𝙲𝚑. 𝟷𝟼: 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚗

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For ten days straight, you were put through multiple exams, forced to sit in front of a screen and watch different play-by plays, etc. It was a bit overwhelming, but you managed just fine. You never knew you could miss your team, even Raichi, who annoyed the crap out of you with his attitude. Being surrounded by a bunch of guys was once again an annoyance for you. Eventually though, on the tenth day...

"Knock knock! Wake up all of you"

Anri was pounding on each of our doors. We had been placed in a different area from our teams. They really meant it when they said we wouldn't see each other. You lazily get out of bed, fixing your bed head and putting on the casual clothes you were provided with. You walk out of your small dorm once you're done, being the last person to do so. The other boys looked at you with a sort of enthralled gaze, probably because they hadn't seen a girl in such a long time.

Anri motioned for us to follow her, "C'mon. We have to get to the meeting place, where second selection officially begins"

Everyone follows behind her, some of the boys nervous, while other hide their nervousness. You were... indifferent. Of course you were nervous to see the other players, but you also couldn't wait to see Team Z again. Eventually, Anri stops at a door that say "Second Selection". Everyone whispers among themselves.

Anri clears her throat, "All right, this is it.. Please walk in and wait alongside the boys. I wish you all the best of luck"

And with that, the doors slowly open, everyone of you guys pushing through each other to get inside. You let the others go in first, not wanting to have to push your way through. You step into a pretty empty room, well, except the fact that there's multiple boys. It seemed that Ego had just finished explaining something to the boys, cuz they look rather pissed. Chigiri looks down from the screen to see you, a soft look in his eyes returning.

"Is that a girl?"
"Woah, it is!"
"Aww was she one of the managers?"

You already feel annoyed by the whispers, ignoring them and walking over to Team Z, Chigiri being the first to greet you.

"Hey there manager... How's it been for you?"

I scoff, pointing at his eyes, "I'm doing a lot better than the rest of you that's for sure. I'm assuming your physical conditioning took a lot out of you guys?"

Kunigami grunts in response, "That's one way of putting it..."

I sigh and look up at the screen, "So what did slim jim up there tell you guys?"

"You're mighty chatty down there, aren't you Team Z... now..."

Everyone on Team Z, including you, looked embarrassed being called out like that. It was strange, seeing that you seemed to be the only manager who had actually gone up to your team. The rest of the managers were off to the side, minding their own business. Perhaps it was because you were the only one who managed to form such strong bonds with your team? Four different baskets of footballs were lifted into the room.

"Now... once you're ready, step through the door, one at a time.." Ego spoke with a bit of narcism in his voice.

Isagi's eyes widened, "One... at a time?"

Bachira looked a bit nervous as well, "Meaning we won't be going into this together?"

Ego nodded, "Why of course.... Each selection gets more difficult than the last. In this stage... the trash will be taken out first, leaving only the true egoists.... and as for my lovely managers..."

A new door appeared next to the door the blue lock players would be stepping through. It too said second selection, but there was a small fingerprint scan at the side of the door.

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