09| The Attack

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After the introduction to the rest of the family Evelyn showed us towards the living room where we were all sat

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After the introduction to the rest of the family Evelyn showed us towards the living room where we were all sat.

"Alright before I show you to your rooms I do want to let you know that dinner is at 7 P.M we do eat as a family so if you're comfortable I would like it if you would accompany us to dinner tonight. It's alright if you're not comfortable but the option is always out there. After you guys get settled in and you've eaten dinner Donny would like to talk to you guys in his office so when you're done I'll show you to the office." Evelyn explained to us.

"Yeah, that's fine but what do you need to talk to us about exactly?" Athena asked them. I could tell she was nervous. Her eyebrows were twitching and she was picking at her skin again.

I clench my hands together to stop myself from grabbing her hand.

I knew she didn't like me touching her so I wouldn't unless she caused herself to bleed again. I had bandaids in my pocket for her just incase.

"Nothing to be worried about. Just the rules and expectations we have for you guys. Nothing scary, I promise." Donatello tells her sending her a soft smile.

I could tell she was still worried so I reached into my carry on bag that I still had with me and took out the fidget cube I keep for her.

Reaching over I grab her hand.

She looks over to me and glares at me as she tries to pull her hand away.

Keeping her hand open I place the cube in there and let her go.

I see her looking at me in shock for a bit before she looks away from me. I was worried I made the wrong decision before I saw her start to play with it. Letting a breath of relief leave me I look back up to them to see them watching us.

As they feel my eyes on them I see them look away and stand up.

My body unconciously tensed up before I forced myself to relax again.

"Alright if you girls are ready I can show you your rooms." Evelyn stated.

"Yeah we're ready, thank you." Athena throws the cube at me and stands up.

Catching the cube a sad sigh leaves me and I just put it back in the bag.

I quickly follow them up the steps and watch as she explains the rooms and who was situated in each one.

Soon we get to Athenas' room.

"Alright Athena this room is yours and I know when you guys were younger you loved to share a room if that's still somethi-" She was cut off by Athena saying a firm "No"

A look of confusion could be seen on her features before she just nods her head.

"Alright well we can go furniture shopping in a couple days if you would like. I tried to decorate your room but If you don't like it we can always change it." Leaving it at that Evelyn leaves Athena to her room and then shows me my room. It was at the end of the hall.

"Alright same thing applies to you. If you don't like it we can change it. Just let me know." I did a once over of the room and just give her a nod.

"Alright well I'll let you unpack and everything there's an intercom over on the wall if you need anything. I'll see you for dinner." At that she closes the door and I just drop my luggage by the door.

I drag a hand down my face as just go to sit on the bed.

I had just laid on my back when my door was burst open.

Sitting up quickly as my entire body was tensed up I had to forcefully calm myself down as I could feel my breathing speed up seeing Athena closing my door helped calm me down from my oncoming panic attack.

"Look I don't know what is wrong with you but I do not need your help. You didn't help me when we were younger so don't you dare try and help me now. I wanted your help then and you didn't give it so don't give it to me now when I don't need it. Leave me alone. I finally have an actual family who won't leave me to fend for myself so they can be happy, I don't need you. So stop it. I hate you Aphrodite and that will never change." Her tone was ice cold and filled with anger.

I just sat there and looked at her as she raised her voice at me.

I could feel my heart break again but this time I am pretty sure it shattered.

I couldn't hear anything she said after that as my hearing started to fade in and out.

It was like I was underwater. My vision was blurred. I could feel my heart skipping beats, and my blood rushing through my ears.

My hands were shaking and I was trying to pull myself out of it. I didn't want her to see me this way.

I didn't want her to see the way her words affected me but before I could even try to get anything out I saw her storm out of my room. I shakily stood to my feet and stumbled to the door. I wanted to go out and talk to her. I wanted to tell her that I would always protect her whether she believed that or not but my body wouldn't let me.

So instead of walking after her I locked my door with shaky hands and slid down on the floor and laid my head against the door.

I was trying to ground myself so closing my eyes tightly to the point where the dark abyss slowly started to fill with colorful circles I tried taking in deep breaths.

For 10 minutes this continued. Eyes glued shut as I took deep breaths into my mouth as I calmed down.

After I could finally feel my hands again I opened my eyes and just sat there.

Shaky breaths escaped me as I brought my head onto my knees and just let the tears fall.

I was never able to cry properly as it seemed only a few tears could roll down my face before the tears fully stop.

I just sat on the floor head on my knees as I just stared at nothing while telling myself I did the right thing.

I know I did the right thing, I just wish it didn't hurt this bad.

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