15| The Shopping Trip

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My stomach was full and I was as happy as I could be as we walked around the mall

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My stomach was full and I was as happy as I could be as we walked around the mall.

I loved shopping. I could shop all day but since Donatello was paying for everything I decided not to go overboard.

It seemed weird to everyone that I was the shopaholic.

They always thought it would be Athena but nope it's all me.

When I was younger I could only have what they wanted me too.

They never wanted me to express myself and they only cared about their image and if I didn't fit that then I was in a world of trouble with them.

So when I moved into my own house with Athena and I had the money to get whatever I wanted, I did it.

It felt good to know that I didn't need to hold back on what I wanted to wear just because they wouldn't approve of it.

So I shopped, and I shopped, and I shopped until I was satisfied.

I could see the shock on all the boys faces as they seen me pick up everything I liked with no hesitation.

I couldn't help it. I liked what I liked.

Looking over at Athena I saw her looking a bit apprehensive about picking anything up. While we shop I make sure to pay extra attention to what peaks her interest so I can pick it up later.

My heart clenches inside my chest as I can see her constantly looking at the price tags and putting it down. I wish our lives were different. I knew if we had grown up with our actual parents we would still be close but that dream died a long time ago.

As I go to turn my head away from her she catches my gaze and glares at me. Even though I can feel my heart breaking with the way she looks at me I can't bring myself to look away from her.

You deserve those looks. You hurt her.

I saved her.

Did you really?

Snatching my gaze away from her as my thoughts seemed to consume me for a minute I go back to picking up clothes for Athena and I.

I was a smaller size than Athena sadly. With my irregular eating habits it's caused me to lose a lot of weight. I wish it was different but i'm trying and that's all I can do at the moment.

Good news is that I weigh more than before when I was living with those monsters. They broke every little piece of me and replaced it with someone I couldn't recognize now I'm doing everything I can to get that girl back and better her.

I was looking through the jewelry when harsh whispers caught my attention. Looking over to where the noise was coming from I see Athena looking uncomfortable as a man talked to her.

My hands were clenched into fists and my jaw was clenched together. I could see her hands shaking and I immediately made my way over to her. As I got closer I could hear his voice clearer and with sneaky movements I made my way behind him as Athenas eyes caught mine.

"I was just telling you how pretty you are. You didn't have to blow me off like that." His voice was harsh and I wasted no more time.

I take my knife in my hand and press it up discreetly against his back. I feel him tense up as the sharp knife sliced through the fabric of his clothes and pierced his back slightly.

"Get away from her. Now." My voice was raspy and harsh but I don't care how mean I needed to be if it means I'm keeping her safe. His body stayed tense as he backed up with me staying close enough to where the knife stays touching him.

I walk him out the store and as soon as his foot steps outside the store I shove him the rest of the way out and watch as he falls to the floor.

I turn back to walk in after I swiftly tuck my knife back into place and hurry over to Athena. Her body was still shaking and I knew she wouldn't do well to being touched right now so I walked behind her slowly and slowly slipped the fidget toy in her hands so she can stop biting the skin around her fingers.

"I'm going to take your hand okay? I'm just going to put a bandage on you. Then I'm going to let go. Is that okay? I have winnie the pooh." I speak softly trying not to scare her.

She nods her head and looks away from me as her left hand plays with the fidget cube I gave her. With my movements slow and soft I grab all the bandaids she'll need, which seems to be 3, out my pockets and softly place them on her fingers.

"It wasn't you're fault. You did so good. I'm sorry that happened to you, you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you." I tell her softly. No matter how big or small these situations get it's always nice to hear that you aren't at fault for it. I know her so I know exactly whats going through her head.

She's thinking maybe she should've did something different. Maybe she should've just played along but I'll make sure she knows it wasn't her fault. I'll tell her everything I wished I heard when those things happened to me.

She didn't say anything as her mind was probably screaming at her for something she had no control over.

You should've been watching her.

I was.

If you were then she wouldn't be in this position right now. You failed her. Again.

No. I did what I could. This isn't my fault just like it isn't hers. I did what I could and it was enough. I did good.

Getting out of those negative thoughts I look around for the brothers and I finally realize they're not here. Have they been gone this entire time? Where did they go?

Ignoring that for the moment I turn my attention back on Athena.

"I think I want to go home now. I think I have everything I wanted." I know if I asked her if she wanted to leave she would say no because she would feel guilty for cutting the shopping trip short.

She nods her head and I grab my bags and the stuff I wanted from out of here and headed to the checkout. As she scans my things I bring my phone out and text the boys letting them know I was ready to go home.

They texted back soon in the groupchat letting us know they would meet us at the car and with the confirmation I take our bags and we head to the car where we would be going to the house.

I am so ready for this day to end already.

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