ch. eight

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The Hospital was the place Miran hated the most, it held so much mournful emotion within. It always made her want to cry, it was such a depressing place. However, it held both life and death.

Once a person has passed on, a life is born. Life was such a beautiful thing for Miran, newborns especially. They held such a rare innocence that would never exist until another was born.

That's what calmed her the most while being near her sister. At this moment, her nephew was being born. She felt nervous, maybe it was because of the state her sister entered the building, or maybe it was the feeling of death that polished every surface.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked to her right in the waiting room. An old woman smiled at her and reeled joyfully at being in a Hospital.

"You alright dear. Here, have candy!" The frail woman handed her a few sweets in her dark purple bag. Miran didn't feel like eating right now, she felt too queasy too.

Miran just stared at the pieces of candy in her palm now, the woman continued, "So, who are you waiting for."

"My sister. She's giving birth," Miran said. She didn't look at the woman nor made eye contact, she just stared at the ground and the candy.

The woman held a cheerful aura and jumped a little in her seat, "Really! That must be exciting!"

"No, I'm scared." Miran's head ducked further down.

The woman held a soft smile and sighed, looking away from her in front, "You must hold onto faith, child, It is always there."

Miran glanced up at the frail woman, "Who are you waiting for?"

She smiled brightly again and made eye contact with her, "My husband, he's having heart surgery." Miran's eyes widened, "You're not scared?"

Miran didn't know exactly what kind of surgery it was, but it sounded vital if it had something to do with the heart.

The woman sighed and leaned into the chair, "No, I know he'll make it. He always does." A doctor came up to the frail woman and pulled her away, maybe he made it. In a part of Miran, she hopes the woman and her husband have a good ending, not like this.

Loud footsteps could be heard in the hallway from the patient's rooms, and a familiar dark-haired green-eyed man entered Miran's vision. Miran hopped in her seat, "Toji!"

Toji sighed and sat next to Miran, exhausted, "They didn't let me in. Said to wait until after the birth. I don't know why."

He leaned on the side of the chair arm, rubbing his temple while doing so. Miran frowned her eyebrows, "Why not." It felt wrong to not let her loved ones in, especially at the birth of a baby, at least Toji should be there.

Toji leaned his body into his palm, "Said the room's too small." He looked over at Miran, "You want something from the vending machine." Miran nodded like a little numbly, he got up, " Salty or sweet," he asked.


Toji left for a few moments and then came back with a bag of chips, "Here. Wake me up when they come up to us alright."

Toji closed his eyes and leaned more into the chair. Miran nodded and opened her bag of chips, "Alright."

Miran felt a soft pat on her head, she looked up to meet eye to eye from Toji. He smiled, "Miran, good job." She didn't know why he said that, but it made her happy.

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