and I will never apologize for it. Just like she never apologized for what she did to me.

It was now Friday and I was in 3rd period talking to my friends when I heard my name through the intercom.

"Athena King, please make your way up to the front office. Athena King to the front office." Confusion obvious on my face I pick up my bag and make my way towards the front office.

Knocking on the door I hear a slight "come in" so I push open the door only to see 4 bulky figures sitting in the chairs in front of my principal. Slighly pausing in place I walk in slowly and close the door behind me.

"So... you called for me?" This was awkward.

"Yes. So I called you out of class for bad and good news depending on how you take it. These people right here are your biological family and they have adopted you and your sister Aphrodite." I was frozen. I didn't know how to take this news.

"I'm sorry what?!" I couldn't stop myself from shouting as everything finally clicked. "How do you even know they're telling the truth, they could be stranger for all you know."

"They have been looking for the both of you for years. They gave up DNA to be inserted into the database to see if they could find you that way." Principal Simmons says.

"Wait you said we had been adopted by them but our guardians are-" I was cut off by Mr. Simmons

"Yeah well that's the bad news kiddo, they passed this morning they were involved in a car crash. Sorry kiddo." Sitting there processing this I get up quickly and speed walk towards my car that Aphrodite got me, and speeding out the parking lot towards the house. Ms. Aphrodites got some explaining to do.

 Aphrodites got some explaining to do

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It was only 10:30 A.M when I heard the front door slam open. Stopping the treadmill I was on I grabbed the gun I keep in here and slowly make my way out.

"APHRODITE!" I heard Athena yell causing me to breath out a sigh of relief and walking faster towards the living room.

When I entered the living room she was pacing and her entire face was red. I could tell she was angry.

"DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM!" She yelled in my face.

Scrunching my eyebrows I look at her. I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Okay. Can I just say that I have no idea what you're talking about." My voice was raspy. I rarely ever spoke unless necessary or trying to get Athena to like me again.

"DID YOU KNOW THAT THE WAVORS PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING AND THAT WE HAD A FAMILY." She was yelling in my face at this point and she had just confused me even more at this point.

Grabbing onto her shoulders I stop her from pacing and looked into her eyes.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you please tell me what's going on." I don't like yelling so I try my best to calm her down.

She looks at me for a moment before shoving my hands off her and moving away from me.

She lets out a sigh and sits down on the couch and leaning her head in her hands.

"I was in school today when I was called to the office. It turns out the Wavors, passed this morning. I guess before contacting anyone they wanted to try and find any family we could go to before telling us we had to go back to the orphanage, not that you were there long anyways, but they found our biological family and I saw them at the school." Ignoring her slight jab at me I process her words and sit on the other couch.

"Alright so what do you want to do then?" I ask her softly.

"They look exactly like us Aphrodite." I could here how much this tired her out as she rubbed her forehead.

"Do you want to go with them? If you don't I will do everything in my power to keep us from going. Only if you want me to though. Tell me what you want and I'll make it happen." I tell her honestly.

"If only you gave me that option when I was younger huh?" She said mockingly taking another jab at me not knowing how much pain my heart was in because of that.

"You know that I've always wanted a family and I'm not letting you keep me from these ones as well." She narrowed her eyes at me and stood up before walking towards the kitchen.

Keeping a straight facade on so she can't see my literal heart breaking in half from that comment I tell her okay.

After our conversation 5 minutes had passed when I heard other cars pull up to our driveway. Looking out the window I see multiple black cars and grab my gun as I watch them exit.

Only to drop the gun when I see their faces.

Athena was right they do look exactly like us.

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