ch. fourteen

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Miran Fushiguro wouldn't say that she's irritated...

Yet she is.

Today after weeks of training, the team was finally sent out on a mission, all first-years to the abandoned mall in downtown Tokyo. There were numerous curse signatures all around the establishment and Yaga-Sensei thought this was a great opportunity to sent them out.

Except now, Shoko and Miran were in the middle of a showdown between Gojo and Geto, they enjoyed going against each other in all types of things: Sports, video games, training... etc.

Miran noticed over the month of friendship with the boys, she sorta gained a motherly bone in her body for the two, mostly the type of a scolding mother. It wasn't easy for Miran to lose patience, she was a mother after all and patient was a key part in raising a child.

But Geto and Gojo, especially Gojo, know just how to tick her off.

A few minutes ago they decided to have a little contest, to see who could exorcize the most curses. Whoever loses pays for everyone's bus ticket back home.

It was a tie and now they were making the two girls choose the winner, Miran honestly didn't have enough time for this since Megumi and Tsumiki are soon going to be out of school.

When this chaotic duo is together there is always sound bound to happen, they are like two out-of-control children. Usually for half of the time Suguru is the most reasonable one, the other half, not so much. Gojo however is a ball of ego, pride and energy, always being the first to start things.

From the many parenting books she's read over the years, she finally concluded what to do in this dire situation:

Make yourself superior to them. They'll make a fuss but will simmer down.

As Shoko was about to point to the winner, Miran patted her hand back down and smiled, a little irk mark on her forehead, "You don't have to choose Shoko, I got this!" She said cheerfully.

Shoko took the hint of malice in her tone as a sign to step away from the three, running away so Miran could unleash anything pent up inside of her.

Shoko took the hint of malice in her tone as a sign to step away from the three, running away so Miran could unleash anything pent up inside of her

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"Kamo-Chan! Make a choice since Shoko ran away," Gojo crossed his arms and eyes Suguru who made the same expression. They huffed childishly at each other. Miran maintained the same irk smile as she walked towards the two, stopping once she was behind them and staring out into the abyss of the empty mall.

"Miran?" Suguru gazed confused while Satoru pushed his hands into his pockets, the two turned around to watch the green-eyed girl's actions.

Without using any technique, Miran pulled out her kitana and sliced the blade gently across her hand, healing it almost instantly while letting the leftover drops of blood lay on her palm.

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