ch. two

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Miran observed her surroundings, holding onto Toji's pant leg as he led her. Earlier that day, Toji told her that he had to get some information from his old home.

She didn't ponder further.

It's been a whole four months since they both encountered a curse and Miran has been asking non-stop questions, like what they were and how she can see them.

He answered her every time. Emi has been the most excited about their bonding, at first, she didn't think they would get along.

Toji and Miran were actually getting along not just in Emi's eyes but personally too. They began to spend more time together as Toji was forced on multiple occasions to play dolls with her, he never said no. She also got to meet his weird curse worm that always seemed to lurk near her the most.

Nevertheless, Toji needed to go back to getting information from the archives out of the Zen'in estate. Although he despised coming back, it was the only way he could obtain files that could connect to the girl's ancestry. He needed to find her connections to the Jujutsu world.

Although some sorcerers didn't have parents who are curse users, there is always something in their ancestry that leads them to inherit it. Getting that information irritated Toji, he would have to go back to the Zen'in estate.

Hell itself, he'd call it.

The estate is still the same as he left it, a cold, dark abyss, waiting to capture anyone who treads inside. Toji hasn't stepped into this zone in almost two and a half years.

Before stepping in, he took in a large, sharp breath.

Walking into the estate, he could already hear people's whispers at the sight of him. Some sounded surprised while others showed a sense of distaste. He wanted to leave already, hating to be back here.

But... it's the only way.

Miran observed the people who watched them enter, the people in the front held a face of shock when they stared at him.

"Why are they surprised?" She questioned, looking at all the faces they passed.

Toji held a straight presence, not once looking at the people who observed them like they were wild animals, "I haven't been here in a while."

With that response, she looked up at him, "Why?"

Before he could answer, a person walked up to him from the main building. It was Kei, the head servant of the Zen'in clan.

"Toji Zen'in, what are you doing here?" Kei questioned with a neutral expression. Kei wore a fitted kimono and slippers. He crossed his arms as he waited patiently for Toji's response.

"I have some information I need in the archives."

Kei nodded and beckoned them to follow him, "You must first speak with the head of your absence."

Toji knew it was coming but dreaded it anyway. He sighed once again, already exhausted just by standing there.

He kneeled to Miran and pointed straight ahead to the rooms on the right, "Go with the women, it's a few doors to the right, you'll see them."

Miran felt a flood of anxiety fill her, she was nervous by all the eyes and speech that ignited within the estate, "Toji."

Toji gave her a small smirk, hiding his true expression to ease her own, he patted her head, ruffling her hair, "You'll be fine."

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