05| Autopilot

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Here we were waiting in the principals office, waiting for my little girl to walk in here

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Here we were waiting in the principals office, waiting for my little girl to walk in here.

I was a nervous wreck, I was good at hiding it but I was scared. What if she didn't like us, what if she runs away from us, what if she's scared of us.

I didn't want her to be scared of us.

Just thinking about it made me self conscious. Maybe having 4 bulky males in here was a bad idea.

Lorenzo decided to stay in the car. He needed to get his thoughts together.

He was scared. He knew that it was legit but he was still scared that when the time came it would all be fake and everything would come crashing down.

He wanted to see Aphrodite the most. The were closest to each other if you don't count the twin bond between her and Athena.

I was knocked from my thoughts when I heard the door to his office open

There she was. Discreetly wiping the tears that started leaking from my eyes I keep quiet as the principal fills her in on why she's down here.

It's like I couldn't speak. I couldn't believe I was actually sitting in front of her right now.

The entire time I imagined this she was always so little. It made me emotional to see how much I missed on watching her grow up.

The next couple of moments were a blur for me and next thing I know we're in the car trailing after her car.

She was going pretty fast and it seemed as though she was upset when she ran out.

I was on autopilot after seeing my little girl. I don't even know if I was breathing correctly.

I was knocked out my thoughts when we pulled up to a medium sized house.

There was plants planted in the front, a porch swing with a lot of pillows decorated on it and the driveway was brick.

The house was beautiful.

If Athena lived here then that means Aphrodite could be living here too.

Feeling my hands sweat I wipe them on my pants and open the door to get out the car.

Smoothing down my tux to try and soothe my nerves I walk up to the door and hesitate for a moment before knocking on the door.

There was only a few seconds in-between me knocking and the door opening but it seemed to take forever before my eyes finally landed on those beautiful pair of mismatched eyes.

My little Aphy.

Everything in me was wanting to bring her in my arms and never let her go but seeing as though she barely knows me anymore I decided to just keep my hands at my sides.

Unknowingly clenching my fists together.

We continued to stare at each other just taking everything in.

She looked the exact same.

The unique mismatched eyes, the face full of freckles, the raven black hair that seems to touch the back of her knees, and the heart shaped birthmark underneath her eye that blended in with her freckles.

The only thing different was her aura.

You could feel the waves of happiness flow off of her in waves anytime of day when she was younger, but now it was cold. It was like the happiness was sucked right out of her.

Her eyes didn't have that warmth that they used to. They looked dead.

Her eyes had dark circles under them letting me know she didn't get much sleep. Seems as though that never changed from when she was younger.

Even though it felt like forever with us just looking at each other it was only a few seconds before she moved from in front of the door and opened it more to let us inside.

"I'm guessing we need to talk then huh?" Her voice was cold and distant. It also had a slight rasp to it like she didn't use her voice much.

Coming out of the shock I've seemed to be in all day I walk into the house and walk towards the living room where I see Athena sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.

All of us sit on the long couches as they sit on the love seats and just look at us.

It was awkward for a moment as everyone just took everything in before I decided to finally do something with my life and say something.

"So um if you weren't told already, I-I'm your father, Donatello." I curse at myself in my head for stuttering. Clearing my throat I start again. "This is your oldest brother Lorenzo, your second oldest brother Raphael, then you have Apollo and Zeus they're triplets with your other brother hades who's at home with your other brothers." I can see the shock in Athena's face while Aphrodite has a blank look plastered on her face.

"Omg how many brothers to do we have!" Athena exclaimed throwing her hands up as she started to pace the living room.

"Well your mother and I had 10 children including you guys and you guys were the only girls so..." I trailed off knowing it was a lot.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 8 BROTHERS!" Athena looked stressed and it was kind of funny.

Again Aphrodite just looked at us.

"Well to be fair only 6 of us are your older brothers." Lorenzo says keeping his eyes locked on Aphrodite.

"Oh you've go to be kidding me." This time Athena whispered as she sat back down next to Aphrodite only to scoot away from her.

Exchanging looks with Lorenzo and Raphael we turn back to them.

"Ok so why did you keep them then? Was it because you didn't want girls?" Athena asked. Hurt lacing her voice. At this question my heart broke, I was hoping they didn't think we gave them up but I can see why they would think so.

"I know it's a lot to take in but the only thing I want you guys to really understand is that we never ever gave you up. You guys were so precious to us and since you were taken from us me and your mother never stopped looking for you. I just hope you can believe that." I try to look them both in the eyes so they know I'm telling them the truth.

This time Aphrodite is the one to break the silence. "So what exactly is it that you do, that would make other people want to take us from you." Her eyes narrowed at me and her mismatched eyes almost made me flinch.

At that question I froze.

I have no clue how to answer that.

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