Part 42 Meeting his daughter for the first time

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SAM: Molly?!

MOLLY: Oh God. I can hear you. I can hear you!

MOLLY: Oh God! I can see you.

SAM: I can't stay anymore.

ODA MAE: They're waiting on you, Sam.

SAM: I know. I'm gonna miss you, Oda Mae. Your mother'd be proud.

ODA MAE: I'm gonna miss you too. You're all right.

SAM: I SAY IT WITH MY EYES I SAY IT WITH MY TOUCH I SAY IT WITH MY HEART I LOVE (nearly whispering) YOUI love you, Molly. I've always loved you.

Molly: Ditto.

SAM: It's amazing, Moll...

SAM: The love inside. You take it with you.

See ya.

Molly: See ya. Bye

The lights went down at the end of the show. The audience applauded so loudly and there was cheering.

The cast came back on for their final bows. The audience were all on their feet. Daniel was holding Scarlett in his arms so that she could see her Mum on stage performing.

Bella came on with the man playing Sam. They both took their final bows. She could hear her daughter cheering for her. Bella found her with Daniel and Erin she smiled so brightly and then she notices that Tom and Alan were sat just behind Jason. She stopped smiling and then her hand was grabbed for another bow.

They took their final bow and then moved back to let the final curtain come in. The whole cast cheered and hugged each other. Bella just stood there as everyone moved off the stage, she was crying her eyes out as the man who she was in love with from five years ago was here. He had just watched her perform the role that she was offered.

The curtain was raised to show that there was one person still left in the audience. Bella looked up to see that Tom had stayed behind.

"Bella?" Tom shouted as he moved own to the front of the house and towards the pit.

"Hey Tom." Bella replied.

"Can I see you later? I think that we need to talk." Tom told her.

"I'm going to a party that I have arranged with everyone. You can come to the party. I shall add your name to the guest list. It's at the Hard Rock Café in Piccadilly Circus. I will add you to the list when I arrive as it's my debut party anyways. See you later." Bella turned and headed off the stage.

Tom headed out of the auditorium and then headed out of the theatre and then started to walk down towards the Hard Rock café which was down near the theatre that he performed at six years ago.

Jason and his family along with Daniel, Erin and Emma Watson were all outside. The young child was with them. She was currently on the hip of Emma Watson they were both chatting away at each other. She was retelling the story of the show to her. Emma listened intently to the young girl.

Bella arrived not long after. Tom was stood off to one side when he spotted her. They all went in, and Bella headed up and spoke to the host and mentioned that there would one extra and told the host his name so that they could let him in.

They were all escorted downstairs to the restaurant and were all seated in an area away from the main hub of the restaurant.

A waiter took their drinks order and then they began to chat amongst themselves.

Tom decided that he had given them long enough and decided to walk in. He gave his name to the host and then he headed downstairs to be greeted by another host and then he was escorted to where the group were sat.

Everyone was chatting to each other, but then stopped when they saw Tom walking up to them.

"Hi." Tom nervously told them all.

"Thank you for coming Tom, please take a seat." Bella pointed to a seat opposite herself and next to Jason.

Tom walked around and sat down next to Jason who politely nodded to each other. He looked over at Bella who was handing her daughter her Fruit Shoot that she was just given.

Scarlett was sat in her seat in which she had a booster placed on it so that she could sit properly at the table. The waiter started to take their food order.

"Can I have the BBQ chicken wings as a main please, also can I have a kid's chicken and chips meal. Thank you, also another Pepsi Max please." Bella asked of the waiter.

The waiter went around everyone and took their orders.

Tom remained silent at the table. He was just listening in onto other conversations. He then looked over at Bella who had her daughter in her arms waiting for her food to arrive so that she could sit back in her seat.

"Hello. Who are you?" Scarlett asked of Tom.

"I'm Tom. I'm an old friend of your mums. What's your name?" Tom replied.

"I'm Scarlett ..." Scarlett stopped as she knew the person sat in front of her is her daddy. She looked up into mums' eyes as if she was asking to let Tom know her full name.

Bella nodded in the silent response.

"Scarlett Felton."

The table went silent as Bella's daughter announced to Tom that she was his daughter.

Once the food was delivered, Scarlett went back to her chair and started to eat her meal.

The conversation continued.

"Bella, are you excited about your next venture?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait to start rehearsals in a couple of months. It's going to be a hard one unlike Ghost where it is vocally hard, this is both dance and vocal. I loved the rehearsals for Ghost, but it's the dance aspect that I am going to enjoy." Bella replied to Jason.

"I presume that my list of babysitters for Scarlett still stands then?" Bella joked.

"Of course, Bella. We always love having Scarlett around. Even Lily adores her so much, she even treats her like a younger sister." Jason mentioned.

"Thank you, Jason. Scarlett starts nursery soon. I have managed to get her enrolled into one that is close by. Even you would be able to pick her up as it's just around the corner from your home." Bella explained as she started to dig into her chicken wings.

"Oh, ok. That's fine with us. Just send me some details and put my name down on the list of people who can pick her up. Just let me know when you need me to take her."

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