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I was sitting blankly but suddenly I remembered my spare small knife in my pants I slowly opened it without him noticing me. I then cut his hand away. His gun dropped and he screamed in pain as his hand was cut.

I was so mad at him that I took the knife and stabbed him more than 10times in his heart. I felt happy to kill him but I was sad as I killed a child father. Now I have to take the responsibility of the child. My whole shirt was with blood.

I went to the location where Sarah said me and I found Fon. She was tied to a chair. That time I received call from Nop as Becky had been taken to hospital. So I just took Fon in my car and we went to the hospital. Fon was still unconscious.

As we reached she woke up. As she knew me. She asked me continuously where was her mom and she was crying. I took her inside the hospital. She was even scared of me as my shirt was fully dipped with blood.

End of Flashback

As I said the whole thing Becky was already sobbing while mom was saying sorry continuously and Fon where is she as I turned around she had fallen on the ground. I took her and made her sleep on the bed. I was so mad at myself. I said "Becky can you accept Fon?" I was in fear what is she didn't except.

She said while crying "I'm sorry Freen I thought you very wrong you're such a good person. I'll take care of Fon as my own child don't worry. I think she is in shock as she heard about her mother's death don't worry I'll not let her feel she doesn't have a mom."

I went close to her and held her hand. I said "Thank you so much becky."

I was about to hug her but she said "Freen First clean yourself. Till then you can't touch me nor the baby."

I just smiled and left while taking Fon with me. As I came home Fon got conscious. I said "Fon I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother. Can you accept me as your daddy?"

She didn't say anything she just cried. I know she feels bad about it. I took her inside the home and we both took bath together. I gave her Becky's dress but it was too large for her. So I took her to a shopping centre and buyed her dress but she didn't look at a single dress. She was very sad.

I said "Fon did you like this."

But she still didn't talk a word I was afraid. Then as she wore a new dress Becky came back from the hospital. I wanted to take the baby in my hands. As I saw baby I was so scared to pick it up as it is so small like a doll. It looks so adorable like Becky. I said "Fon come here see your sister."

Now Fon slowly came towards me. Becky just sat beside me. As Fon saw baby she had a smile on her face. Becky pulled her closer and said "Fon don't be sad you can call me mommy ok." And Becky smiled at her. Fon immediately hugged her and I was happy. Baby also was smiling cutely.

I saw bonbon barking at us so I gave becky the baby and took bonbon in my hands I showed him baby and said "Hey bonbon see your sister. She is so cute know." Bonbon was continuously barking at baby and Fon. I said "Hey stop it Bonbon I know you're happy to have two sisters now let them be in some silence."

He becme silent after that. He understands us so well then Fon touched him on his head and patted. He just liked her hand. Fon smiled cutely like she was so happy.

All were happy about it. Fon also accepted us as her parents and we did our best to show her love and affection her mom showed to her.

Baby started to cry after a while so Becky took her inside to feed her. Fon went behind her. I was just sitting on sofa as I couldn't see Becky like that. We are still not together. I don't know when we will be able to do that but for now I'm happy with my lovely family of mine.


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