Chapter 2: We are a Society

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"It's 6:45 come on it's time to go!" my mother yelled from down the hall. I walked out of my room and with every step I took I got more anxious. I did not want to go to this Society group and talk about my feelings. My feelings are mine to keep and mine to know.

We pulled up to the public library around 6:57 and there were barely any vehicles parked in the parking lot. I saw some kids my age walking into the building. They looked just as sad and unwanting to be here as I was. They slouched their way into the building.

I got out the car and heard my mother say "I'll be here to pick you up at eight. Be good and try to open up a bit." Right before I shut the door I said "Okay, bye." Then I shut the door and turned to face the place that was supposed to make me better. When I walked in it was very cold in the building.

I saw about 15 people sitting crisscross applesauce on the ground in a circle. They have perfectly fine tables and chairs here I have no idea why they're sitting on the ground. Each and everyone of them had a blank expression on their face. "Hey." someone said to me. I looked to my right and saw a boy. He had big brown eyes and a soft smile. "I'm Tyler."

"Ella." I said confused as ever. "Are you here for dare to be different?" he asked. I just nodded my headed. I don't know why but this boy, Tyler, seemed a bit jittery and anxious when he talked.

"Well its straight down there j-just pick a spot and sit. I-It's about to start so I'd hurry now if I were you." he said while placing one hand in his pocket and the other on the back of his neck.

"Okay." And I was on my way. I made it to the small circle and I found me a spot. I sat in a huge gap. No one was near me and I had my own space. I seem to have sat down in perfect timing because just as my bottom made contact with the ground a guy stood up and began talking.

"Hello everyone my name is Bryce. And hopefully by the end of this I will know each and everyone of you guys name. I see some familiar faces but some are new." for a split second we made eye contact and I knew that I was the new face.

"Here's how everything works, everyone is friends here. No judging and no hate. We are all here because we all have problems of our own." I was distracted by something happening on the side of me. That Tyler kid claimed a spot right next to me. I looked at him bizarrely. He looked back at me with big brown eyes and gave me a sorry glance. I liked the fact that I had my own little area. Why did he have to come and screw this up for me?

He literally could have sat anywhere else. I'm really not liking this society group so far. "We are all going to get to know a little bit about each other tonight. I am not going to force you to tell us anything uncomfortable but I will have to know your name." he smirked. "Now I'm going to start the circle off and then we are going to go clockwise." he said and then he sat crisscross applesauce on the floor again.

"I'm Bryce a few years ago I caught my wife cheating on me with my best friend. It was a very rough time for me to go through. I struggled so much. Not only did I lose my wife I lost my best friend. I'm still not over it and I'm not expecting myself to be. People just can be really stupid and make really bad decisions and they don't even think about how it can affect the other person. It's just something we tend to do." Bryce was a half bald stubby guy. He continued to talk about his heartbreak and the ways he learned to cope with it.

He said he used to write a lot of stuff down about the way he was feeling. Then he started to exercise, then he started to paint but nothing worked for him. The only thing that really helped him get over it was making this society group. Now he's managing things a lot better.

Now that I got a better look up close I noticed there was really only about eight people in here. Eight people who had suffered tragedy.

After Bryce went Megan, she was homeless and had a miscarriage from malnutrition of her baby. She got pregnant just before she became homeless and she couldn't afford the proper vitamins and nutrients for her baby. So the baby passed away when she was four months pregnant.

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