An Idea For Trailer 2

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Hi guys, I thought of making trailer 2 for Feeble. I didn't change the faceclaims for some characters like Danny and Annie Winter in the Feeble Pinterest board. I've changed only Linda, Charlotte, Sanchez, Gustavo, and Layla. But, you'll see the major changes for the Warrior board soon.

Here are the ideas I have for Trailer 2:

- The trailer might be 1 minute long.

- Have some narration from Sanchez's character. Try to find a clip where Salma Hayek is narrating something and relate that to Feeble.

- Use Moon Knight as the fight scenes because of course there aren't any videos of a flying knight acting like Batman as well as flying like Superman at the same time. So, Moon Knight and possibly Daredevil (the Netflix one or the Ben Afflick one) will be used to mimic the Valiant. It's gonna be in black and white.

- I might use Hans Zimmer's Time score over the trailer.

- Show Middleton City, Foscowe Valley (neighborhood), the town of Foscowe, and the Mayor (possibly Clancey Brown or the new Mayor faceclaim).

- Show Betty or her new faceclaim.

- Use stock videos. iMovie. Kinemaster. ANY OF THE BUNCH.

- Only have Sanchez narrate. Have some scenes with James. The same goes for Linda. Have a transformation at the end. Then the ending will be titled: Only on Wattpad.

- I feel like using the 2020s cast in the trailer with Quintessa as the lead and using Tom Hiddleston as Goldwind. They are the same characters regardless of the faceclaims for the main series. I imagine Logan Browning and Quintessa as Linda. The same goes for the rest.

- Ideas are subject to change.

Final thoughts: The second trailer of Feeble might be out after I finish rewriting the novel. The novel goes first but things are subject to change. However, stay tuned for more updates.

Other thoughts: I'll say my editing-styled videos are getting a little better because some of the videos I made on my old YouTube channel aren't bad but can be kinda cringey to me just from how far I come.

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